An experiment to prove life after death (if any)... ?

An experiment to prove life after death (if any)... ?

4 answers , last was 14 years ago

I had a dream last night. It was about an invention I created, more of a portable time machine that allowed me to go to the very day of my death, to experience post death, and return back to the present after to report my findings on "after life". - if any.

I woke up trying to crack my head, thinking nah, thats never going to be possible. Even just theoratically. Where do we start on the science ? In what dimension ? Is it a feasible ? What parameters ? What's my hypothesis ?

So just for fun, lets design our own experiment and come out with crazy or with scientific evidence in a standard puplished paper format. Make it as funny as possible. E.g...


There are many different versions of the afterlife - reincarnation, eternal life in heaven/hell, state of nirvana ..etc. In the study, we hypothesize that we still experience "nothing" after death. ergo, if we die, we are f@#king dead. (using a portable time machine to report life after death).


What happens when we die? Does it all end there? Religion has thought us different revelations about the eternal life after passing through this temporal material world. No scientific experiment has been done to prove ghosts, evil spirits, ergo life after death.

Methods - subjects/protocol

One pathetic male (me) who has nothing better to do then to have such bizzare dreams. He is a "sane" - hopefully, being, age 27, very curious about science and religion, is single by the way, erhmm... The participant is to travel through time till his death day, experience death and hopefully, if the device is still with him, travel back to the present to report his findings.


Travelled to the age of 50. Died while having sex with Britney Spears. Its was kind of dark, couldn't see much. No bright lights to the sky, no pearly gates, no welcome drink, expected to join Richard Dawkins in hell but in vain, it was just still, couldn't feel, couldn't see. (well if I had no tactile sensation, I wouldn't be able to operate my time machine) - anyway, lets just say I got back to report my findings.

Future research is required to report life after death. There is no evidence of a supernatural being there to pat me on the back. "For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." Carl Sagan

Asked by Sammy Phua in Science at 2:13am on October 2nd, 2009
Jay Hubbard 1316
Answered at 5:53pm on October 8th, 2009
Maybe you already are! lol

As the future remains undefined until it becomes the present, any attempt to 'jump' to the future would either 1) transform everyone but you into strings oozing forth in whatever position they were in at the 'jump'-moment, or 2) vaporize the universe in a puff of 'never having existed' ... kind of like X2's Nightcrawler's BAMF, but without reappearance somewhere else.

Really, I've ALSO been to the afterlife; there's no information given in any of the mortally communicative senses, so it seems like 'nothing'; but with what Buddhism calls "Nirvana" (a.k.a. Gnosis ... you might think of it as 'oneness with The Force'), you can understand 'nothing' as whatever you want your eternal-reward to be.
Cameron Trickey 2333
Answered at 12:51am on October 6th, 2009
There's actually quite extensive research in this area and much of it is mainstream, but not often talked about because it flirts with the unknown and too much misinformation or specualtive results have been provided in the past.
Here's the link to UVA's website (Lynne this may be a great site for you to go to) where they study Near Death Expereinces (NDE's) in their medical centre.

Experiments such as placing numbers or shapes on top of the surgery lights where they could only be seen from above the equipment and having those people that have a NDE recount those exact shapes or numbers, provide an interesting notion.

An interesting observation is the similarity of experiences shared amongst cultural groups. Where as all good expereinces feel the presence of a light, those expecting their respective angels or saviours, often do. Assuming a transisition into a 'beautiful' afterlife, it would make sense that you are 'assisted' in a manner least foreign to your beliefs, and perhaps further evidence to indicate a continuation of the physical into non-physical, ala reincarnation.
There are even programs as old as thirty years being run out of Princeton, that measure the current conscious level of the globe, illustrating the spikes in global consciousness in the lead up to major events (like 9/11), some 4 hours or so before.

They've even gone so far as photographing auras and the influences of medtitation on those auras, suggesting a far greater presence of our own energy exisiting externally of the body already.

Personally I can feel changes of perception through lengthy meditation, but nothing like a complete out of body experience, so my opinions are limited to others expereinces.

I like Albert Einstein's quote:

"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man."

We must remember of course that Einstein is an Atheist.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 4:39pm on October 5th, 2009
one of my aunt was a case of rebirth.. at the age of three she told about all her previous life and grieved for her sons of previous life.. by age of 5 she predicted she is going back on a particular day.. and she passed away on that particular day..

i heard this from lot of people.. that she was exceptionally beautiful and intelligent.. i kind of believe in reincarnation..
Lynne Lefler 1950
Answered at 8:03am on October 4th, 2009
Your question is not clear.

Does the proof need to be universally accepted by a narrow community of scientists to be valid, or is there something else you would view as proof?

I had similar questions as you do when I was a younger person. Then, when I was in my 30s I developed appendicitis. It was misdiagnosed, and I ended up with peritonitis when my appendix burst. Still the doctors misdiagnosed my condition. I clinically "died" twice during the two weeks I was in the hospital. After the second time, they decided to do exploritory surgery to see what was going on. They discovered the problem, and treated it successfully.

I had some experiences during my clinical deaths that convinced me that there is a part of me (the soul, perhaps) that retains consciousness and awareness after death. I had some experiences and I met some beings on a (spiritual) level that did not correspond to anything I ever experienced in my physical life on this planet. I am now convinced that reincarnation happens, and that this life is transitory, not final.

I have nothing except my subjective experiences as proof, but I now have no question that life goes on in another way after death.
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