Are We Alone in the universe?

Are We Alone in the universe?

23 answers , last was 10 years ago

The Drake equation can determine if there is intelligent life in the universe, but it depends on how you complete the formula:

N = R x Fp x Ne x Fl x Fi x Fc x L

N = Number of civilizations we can communicate with
R = Number of stars in the galaxy
Fp = % of Stars with planets
Ne = # of life supporting planets per star
Fl = % of life supporting planets that actually develop life
Fi = % of developed life that is actually intelligent
Fc = % of intelligent life that actually transmits radio or light signals
L = How long signals are transmitted into space

Will we talk to aliens in our life time?

Asked by William Chase in Astronomy at 9:24pm on March 5th, 2008
Unknown Brain 1594
Voted for Eventually we w... at 5:43am on October 24th, 2013
there is more knowledge about the moon than the sea.
Justin Mckay 1317
Voted for Aliens have alr... at 2:02pm on February 15th, 2009
it is mathematically impossible for us to be alone.
Craig Kolobow 1340
Voted for Eventually we w... at 9:24am on June 21st, 2008
With the discovery of ice on Mars yesterday, you can't help but believe that there is life within it. If there were to be life in the ice, then 100% of the planets we have visted contain some sort of life. I'm not saying that all planets will contain intelligent life, or even have any at all, but I am saying that there is nothing special to life from what we have observed so far. From the attempts to solve the drake equation, answers generally vary, but are near the number 10,000. It is unlikely that we will meet other beings in our lifetime, or even our grandchildrens lifetime, but one day, millions of years from now, SETI will be completely silent, listening with ears wide open, as we hear the first response from somewhere else comes in...
Matt Goldstein 1506
Voted for Eventually we w... at 6:32pm on May 26th, 2008
Space is so vast and so big there are so many places that we don't even know of. It is virtually impossible to think that there is absolutely no life out there. Our technology is improving so fast that i think we will be able to travel outside our galaxy and into other places, maybe not in our lifetime, but eventually we will.
Jerome Tomaselli 2286
Voted for Eventually we w... at 7:19am on April 1st, 2008
It seems logical to me that there is other life out there. They probably wont look like us and they don't necessarily live on a planet that is anything like ours. We breath oxygen, we rely on a specific range of temperature that we can survive in, etc. Maybe they breathe CO2, maybe they live in an ocean of liquid nitrogen, who knows. I don't think it will happen in our lifetime, so lets try not to kill ourselves through war or global warming until we make contact.
Robert Thacker-Dey 1187
Voted for There is life o... at 6:53pm on March 26th, 2008
those conditions are only rare when looking at a planet that will form that is just like Earth. Too many other variables are ignored.
Matthew Anthony 2388
Voted for Eventually we w... at 12:21pm on March 22nd, 2008
I think it's pretty vain for us to think that we are the only ones in the universe. The universe is too huge and would be a huge waste of space for us to be the only ones in it. It might sound cliche but I firmly believe in this. Additionally, I think that all the alien movies we have seen in recent years are to brace us for when we actually do meet them. You won't be so afraid of something you've already been exposed to! I have always thought the government knows things about aliens that they are keeping secret from us to avoid widespread panic/chaos.
Timothy Elsasser New Brain
Voted for Eventually we w... at 7:48am on March 21st, 2008
Of course there is life in the universe, it is crazy to think otherwise. I don't know when aliens will be contacted, maybe not our lifetime, but eventually.
Unknown Brain 1283
Voted for Eventually we w... at 7:13pm on March 17th, 2008
We first need to evolve into a civilization that's worthy of being contacted
Lena Jenkins 1316
Voted for Eventually we w... at 8:14pm on March 16th, 2008
We are not alone.
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