Which section in the library/bookstore do you detest ?

Which section in the library/bookstore do you detest ?

12 answers , last was 15 years ago

Well, I am very uncomfortable by the fact that apparently in Singapore (Asian context), many flock to the section of "Feng Sui" / astrology / palm reading / fortune telling stuff/ homeopathy. Which for me is categorized under Pseudo science. It is scary that a large number of the population would "devote" their lives to faithfully reading this crap. (Excuse my french...)

Feng sui -
How do you actually define energy flow in the body. Yin ang yang ?

Pertaining to horoscope/astrology -
"You participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relatively arbitrary define constellations the time of your birth somehow affects your personality." - Sheldon. (The big bang theory)

Palm reading/fortune telling -
It's probably cold reading and a bit of neuro linguistic persuasion that leads you to believing that the gibberish the guy is taking about is actually true.

Homeopathy -
ear candling - there isn't a vacuum and the yellowish stuff you see is not ear wax !
Fish nibbling on your wounds - more a medium for communicable diseases.
Bubble baths for your foot that apparently turns brown due to the release of your body's toxins and bad energy - its a chemical process, somewhat like rusting of Fe ! and Chlorine gas gets released. Next time try not putting your feet in, I'm quite certain the water will also turn brown.

Asked by Sammy Phua in Career & School at 4:03pm on May 28th, 2009
Brenda Pappas 1236
Answered at 1:09am on June 17th, 2009
SELF HELP! Yuck... Bunch of needy people trying to find the answers to their life problems ina book instead of doing the hard work of looking inside themselves and trusting their gut instincts. UGH!
Bonnie Cowell New Brain
Answered at 11:12pm on June 8th, 2009
The reference section.....it is too brainy for me!
Anna Lee Grant 1391
Answered at 2:55am on June 6th, 2009
The self-help section. It's very depressing and never misses a subject lol.
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 11:38pm on June 5th, 2009
the craft section. its full of smelly old cranky women and my mother always dragged me there when we went to te library.
Jody Mena 2396
Answered at 7:52pm on June 5th, 2009
Answering this question may well be tantamount to blasphemy for me, but if I had to pick one, it would be the Romance section. I've read one or two decent romance novels in my time, but then, as I kept reading, I found that they are all the same in the end. That, and most of the cover art makes me gag. Too many half-naked beautiful people in the throes of ecstasy; it seems less realistic to me than the sci-fi and fantasy section.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 8:56am on June 3rd, 2009
I generally avoid going to history section..
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 2:29pm on May 31st, 2009
The one with books in it.
Stevie Hinton 2322
Answered at 2:46am on May 29th, 2009
Dude seriously, I'm done with the manga/japanese comic book section. It's right by the poetry section in most chain book stores. I just want to sit down and glance at some Robert Bly and think about how much I want to assassinate Billy Collins... and over to the corner of my vision is a gaggle of 20 kids with pink hair, dressed in black, and chasing one another around in the mangas. Also, I used to read that stuff, then I discovered it was making my depression worse. So I stopped reading it and now I believe manga can be quite depressing.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 1:18am on May 29th, 2009
oh man...yer gonna KILL me and put me to DEATH. That's the section I go to FIRST. Because it's a fun 'n' therapeutic hobby and I'm looking fer new suggestions >:D Nobody's takin my money except the copier ;P Cause I know it's less than the resulting fine if I dare to check a book out. (seriously. it's true. I cannot return books on time, so I try and copy the pages I need if possible.)

(Oh and come ON man. Sunspots cause storms and stuff, and the moon makes tides and whacko behavior (???)....so I say why CAN'T our personalities be affected by planetary positions in relation to US at the time of birth?? U know with gravity and all that...crap. C'mon man, our brains are WEAK, so even the friggin magnetic field might have a say in whut we ARE! Tell me I'm wrong. J/k, I don't ACTUALLY consider it science, (cause come on, you get THREE major signs to a person, so SOMETHING has to fit!!! Plus a person's individual chart includes ALL TWELVE, each assigned to a different area of life! so more like very artistic therapy/personality analysis that's tons of fun. hehe. After all, "Saturn in Sagittarius" sounds MUCH more pretty than "yer feelin like a failure." or "you're having difficulty." "Attracted to water signs" sounds much prettier than "very dramatic love life." For Tarot, "The Moon," card adds a soothing touch to "you're very confused and things aren't what they seem" It's a bunch of star (and such) METAPHORS that pretty much help ppl relax. (NOT being combative or anything tho cause not every1 finds it helpful and I don't expect them to.)

Ok, the section I HATE??? Hm. Prolly the damn CD section. It's a STUDY in disappointment cause they NEVER have anything good (no matter which library)....and I thought this BEFORE Limewire or whutever :)

Oh, sorry, just haaaad to tell about my ONE experience w/palm reading. I offered to read a guy's palm at a party (we were both BEYOND shitfaced) and I pretty much started saying stuff that I could have gotten from our 5+ hour long conversation we'd had till then. But he freaked out, like, "omg, that's RIGHT!" AND he was not putting me on or anything. Example, he had been bitching about how much he hated living w/his parents, and I looked at his palm later and said, "You're wishing right now you were more independent." Stuff like that. It was fun! :) He was super impressed. But the poor guy was drunk, so this is no slam on his intelligence what-so-ever :)

Feng shui is very pretty but I agree anal retentive. Might have a lovely therapeutic/motivational effect on an anal retentive/ritualistic personality tho! It kind of reminds me of the bowls that the babylonians (???) used to put in corners to "keep the demons out." That could actually be why ppl like it :X

oh and I hate the fish nibbling. STUPID!!! WHAT DOES IT DO THAT A FUCKING LOOFAH CAN'T????!!!!

sorry for going blah blah on u!!!!

oh and doesn't plain old water turn brown ANY time u put dirty feet in it???
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 10:17pm on May 28th, 2009
The section on Marriage and Parenting, or how to have a happy family life.

I was raised by parents who should probably never have been allowed to have children. They were (Mom's dead now but my 91-year-old Dad still is) abusive, mean and dysfunctional.

So when I had my own kids, I was determined to break that cycle. I took parenting and marriage classes. I studied about child development. I read dozens of books, and I listened to the advice of counsellors and friends.

After spending thousands of dollars on counselling and books, I came to the realization that my own gut instincts were all I ever needed. Most of those books are probably well-meaning but ridiculous in their suggestions or programs. Not one single book had advice that worked the way they claimed it would.

And don't even get me STARTED on Diet Books! LOL


Sammy- Feng Sui...LOL!!

I have read a couple of books on it, and I find the "rules" to be anal-retentive and silly. That being said, there are some rooms, or buildings, or locations where I feel a peaceful calm just being there, and other places where I experience oppressive or claustrophobic or unsettling emotional feelings.

For instance, I am personally uncomfortable with an over-abundance of furniture, clutter, non-functional objects and knick knacks in a room. I prefer clean lines and well-designed, minimal but functional furnishings, with one or two well-done art pieces.

I'm guessing that Feng Sui was developed in an attempt to control those emotional experiences and to find a way to make the surroundings "feel" better.
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