What have you learnt today ?

What have you learnt today ?

29 answers , last was 15 years ago

It may be an experience,
it may be educational,
it may be funny,
it may be embarrassing,
it may be anything.

Hopefully, this sharing may encourage others, learn from others, or even unite people with the same interest.

Educational -The integumentary system is damm boring
Stupid - I broke out into cold sweat and my nose started bleeding in a social party.
New - I'm starting to feel that a nocturnal lifestyle, makes time pass by faster

Asked by Sammy Phua in Random Questions at 11:54pm on March 28th, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 8:19am on April 27th, 2009
That you CAN actually have too much sugar in one day. Did not think that would happen, cause i suddenly got sick of eating oreos which never happens even after a whole package! But now i want some cake. hmm maybe im not sick of sugar after all. so i think ive learned that I may occasionally get sick of oreo cookies.
Cheryl Little 1416
Answered at 5:07pm on April 2nd, 2009
I've learned that "learnt" is used primarily by people who speak " British English" therefore Sammy may be British. If not, then he needs more work on his American English. I also learned that there are a lot of people out there who can't spell worth a darn and have very poor grammar. Not that mine is perfect but we should all know that you never start a sentence with "And". That should be common knowledge amongst literate Americans.
Finally, today, I learned that Mary Grady (Chicago, IL) is a very smart lady with a great outlook on life.
Mary Grady New Brain
Answered at 3:15am on April 2nd, 2009
I learned that I am still broke but yet I am rich!!!
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 1:02am on April 2nd, 2009
how to wire a soundboard to a speaker system. too much to explain....
Jonathan Burley 2375
Answered at 11:25pm on April 1st, 2009
I learnt why choice of origin is frighteningly important when using Euler body axes to describe a rotating object (ie. Me do Physics of interesting application but doubtful purpose)

I just now realised I can't remember ANY of the equations I tried to memorise earlier today

And therefore I've learnt that my University exams are probably going to fuck me up the arse in about 10 weeks time...

Oh. Bollocks.

Also saw that Magpies are curious of the free-range tortoise in my garden (but still moderately frightened in case he's got surprise leap in him :P)
Alejandro Perez Velilla New Brain
Answered at 8:16pm on April 1st, 2009
I learned to not answer a stranger's question.
Marie Sacco 1360
Answered at 7:05pm on April 1st, 2009
I learned..... That I can be frighteningly diplomatic when I want to be. Which isn't often
I also learned that LEARNT ain't a word.....LOL so technically, I Learnt nothin
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 7:05pm on April 1st, 2009
that "learnt" is not a word and some people evidently think it is. I think the word you are looking for is "LEARNED."
Mike Qtips 1326
Answered at 6:58pm on April 1st, 2009
That the Improv Everywhere guys are pretty damn funny.
Sarah Alami New Brain
Answered at 4:42pm on April 1st, 2009
That Rodney Dangerfield was a Rapper!!!!!
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