The miracle/burden of birth !

The miracle/burden of birth !

13 answers , last was 15 years ago

My friend just gave birth recently and God knows how this question popped into my mind. It is rather irrelevant but interesting to think about.

For the men - How many kids do you or would you like to have. Would that number change if you were the one giving birth ?

For the women - How many kids do you or would you like to have. Would that number change if your other half was the one giving birth ?

Asked by Sammy Phua in Anatomy at 5:19pm on May 14th, 2009
Daniel Barron 1612
Answered at 4:47pm on May 25th, 2009
Someone told me this once, and I like it, so i'll share it:
One is nothing.
Two is something.
Three is enough.


I think it's important to remember that these things happen as they happen and If you presuppose how many you will have you set yourself up for disappointment if it doesn't happen that way. There are always 2 people involved in this decision so compromise is key.
Shannon Dobija New Brain
Answered at 7:26pm on May 21st, 2009
I have given birth to and am raising 5 great kids! I would have more if my body could take it! I would not want to give up the blessing of carrying and giving birth to my children! I loved almost every minute of it . I would not change that for anything!!!
Paula Thompson 1502
Answered at 4:32pm on May 21st, 2009
God is the author of miracles, birthing baby's is one of His greatest. I have two babies. I still can't spell.
My son is 31 and my daughter is 28. I had 52 hours of labor with my son, he weighed in a 9.12, 21 1/2 inches long. My girl was 7.15, she was about four weeks early.
It still sadens me that I lost four babies. Four miscarriages. The cool thing is that I will see them in heaven. The Lord has prepared a place for those that believe in Him. John 14:1-2
Let me know if you want more scriptures about His saving grace and mercy.
Stevie Hinton 2322
Answered at 6:12am on May 17th, 2009
If my partner were to change, I would never have kids. But he would want them if we stayed together for a reasonable time (not that I think we won't). So, I'll have 2 babies. I always needed a sibling growing up-- I think it's more natural because humans are social creatures. If I was really rich though, I would get someone else to carry the babies. Also, I'd consider having more, if really rich. But, being pregnant is NOT on my to-do list.

If my boytoy would have to be the pregnant one, his want to produce offspring would more than likely decline. So, I wouldn't really care.
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 11:04pm on May 15th, 2009
I would have another child in a heart beat if my husband was the one who got pregnant!!!! Ofcourse, that is not the case, so....prob. just one for us :)

Labor and delivery...although difficult to say the lest....were the least of my issues. I HATED being pregnant! I was sick for 4 months, itchy for 3, and then I was just FAT and couldn't do ANYTHING because my huge belly was in the way. I didn't like when she moved around inside me, I had Awful heartburn, I couldn't get enough to eat or drink, ....and on and on and on...

NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG......I LOVE MY LITTLE GIRL! and it was totally worth it, but I don't know if I could do it again. No one really explained to me how LONG 9+ months really is.

So, if my hubby could be the pregnant one that would be great (and pretty funny to watch...see how he handled it all??) Until then, we are a one child family (for now.....?!?)
Unknown Brain 2223
Answered at 11:22am on May 15th, 2009
My sister-in-law was in labor for 18 hours... SCEW THAT! I can't even do something I LIKE for 18 hours.
As soon as I found out I was pregnant I would schedule a C-Section two weeks before the due date.
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 8:49am on May 15th, 2009

Great question, Sammy!

I am pretty sure I would not have more than one child if my ex-husband had had to be the one giving birth. That man could go on and on for days whining about a hangnail!! And if he was REALLY in pain, he was grumpy and snarling in between the whining and bitching. (Of course, if other guys were around, it was just a flesh big deal. LOL)

I have no idea if my ex would have been willing to have more than one. I'm certain I would not have been willing to put him through that more than once.

It is true that childbirth is painful and exhausting, but for me, the rewards were amazingly worth it. I was at the time, and I still am concerned about world over-population. I decided that two children was my limit for that reason. I have two beautiful, smart and talented daughters...and now four amazing grandkids.

One thing that happens to women immediately after childbirth is their bodies are flooded with endorphins. It creates a euphoric feeling that is amazing....Runner's high X 500.

That is probably why so many women say they "forget" the pain as soon as they hold their baby. I believe it is nature's way for the mother to associate a great feeling with their new baby, and therefore have an incentive to care for the baby and ensure its survival.
Unknown Brain 2031
Answered at 11:49pm on May 14th, 2009
Hello .. world's biggest puss here.. No I would not have had even a single child if I had been the one to have had to give birth. The human female is the toughest creature on the planet.. I beleive that. Their threshold for pain is absolutely unbelievable. I was in tears three times, and was a basket case on all three occasions. Nothing in this world can compare to the pain and joy of watching a woman give birth... but hey .. I cut the umbiblical cord.. ;) BIG deal!

I have sat on the side of the bed for two different women, and watched two daughters and a son come into the world. I was 22 years old the first time, 23 the second time and 39 the third time. I was too old the third time.. I was not sure I could handle the thing all over again.. I kid you not, it took me less than one second to fall in love with my little Kimmy. She is to me the final word and a great thing in my life.

I am a much better father the third time. The years I had between served to help me and not hinder me. Yes I have worried about my age, and about the fact that I have a 6 year old daughter (7 in two weeks) as well as a grandson. I wish to see as much as I can, but I do NOT wish to see another kid fathered by me. It is time for me to help my children grow and maybe be a grandfather for awhile.
Unknown Brain 1830
Answered at 10:43pm on May 14th, 2009
I intend to have 2-3 kids, possibly more. I want the experience of raising both a son and a daughter, and should I come up with a mother for them (lol), I intend to keep trying until I have at least 1 of each... Well, I'd cut it off at 5 total probably.

The question "Would that number change if you were the one giving birth?" is an interesting one.

If I were exactly as I am now, with my same life experiences, same overall chemical makeup, and just happened to have the ability to bear children in addition to all that, my answer would be the same.

On the other hand, if I had been born female rather than being a male with a rather disturbing upgrade, my life experiences would have been quite different, not to mention my genes and my bodies chemical/hormonal makeup. In this scenario, I have no frame of reference for what my choice in the matter would be.
Kathleen O'Brien Williams 1642
Answered at 10:28pm on May 14th, 2009
This is a fun question for me. I come from a time and place where big familys were the norm. I consider a big family 4 plus kids. There where 11 kids in my husbands family and 5 in mine. We have 4 together. Sons 31, 29, 24,and 21.The only planned one was the last one because.. are you ready? I wanted an even numbered family! So we stopped at 4 because in my head if I had 5 , I would have had to have 6. Crazy I know. Having children is serious buisness and had I waited untill I was ready I'd be sitting here childless. How many children would we have if my husband had to give birth. We'll never know because his answer would be clouded by the fact he witnessed 4 births. I'd say that we'd have 4 children still because family is important to me and he would want me happy. He is so smart.
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