Is homosexuality genetic? Or a choice?

Is homosexuality genetic? Or a choice?

34 answers , last was 8 years ago

often times i hear from my homosexual friends that their sexuality is a genetic trait. but others seem to think that it is a personal choice.

i have read in magazines and other articles that a homosexual male has female brain patterns, therefore making them more feminine, and vice versa for women.

i honestly feel that it has no bearing on the way a person should be viewed or treated, but im curious to know what all of you think.

genetic? or choice?

Asked by Denise Betegh in Marriage & Weddings at 8:11am on June 23rd, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 7:57am on February 21st, 2017
It's a choice. The gay people I asked always have a heartbreak story about being rejected by some girl many moons ago..,or in the case of celebrities like George Michael they have sex with so many women they get bored of women amazingly ...
Joel Santos 1985 Rebel Brain
Answered at 5:02pm on October 22nd, 2013
Louis Ayensu-Mensah 1665
Answered at 6:53pm on November 20th, 2012
It can actually be either or both because sexuality or even the sense of experimentation can have its societal influences. At the same time, there are some people who live in predominantly straight environments but are gay or the other way round (the first way is probably more common).

I know this addition was not a part of the question but when it comes to right or wrong, homosexuality is neither right nor wrong, just as heterosexuality is neither right or wrong. From a species' survival standpoint, being homosexual would be frowned upon if humans were at the brink of extinction but as it turns out, we are unreasonably overpopulated and are having longer life expectancy as well so homosexuality is actually a very good way to ensure our survival by reducing population. Now hating someone because they like members of the same sex, whether by choice or by birth, is just idiotic.
Allison Santi-Nichols 1316
Answered at 7:26am on November 10th, 2012
Sexuality is not a black and white thing. It is fluid and can change several times throughout one person's life. I believe the simplest way to put it would be it's just natural. It may be neither, it maybe a combination of the two. It depends on who you ask because every individual is different.
Unknown Brain 2141
Answered at 10:37pm on August 9th, 2009
If I could, I would choose to be gay, so that I didn't have to deal with women.
Unknown Brain 1260
Answered at 12:05am on August 4th, 2009
I believe you have a choice of who you have sex with unless you are raped. If i go sit in the garage for a month is does not make me a car. Climbing a tree does not make me a squirrel. You get it don't you.
There are many many choices we all make in our life time: food we eat, clothes we wear, Jobs we go to, House we live in, to run a yellow light or stop, pull over when we see flashing lights in the rearview mirror. We are all accountable for the choices we make, our actions and the consequences will be there.
Who I let get get close to me, who I am friends or lovers with is a choice.
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 3:41pm on July 8th, 2009
I am a totally straight female. I identify myself as a Christian. I believe what Jesus had to teach us of kindness, charity and love. Jesus modeled for us what I believe to be the best approach, when he made friends with, and even chose some of his disciples from among the ostrasized and reviled members of the society in which he lived.

It does not bother me in the least, nor do I feel it is any of my business who ANY adult has sex with, as long as it is consensual. The only time it may BECOME my business is if my partner is cheating on me.

Of the gay and lesbian people I personally know, every one of them knew they were "different" from others of their gender as very young children.

I have watched infants grow to adulthood, and subsequently come out to me and others as gay or bi. It seems pretty obvious to me that sexual orientation is present at birth. I am unaware of any scientific studies that show a genetic componant, but I also don't know if anyone has ever studied that.

As a straight female, I never had to DECIDE to be attracted to males. I just AM, and I always have been. I have female friends that I love, but I am NEVER sexually attracted to them. The thought of myself being sexual with another female is personally repugnant to me, but it obviously is not the same for lesbians.

I assume the same situation applies to everyone. We don't DECIDE, or CHOOSE who we are attracted to for friendship, for love, OR for sex. We all make choices to act on our feelings in certain ways, but the feelings of attraction themselves are NOT A CHOICE.

I pray that we can get beyond worrying about all that and see each other as individuals, all created by the same God, with worth as human beings.

The very idea that some people think it is their personal business who other people have sex with, seems like the very problem or a sickness to me. It is voyeurism and purient interest in something that is none of their business. That strikes me as very inappropriate, unless you are sexually involved with one of the parties yourself. It is NOT sick, sinful or evil to have sexual attractions. That is how we are made.

The only places I believe society has a valid interest in sexual behavior is when it is not consensual, as in rape. In the case of children, animals, vulnerable adults, etc., they need to be protected and defended from sexual preditors. Consensual sex involving adults should not be society's business.

If you are straight, gay, bi, transgender or whatever, and you are not sexually attracted to someone, DON'T have sex with that person. Quit worrying about what other people do. Be true to yourself.

It seems pretty simple to me.
Unknown Brain 1260
Answered at 9:13pm on July 7th, 2009
It's mostly genetic, but some people are just curious.

But really - Who cares? To me it's like asking "Is your decision to have cornflakes for breakfast genetic or a choice?"
Aric Foster 1260
Answered at 3:06pm on July 7th, 2009
Even if it's not genetic, it doesn't make it a personal choice. Your upbringing can influence you a lot, and you can't just change what your parents come up with.
Kimberley Elmgren 1260
Answered at 12:15pm on July 7th, 2009
It is mental illness or pure deprivation. Either way with prayer and counseling I believe it can be cured.
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