What is reality?

What is reality?

15 answers , last was 15 years ago

I'm not looking for answers to the nature of reality in regard to religion or consciousness, but rather that idea of the 'real world'. You know, the one where you pay your bills on time, you drive to wherever, you get excited about buying new things.

I've heard the phrase, 'living in the real world' on many occassion and just interested to see people's thoughts. Unfortunately I am now going to give you mine.

Yes we want the best for our children, and health, education and shelter all cost money. And so did nearly everything else you can see around you as you sit in front of the computer.

We all know there are starving kids in Ethiopia, and that there is a colossal crisis in Darfur. We've heard of atrocities performed on people by their leaders around the world and if they have something in their country that we in the west can benefit from, you're likely to hear more about it, because we'll charge in guns a blazing.

But the 'reality' for most in the developed world, is that those problems are far away and don't effect 'me'. 'That's not my reality! My reality is having enough time to protest a late night show host's joke about some idiot!' or 'how can you wear those black shoes with a brown belt!'

Sadly, ignorance is not reality and people's choice to remain ignorant or plainly turn a blind eye can no longer continue. We are learning more everyday, and everyday it sounds worse. Some figures for you.

It takes 500 years to create 1 inch of topsoil. The US has depleted 1/3 of its topsoil, largely since the 1930's, and continues to do so at a rate 18 times faster than it can regenerate. Developing nations do the same at an average of 36 times and China seems to be winning at 54 times. (China also opens up a new coal powered station every week!)

The US produces enough grain to feed the whole world, but we use 50% of it to feed cattle or make biofuels.

The world spends 12 times more on military spending than foreign aid to developing nations.

3/4 of the world's fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted or in dangerous decline.

5,000 people die everyday from drinking dirty water and nearly 1 billion do not have access to potable water. It will take 2,000 years or rain water to replenish what we have taken out of the ground in only 50 years of pumping on the Great Plains. India now has bore holes over a mile deep trying to find water. And rising sea levels will bring salinity into the water tables making it undrinkable (significant as 70% of people live along the coast) . China is turning into a dust bowl. Severe drought or land that is suffering these symptoms has risen from 15-30% since 1970.

We have reached peak energy but not so often quoted, our agriculture relies entirely on oil. We get five times regular yield out of the oil based fertilisers and pesticides we use (and I won't get into what that is doing to us for eating this crap).

13 million hectares of rainforest being chopped down every year is the latest quote!

For the first time in recent years people have started migrating to the cities, not for prosperity but simply survial. And we estimate over 200 million climate refuges by 2050.

There are 900 million cars on the road in the world. If we spread our 'amazing' way of life around the world, we will need 5 billion cars! Great for manufactures, but it will destroy the planet and us with it.

51 of the top 100 economic units (an economic unit is a business or a whole country) are corporations. That means that profitability is regarded higher than a nation and its people's well being (because that's what corporations care about, profit). Furthermore the profits go to a handful of people at the top while we do all the work and all the developing nations suffer.

And I could go on. But all these figures have arisen from a world that currently sits at 7 billion people. We're looking at 9 billion before 2050 which means greater demand on diminishing resources.

Now for the nay sayers. Essentially, 'Open your fucking eyes and start doing something about it!' Yes we can go back and forth on exactly how acurate each statistic is, but that doesn't change the fact that these things are happening and time is running out rapidly. We were given 10 years to turn things around and there are people out there making an effort, but it needs each and every one of us to work.

'It's too late for pessimism' is a great quote I heard the other day, and what I'm trying to offer are the facts (you would not call a doctor a pessimist for telling his patient they have cancer!). The reality is, the power lies with the consumer... us. We are so distracted by the media around us that we have become slaves to a financial system. So much so that some of those that actually read what I have written, would seek to dispute or ignore such things if they possibly challenge their material wants. There is no intelligence, just those that are more or less informed.

Get yourself informed and lets all become a part of 'reality'!

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least"

- Johann Woflgang Goethe

Thanks for reading!!

Asked by Cameron Trickey in Science at 3:50am on June 16th, 2009
Lynne Lefler 1950
Answered at 11:38pm on June 26th, 2009
It is NOT up to any one individual to fix all the problems in the world. It is up to us as individuals to do a few things to clean up our own personal act toward the goals of:

1) Not adding to the existing problems for ourselves or anybody else, and

2) helping improve the lot of other individual people who come into our life from day to day.

For instance, I don't have enough money to make much of a difference in Darfur, or anywhere else on the planet, but I can volunteer my time at the local food bank, or invite a hungry neighbor to share a meal with my family. That's just a couple of examples. There are many ways we can each make a positive difference in the life of another person. Even something as simple as smiling at everyone you meet can be very powerful...I dare you to try it for one week.

If we each did our bit to "pay it forward," it wouldn't take long before we will have reached that magic "100th monkey," and made a giant change in our environment...one positive improvement at a time.

There's plenty of work to be done right in your own neighborhood, or your own town.
Marty Carlton 1199
Answered at 7:40pm on June 26th, 2009
for the scary stuff, i believe you forgot to mention the rate of decline for the bee populations which pollinate a great deal of our produce...
thank you for posting a good link down the first page in comments...i believe that will be useful once i get a good look at it!
Michal Frystacky 1839
Answered at 4:58pm on June 26th, 2009
The red pill
Bob Sauerbrey 1271
Answered at 4:42pm on June 26th, 2009
What's real is our actual interconnection and interdependence of the whole Earth and all its inhabitants. By extension, we are connected to the whole Universe. Illusion is the sense of separation from the Earth, the dualism which creates consumer/consumed, humans as top dog/the rest as serving humans, humans as center/the rest are resources. Until we get in touch with reality, the illusions will continue to destroy both the Earth and ourselves along with it.

Bob Sauerbrey
Unknown Brain 1353
Answered at 4:06pm on June 26th, 2009
I see, hear, taste, smell and feel that reality is that composed of laws that keep people in enslaved. I'm sorry, but the money, the media, the crime has become apart of the reality that we refuse to accept. We have created this reality by allowing others to be the movers of our lives. Reality goes far beyond any religion, reality is that which is tangible, I feel as though that in the long run the inevitable will happen, because reality follows common sense. If you refuse to stop yourself and allow systems to be your God, then you are just a robot. You can only begin to move reality when you are able to move yourself, and not be moved by that which keeps us divided. It is no point to help another if they refuse to help themselves. to be free, you must be able to stop your inner illusion, (the mind) and be the movement of self to direct reality.

Get a Reality Check!!!
Jenna Morgenthaler 1294
Answered at 7:28am on June 26th, 2009
Reality is the experience one has experiencing life from their perceptual view.

That being said, your post lists many things that make for unpleasantness in one's reality, so I turn the question back on you...

Is becoming informed all that is required? Is there a perceived benefit in that, or are you just miserable and want to ensure that others are equally miserable?

What are you doing about the reality you rant about? You are calling on others to act, but do not give examples of the actions you are taking and the benefit to "reality" those actions are creating.

While you are waiting for sombody to do something, it may help you to realize that YOU are somebody.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 4:07am on June 22nd, 2009
For reality, i think it's simply what you put into it. Basically saying your persective of life and how you live it. People sometimes think that reality looks like "The Hills" or Survivor or whatnot. Reality i think has no cameras behind you. So honestly, my opinion on this is just what you think of it. Reality shouldn't have cameras.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 10:51pm on June 20th, 2009
...And yes, the moving force of LIFE is subjectivity. Seriously, not all of us are ABLE to get up and do something about the friggin rainforest, if we can barely make RENT. Slave to a financial system? Not completely. I don't owe old bills because I say I don't. Avoid a "reality" enough and it disappears, even if only in part. It seems to be a repeat reality that Everyone Wants Your Money. That is a far cry from Everyone Gets Your Money, but that is a little known fact, because the culture is so paranoid, it's actually COOL to bend over and spread 'em wide for anyone who THINKS you owe them money. I don't care what amount of money they THINK they are entitled to from me, they get the brick wall treatment from me, and I live my life. Or if I accidentally pick up the phone for one, I get a sinking feeling that the next 15 minutes of my life will be wasted, it's like talking to a friggin 6 year old who wants an allowance hike! If I hang up, they will call again immediately, but jeez, my friggin voicemail box doesn't like it!

They ask "when I will have it" and I say "hang on a sec, let me get my CRYSTAL BALL!" When I say, I don't have it now, they say attempting firmness, "No, it has to come in by next month," and I say "Oh? What are you gonna do?" The response is dead silence, followed by a mumbling about "late fees."

"Oh, noooo, LATE FEES, I'm really gonna crap myself NOW, I'm that scared! Oh, what will I doooo?" And yet ppl cave to pussy threats like that every day. It's not even a coke dealer on the phone threatening bodily harm, and yet you spread 'em wide and struggle to make the payment they say you owe. Because there might be LATE FEES. Suck my cock, you fucking pussy. (not you)

I love getting a bill collector that is obviously new on the job, cause you can HEAR them shitting a BRICK upon finding out that their wussy payment plan juuuust ain't my main priority at the moment. What are people becoming??? I can't believe a simple "no" or "piss off" is so shocking.

....Cause at any rate, let's say it gets to the point you are about to be homeless--paying your BILLS ain't gonna help you. These little payments will never SAVE you, they just want you to think so, while the solution is to buy groceries, pay your phone bill and other IMPORTANT things, and ignore the damn "debt" someone thinks you have. And you sure as hell can't get up and do something about CHINA. That is how I see the "real world." The world is as wide as your money allows it to be. I have somewhat of an "immediate concern" radius of "caring about the world" at the moment. It's not that Ethiopia and Darfur "don't affect me," it's that I'm sort of TIED at the moment as far as doing anything about it--I barely have five bucks for a bum on the street, what am I supposed to do, hop a plane? It wasn't always that way, things are just a tad pressing right now. They'll get better eventually because I SAY they will. But since my narrow little reality doesn't make your statements about China or whatever FALSE or UNTRUE, that highlights what I mean about subjectivity--many, many realities to life and they are ALL REAL.

And, ohhh rambling IS fun, this felt good! Take it or leave it :)

But look on the bright side, I'm not able to pollute if I can't afford a car ;P
Unknown Brain 2223
Answered at 7:23pm on June 20th, 2009
Sorry the question is too long... I'll be late for my realty TV show.
Steve Laws 1260
Answered at 5:15am on June 20th, 2009
As you have stated "There is no intelligence, just those that are more or less informed"
I must agree with Stephen> You are what you claim is ignorant, because the reality of all of this.
It is set in motion to end another empire, as history repeats its self.
To sum it all up:

"O human creature, ... you are the investigator without knowledge, the magistrate without jurisdiction, and all in all, the fool of the farce.
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