8 answers , last was 15 years ago

I will be posting all the shepherd's notes to their sheep here. (Under details section).

Replies from the sheep would be posted as per normal and must begin with, eg, "To Jim's shepherd..." Have fun !!!

Especially for George
Welcome to the flock George. Enjoy your day. - Shepherd.

Especially for Jim
"Hello, Sheep, you need nickname. What 3 words best describe you? I will decide on nickname based on your answers." - Shepherd

Especially for Scott
How you doing? Good to see you fully recovered... - Shepherd

Especially for Amy
HeLlO aMy... (LiTTLe ShEEp)
ThiS Is juSt thE fIRst oF WhaT miGHt be a SeRies oF noTEs To YOu. ClUeS AbOuT Me ARe EaSY tO CoME BY Soooo I WIll attempt TO thRoW YOu oFF a Bit, By WRitinG mY LettERs in THis StYLE.
I like ThE CoLOr HuNtEr GReeN, ANd I Am CalLeD The Ant BY soMe InSiDErs.
YOur SHePpArd

Especially for Stephania
"Your so fine I wanna give you some wine and make you mine" - Your Shepherd

Especially for Kasim
Hi, Kasim. I hope you're having a good day! I will try to take good care of you! LOL I am looking forward to this! I hope you are too! See ya! - Your Shepherd

Especially for Danielle
Hello Danielle, my precious little sheep. Are you comfortable? do you need anything?
Your doting Shepherd.

Especially for Sarika
Sarika - what a beautiful name. Sorry it took me so long to write, as I was in the air as to what I wanted to say. - Your Shepherd

Hello Amy

Make you a deal... you guess me and we call it good k?? - Your Shepherd

Asked by Sammy Phua in Games at 6:38pm on May 8th, 2009
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 2:33pm on May 11th, 2009
To danielle's shepherd......I am quite comfy and rightnow I don't need anything, but thank you for asking! Actually, now that I think of it, I need more hints, my doting keep writing

Your sheep


To danielle's shepherd,

I'm glad that you find being a shepherd worth's always good for the soul to love your job! I was wondering if your name, dear shepherd, starts with an "S" (first name of course)...let me know if I am on the right track.

Your Sheep
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 10:48pm on May 10th, 2009
To my shepherd,
I'm not sure if I know you well enough yet, but I like your style. I hope you'll send me another note. Take care! Bye for now!
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 9:45pm on May 10th, 2009
To my Shepherd - Where the hell are ya!? My wool is overgrown, and I need a snog!
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 5:09pm on May 10th, 2009
My dear Shepherd,

Thanks for writing to me.. Yes my parents gave me a beautiful name.. it means a nightingale.. and as name goes, your sheep has a beautiful voice too.. :)

So howz ur weekend going? What did you do? Any goodies for your sheep?

Take good care of yourself cos you have to take care of me...

Your sweet lamb.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 4:04am on May 9th, 2009
A nickname would be nice Ms. Shepherd :) I am Loyal, Trustworthy... oh, and kinda arrogant. :) Now who shall I be.......

Da sheep.
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 1:35am on May 9th, 2009
To Kasim's shephard: Im havin a great day, my chest is popin more than usual today from yesterdays workout and its always nice to see an extra pop through the top. I am also looking forward to blowing up your spot. hehe And also getting to know you better.

much love,

your sheep to keep

i already know you are a woman. muahaha.
Zee Zee 2308
Answered at 1:26am on May 9th, 2009
I'm loving my shepherd!!! Get a girl drunk! YEA!!!!! Be careful i'll start to unravel my wool!
Unknown Brain 2031
Answered at 12:06am on May 9th, 2009
Scott's Sheppard:

I'll write in comments.. do not post your replies there though.. continue to post into Sammy's inbox.
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