Do you think weed should be legal?

Do you think weed should be legal?

24 answers , last was 10 years ago

I personally think yes. There is no harmful effects to other people or really to you. If you say do please explain.

Asked by Hayden O'Connell in Current Events & Politics at 6:27am on August 26th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1594
Voted for No at 3:32am on October 3rd, 2013
Louis Ayensu-Mensah 1665
Voted for Yes at 6:57pm on November 20th, 2012
There are too many problems associated with the drug war and everything. If it was legal, the government can tax it about as high as if not higher than cigarettes, court and lawyer fees as well as incarceration costs will be reduced. Plus it's just unreasonable for an individual to get more harmful prescription medications, alcohol, and tobacco products more easily than marijuana
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Voted for Yes at 5:57pm on November 19th, 2012
Yes. Our government spends gargantuan amounts of our non-renewable resources investigating, arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating people whose only "crime" is using, buying or selling a common, wide-spread, natural, raw plant.

Marijuana is implicated in far fewer personal, medical and social problems than the legal drug, alcohol.
Jay Hubbard 1316
Voted for Yes at 4:50am on September 6th, 2009
Yes, for the same reason alcohol is 'legal' (i.e. not really, but there are licenses-etc. for its sale).

Some people might see that as 'taking away from the medical field,' but so was legalizing alcohol ... heck! so was the original Dr. Pepper (the plain old 'prune juice + carbonated water,' not the chemical-compound we get today)
Unknown Brain 1830
Voted for Yes at 7:21pm on September 4th, 2009
Yes, it should be legal, and for the exact same reason that I'm pro-choice. I don't like abortion, but I also don't have a uterus nor the capability to get pregnant, and I feel that only the individual has the right to determine what can and cannot be done with one's body.

The government has a right to interfere with my personal life when the actions I am taking in my personal life are infringing upon the rights of others.

Who's rights are being violated when someone smokes a little weed? I've never heard stories of someone getting stoned and beating their wife to death. Alcohol though? MANY such stories, and that shit is legal.

Regardless of the legality of the issue- Pot is small potatoes, and I find it personally offensive that such a high percentage of my tax dollars are going to work dealing with pot related offenses. Why not focus on, say, the drugs that are getting people killed by using them or over territory for selling, or over product to sell? Hello, heroin, cocaine, meth...

Get the damned potheads out of our jails and put the people who really belong in there behind bars.

Arresting, transporting, and booking a criminal takes a lot of time- you're looking at an average of 12-24 manhours per arrest (spread across multiple people with multiple functions). Thats 12-24 manhours that could have been spent investigating and busting someone whos actually a threat to society. Sure, they'd still have to go through the same manhours for the rest of it, but those officers have to FINISH dealing with Joe Pothead before they can get to the real criminals, and oh, better hope its not the end of the shift, and theres still room in the little shitty jail at the police station to hold the next guy till his court date...
Ridhwan Lazim New Brain
Voted for No at 5:04pm on September 4th, 2009
Humans have a tendency to "get used to" and they will crave for more. This goes the same for weed. Although it comes from plants, a person who is addicted to it may want to achieve a higher form of feeling high. This may lead the person to try other drugs to achieve this feeling... So dont start on something u cant stop...
Susan Vanderhoof New Brain
Voted for No at 10:09pm on September 3rd, 2009
No, it should not be legalized, we have enough problems health-wise with alcohol and cigarette addictions, not to mention people using them improperly and endangering the lives of others. That being said, I have noticed a lot lately that even though pot is ILLEGAL, it is not being treated as so. People use it, sell it, whatever, and the cops know it, but don't do anything about it. They don't think it's a big enough problem to worry about. If it's illegal, it shouldn't be happening. Period.
Marcus Kastler New Brain
Voted for Yes at 9:20pm on September 3rd, 2009
Yes I don't see a problem with it treat it like alcohol must be a certin age and can't drive under the influence.
Aric Foster 1260
Voted for Yes at 8:47pm on September 3rd, 2009
It's less dangerous than a lot of things that are legal. I'm looking at you, cigarettes and alcohol.
Heather Macmichael 1359
Voted for Yes at 7:38pm on September 3rd, 2009
I used to hate all drugs and alcohol.
I used to break up with guys if they did either of those things... looking back on it, that's probably why I dated a larger than average number of them without settling....
Turns out, I have a weird medical disorder that i was born with, and now i'm using a synthetic form of it to help my neurological pain. The reason? the other pharmaceutical drugs i was being pushed by my doctor, neurologist, etc etc etc, were all messing me up badly. I have problems walking like i'm not drunk (i don't drink!) and all of the ones I tried made me walk drunker, into things like doorframes and the like, and made me fall more often, because I do that too.... and made my MIND feel drunk, and messed up my memory....
so here's the kicker.
the drug that everyone says is so bad for your memory.... has no negative impact on mine. maybe it's because it's synthetic, I don't care, I'm in less pain like I was when i was on the lyrica and the neurontin, but I'm still sober in my head and i'm not as clumsy either.
why this is illegal in the first place is beyond me, it's like making cake illegal. seriously here. if you're not hurting anyone and you're not at risk of dying ... since nobody has died from it ever.... then..... what the heck?? I'm not supposed to drink alcohol because of my nerve damage, apparently. that's legal. people die from getting drunk all the time, be it a bar brawl or drunk driving or alcohol poisoning..... all the time. and they don't stop it. it's like, really really bizarre to me. Like, the pharamaceutical companies have always known how medically beneficial marijuana is, and they work with the government (they really do, right now, and in the past) to supress such a wonderful medication. Seriously! is that not logical??
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