if you could go back and do things differently in you life...would you?

if you could go back and do things differently in you life...would you?

28 answers , last was 15 years ago

if you could go back and do things differently in you life...would you?

Asked by Unknown Brain in Random Questions at 6:03pm on April 19th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1272
Answered at 8:49pm on May 1st, 2009
i would definately go back...i would get my reputation back (which i miss so dearly)...then maybe some people would respect me...its amazing how such a short period of doing something bad can completely ruin your life...i would absolutely go back and fix my life...
Daniel Barron 1612
Answered at 7:09pm on April 30th, 2009
Many times I have wished wished WISHED to go back and redo something. But now in retrospect I realize that I am who I am today because of my past and, I like me. So, no!
Plus, I suspect that there will always be things I regret having done. I'd spend an eternity going back making it "right". And without knowledge of the future, how could I possibly know what "right" is. The mistakes we make are opportunities to learn. And I have learned very much!
Mike Qtips 1326
Answered at 9:17pm on April 29th, 2009
Nope. I've always stuck to my guns, never compromised on what I believed was right for me, even when other people didn't understand, and always made the best decision given the information on hand. (Now, I also went through periods of being broke, etc., because of all this, but I pulled through.) No regrets, ever.
Unknown Brain 2223
Answered at 3:03am on April 25th, 2009
A do over!?! I'd have to say yes. Don't get me wrong have a wondeful life but being able to do it again and make changes... I'm all IN BABY! What self-respecting, pandora box opening human wouldn't want to? Even if my life was perfect I would hit the rewind button so much I'd end up breaking the dang thing.
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 2:23am on April 25th, 2009
no. cuz everything happens for a reason. the things you do define who you become and how you act. changing those events would change who you were as a person, and thats an important part of the uniqueness and individuality of evryone.
John Murphy 1317
Answered at 1:49am on April 25th, 2009
Buy stock in Microsoft. I think if I'd have done that then I'd e in pretty good shape right now. Oh, and I would have been less of a dork. Cause that whole dork thing didn't really work that well.
Marcus Clark 1661
Answered at 11:41pm on April 24th, 2009
The short answer is NO!

If I could selectively edit the past there are a few things I would adjust slightly as long I had a guarantee that the present would not be altered in ways I didn't want. The events of the past is what generated the present.
When you think of what you would change in the past you have to think about how "now" would also change. Who would you not meet? What good experiences would you not have? What opportunities would you have missed? How would you be different?

Since the basis of this question is impossible it is all a mute point but it can be fun to think about.
Teresa Stockroske 1452
Answered at 11:01pm on April 24th, 2009
I would probably go back to high school to see if I could do things differently. Like making my grades better so I wouldn't have had to go to summer school.

Go back to before my grades started getting bad in college, and find a way to fix them so I wouldn't have to re register as a freshman.

In a way I miss high school. On the other hand, I don't.

I miss all the friends that I don't see anymore since I left.

Go back in time to also stop my ex dad from being so mean and abusive as he was/is.

Gosh, there are just too many things that I could or anybody could go back and ramble about the things that they wish they could change in their pasts.
Mike Guessetto New Brain
Answered at 9:34pm on April 24th, 2009
I would have taken school more seriously, and I would have gotten more involved in social activities.
Cindy Priest New Brain
Answered at 9:13pm on April 24th, 2009
Well. I would change nothing .. I've learned so much. In good times and in bad. Maybe I'dve learned how to use that dang GPS sooner ..
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