

16 answers , last was 15 years ago

My cat is basically a set of claws with some fur attached. Shredding furniture and human flesh are some of her favorite passtimes. It's becoming a problem, yet I've heard that declawing makes cats violent and defensive, and is generally frowned upon as inhumane.

Cat owners! Any opinions? Experiences? Advice? I'm at my wit's end!

Asked by Jody Mena in Cats at 1:03am on January 20th, 2009
Cher Bear 1622
Voted for Leave the claws... at 3:34am on March 24th, 2009
Well... I am a cat owner too and like yours, my cat loves to use his claws. First things first though, determine whether declawing is even an option for the age and weight of your cat. My cat is 7 years old and is 18 pounds. He is too big and too old I was told just 6 months ago. Second, research, research, research. Come up with your own conclusion as to whether you think it is humane or not. From what I came across, I understand declawing really to be amputation of each digit from the first knuckle down. So look at your own hands and find that first knuckle below your fingernail, that is where they are amputating your cat. Also, in my quest for data, I discovered some videos online that shows declawing surgeries. Yes, your cat is "put out" but understand that due to the risk of using anesthesia with animals, vets can never really "put out" the animal for risk of actually killing them. Instead, they are immobolized, but still very aware of the pain, they are just limited in their reaction to it. In fact, in the videos I saw they show how each time the vet cut (with a scissor like device) the cat's digit, the cat would, with his eyes closed, make a cry in response to the pain. To be honest, with those videos combined with a vet assistant's testimony about the declawing surgery, I decided NOT to declaw my cat. However, I have paid the price with all sorts of things scratched up, including my own arm. Now... I am not suggesting you suffer in silence... there are those plastic caps you fill with glue and use to cover your cat's claws. They are not the easiest to put on your cat, but do a few nails at a time and finish the rest when you can. You can find the product at pet stores or have your vet put them on for added cost. I hope this information was helpful!
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Voted for Chop the claws ... at 7:06am on March 8th, 2009
I have a male siamese/snowshoe mix. When we first got him, he was a kitten. He was shredding my curtains, clothing, anything he got his claws on. When we had him neutered, we had them take out his front claws at the same time. It was the best decision. He is such a sweet, loving cat. He has not become violent. The only time he claws something or someone now, it's by accident. The only time he gets defensive is when my 5 month old choc. lab puppy starting playing too rough w/him. The cat uses his back claws and teeth to defend himself.
Teri Greer 1224
Voted for Leave the claws... at 2:16am on March 8th, 2009
The;y have plastic tips you can put over their claws, like fake nails. You are aware that when they de-claw cats, it is the equivalent of removing the first knuckle on a human hand- quite inhumane. Call your vet- they should also have some non- invasive ideas. Hope your problem ends soon... with no harm to anyone or an;ything else.
Caitlin McComb 1247
Answered at 2:29am on March 3rd, 2009
I just keep up clipping my cats front claws. When they are clipped they are short and dull, and when she scratches she doesn't do any damage to skin or furniture.

Caps also work really well, but you have to keep with those too.

Don't do anything permanent, because that would only be declawing. It is unnecessary and very painful for the cat.
Jennifer Johnson Flagg 1327
Voted for Leave the claws... at 10:01pm on March 2nd, 2009
there are many ways to train your cat to is there are nail caps that can be put on their claws that act just like them being declawed...also start squirting them with water everytime they start to do that...and it really I dont have to squirt my cat he just sees the water bottle and knows hes in trouble nad he runs...besides would you like someone ripping out your nails
Abbie Wirick New Brain
Voted for Chop the claws ... at 3:37am on February 28th, 2009
I have never been in favor of declawing, until it came down to either losing the cat(s) or them losing their claws. It's not traumatizing to them, as long as you do not take off the back claws, and be sure that they are INSIDE from then on. Mine are all fine, now, and I am not opposed to it, if it's the only way to safely co-habitate, or to please the landlord. :)
Brenna Skirata 1416
Voted for Leave the claws... at 10:59pm on February 22nd, 2009
try softpaws.
declawing is inhumane, it's like cutting off your finger at the first joint!
Unknown Brain New Brain
Voted for Leave the claws... at 5:24am on February 21st, 2009
I agree with everything June said. I just wanted to add an experience I had. When I was in middle school, I shadowed a vet. I followed him around for a day, and one of the things I saw him do was a cat declaw. It was the only thing of the day that made me sick to my stomach. I'll spare you the details, but he literally removes the last digit of the cat's toes. It's not something I'd ever let happen to one of my cats. I hope you can find a humane solution that fits your needs. :)
Luke Geldmacher 1462
Voted for Chop the claws ... at 7:00pm on February 18th, 2009
I'm having the same problems with my two cats.
Luisa Cabral Teixeira New Brain
Voted for Leave the claws... at 8:24pm on February 17th, 2009
I suppose by now you've already found a solution other than declaw Sunshine. Hope so, at least. There are so many things you could try before seriously thinking on declawing her....and if by chance she has already detroyed any piece of cloth, give it to her. That'll be her preferred scratching toy. I did that with my persian Yoda and it worked propoerly.....and I love when he kindly "scratches" me, it's his way of saying he likes me.....would you like to lose that kind of sweetness from Sunshine?!?!?!
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