Tyler Barton
at 12:45pm on February 27th, 2008
It really depends on the crowd you are pandering to. "Timming" is important but you have to know your audience... there is a reason baby-boomers prefer Leno, mid 30-somthings Letterman, and gen x\y-ers like Conan.
I prefer the smart\stupid approach (not an actual term), but I have been told Im funny by many, Ive been told that Im an idiot by many more. That would be because I try to keep my humor very intelligent, making references most dont get... not a popular way to go I know (somewhat of a Dennis Miller approach, but not quite as pretentious)... or be extremely stupid, just plain nonsense, frankly sometimes you can say the funniest things but nobody will laugh unless the tone has been set, goofy-stupid-nonsense is a great icebreaker, if you will.
But tying them together you have to follow two rules: being willing to subject one against another or the rest... ie, you can say something stupid where you appear to be an ass, but you know that what you are saying is stupid, but if the opposition thinks you are stupid for saying something stupid but not realizing that you know that what you are saying is soooooo dumb that, therefore, makes them the idiot... placing them on the outs... if you could follow all of that, its enjoyable as long as some are on the same page as you, try not getting stuck on the island...
...AND TWO: turn your brain's filter(s) down...low. that goes on a couple levels, if you are too scared to say something, maybe its offensive or could be construed as such, you will NEVER be funny... and on the stupidity level, if you filter something out cuz you think its just so dumb or ridiculous to utter you will miss out on 50% of your opportunities to be funny.
Oh and sometimes persistence; if you say something that doesnt ring with ppl the way you had hoped or if you just miscalculated i find it funny to reiterate the comment\joke\pun whatnot over and over almost to the point where ppl get frustrated with it. Then you have potentially saved it, hopefully someone will notice and find the reuse of something clearly notably unfunny as funny and regardless, even if not, you will then maybe make a bad joke seem purposeful and then at least you wont seem oblivious to it being unfunny, you'll, perhaps, seem calculating.
... Well... thats my horrible formula, it takes the right personality to be willing, almost humility-less, self-assured, and, frankly, basically a whore. GOOD LUCK!