A dream is a dream, is a dream.

A dream is a dream, is a dream.

15 answers , last was 15 years ago

What does the sub conscious mind tell us when we are asleep. Do dreams reflect unresolved issues in life? What do they mean to you? Is a dream real ? Prophetic ?

Does flying in dreams depict your life in reality as you search for freedom?

Why do dreams keep repeating themselves ?

Does having a wet dream mean you had not had sex for a while ? haha !!!

Asked by Sammy Phua in Science at 9:36am on February 21st, 2009
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 7:42pm on January 3rd, 2010
Dreams were used in the Bible to reveal things to people. I believe that some dreams can be prophetic. I once had a dream 3 times in a row that a tornado was coming towards me while I was at work. That same week, a co-worker's mother passed away. I can't say it was related, but it was definitely strange. I believe that some dreams are just your mind playing make believe with your thoughts. Kind of like a movie, maybe your deepest desires coming to life in your mind when they can't be fulfilled in reality. I do believe that dreams can be a way for you to work out problems in your mind. When I was younger, I remembered most of my dreams, but as I age, I have noticed that I don't remember most of my dreams anymore. As far as wet dreams go, I agree w/what some other people said (even virgins have wet dreams so it doesn't mean that you haven't had sex in a while).
Andrea Moss 1248
Answered at 7:17pm on January 3rd, 2010
A dream can be a way to process information and organize it. A dream can be a desire-a wish. a dream can be a disappointment or a fear...A dream can be a visitation or a reality.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 9:27pm on March 19th, 2009
our brain works endlessly till we are alive.. so even when the body is resting.. the mind is working in background and sometimes thoughts that had been left in between conjure up in our dreams.. so subconsciously we keep working on the unresolved things/situations.. etc..
dreams are a continuation of thoughts..
Deepak Kotecha 1806
Answered at 11:20pm on March 18th, 2009
The short answer is that most (not all) dreams are recollections of the past, including past lives. These are experiences burned into your soul, and can repeat. Some dreams are different and are not recollections. They can be prophetic, or conjecture from wishful thinking or from mulling over stuff in your head as you fall asleep, some of which can be coming from the sub-conscious mind.
Unknown Brain 1236
Answered at 2:16am on March 3rd, 2009
The human mind is a complex thing. Dreams vary from many different things. Some dreams are relating to things that happened in that day, wher are some are about things that happened years ago. Dreams can be about things that have been unresolved, usually rough nights, or things that were resolved, good nights sleep. Dreams are both real and prophetic, but then you ahve to take into concideration, are you doing something because of what you dreamed, or were you going to do it already. I would not necissarly say that flying in dreams depict your life as you search for freedom. This has been a topic that theologians have debated about for years now. It is unknown why dreams keep comming up like they do. Some say that dreams repeat themselves because it is about a unresolved issue, where as some people say that dreams repeat them selves searving as warning to things that are yet to come. No having a wet dream doesn't mean that you havnt had sex in a while, because people who are virgins still get wet dreams. Wet dreams also dont mean that its been a while since you last mastrobated.
Susan Thomas 1445
Answered at 5:02pm on February 22nd, 2009
I think it depends on your state of mind at the time of the dream. In other words, if you are stressing over finances, maybe your dream about finding money is a stress reliever for you or your subconscious wishing you could find a way to get out of the financial rut that you are in.
Unknown Brain 1556
Answered at 5:00pm on February 22nd, 2009
Dreams are the subconscious' way of demonstrating the Unconscious. see: Jung's works, including Psychology and Alchemy.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 1:31am on February 22nd, 2009
I don't know about others but for myself, I tend to manipulate my dreams. Before going to sleep I intentionally think of something in particular and quite often that is what I dream about. For example, I love poker, so I intentionally think of sitting at a final table of the WSOP and my dreams take me there. For me, it's like a vacation. When I wake I feel great... although disappointed that I didn't actually win it!!! :D

I also dream about my work. If I am starting a project the next day I focus on that project and I end up building it in my dreams. This helps by running into things I may not have thought of. The next morning I am ready to tackle the project with greater confidence.

I do feel that dreams, left to your unconscious mind, will reflect personal stresses not resolved. If you have an overbearing boss you will, subconsciously, seek to have them be more subordinate to you or seek some kind of retribution that in reality you would never attempt.

I, personally, don't believe that a particular event within a dream, such as flying or drowning, is any indication of an unfulfilled reality. I think it has more to do with your mood when you sleep. If you are in a good mood you might dream of flight as a wonderful thing, a reflection your mood. Likewise if your distressed or not feeling well, a dream of drowning will reflect your feeling of helplessness. Not directing you in anyway just reflecting your minds current status.

This is why I do believe that manipulating your dreams can be helpful. Helps overcome stress and/or prepares your mind for a great day.
Loren Barinsky 1817
Answered at 12:30am on February 22nd, 2009
i have no idea.
but according to
every little thing in a dream means sometihng
it's actually pretty interesting to look at
and a lot of the time it is true, although im sure not everything is
check it out
Jody Mena 2396
Answered at 7:04pm on February 21st, 2009
Dreaming occurs during REM sleep, the part of the sleep cycle where the body, after a period of drastically decreased internal activity, shifts into a state of hyperactive function - the heart rate increases, the endocrine system starts pumping adrenaline and other chemicals into the blood, the internal organs start working overtime, the muscles twitch and contract as the brain comes alive with electrical impulses, (including the eyes, which move rapidly back and forth under the lid. That is why it's called REM - rapid-eye-movement)

During REM, the brain is a fireball of electrical activty, memory, thought, logic, imagination and sensation all crossing wires at once. This is from whence dreams originate.

Why we dream what we do is largely a mystery, though it is highly likely that we dream about things that we have thought about a lot, or recently - this is believed because it is possible to influence dreams through suggestion. A dream that repeats it self continually may stem from something that is recurrent in your life or something in your memory that is troubling you.

A dream about flying may mean different things to different people. The sensation of flying or falling during a dream may in reality be a vago-vagal response to REM sleep. If such a dream occurs when you are first falling asleep it may be a survival response of your endocrine system - the brain mistakes the normal descent into sleep for dying, and so floods your system with adrenaline in an attempt to keep you alive, which is what causes that heart-pounding jolt that feels like falling suddenly from a great distance.

Wet dreams are also a product of the endocrine system. When the body becomes active during REM sleep, sex hormones are secreted in high quantities, especially during puberty. This, with increased blood flow, is what causes an erection during sleep. An erotic dream may also be triggered by elevated sex hormones, and the brain may stimulate the body to orgasm as though the dream were real. If a person hasn't had sex for a while, they may be sexually frustrated or have sex on the brain and it may be that his or her hormone levels are already elevated so that when the hormone levels are increased during REM, it may increase the likelihood of a wet dream.

Most people actually have hundreds of dreams each night, but only remember one or two, and then only if they wake during or just at the end of the REM cycle. Dreams are still largely a mystery to science, so it is up to each person to interpert their dreams as they will until we know more.
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