

11 answers , last was 16 years ago

Why do the Headquarters of the United Federations of Planets in Star Trek Universe is in San Francisco??

Asked by Cihan Aydin in Trivia at 8:45pm on April 13th, 2008
Shawn Evans New Brain
Answered at 5:54pm on February 15th, 2009
because everything else out of this world is in San Francisco
Brian Kennedy 1248
Answered at 1:51am on July 13th, 2008
Well, why else would there be such tight outfits? Do you think that anyone other San Franciscans would want to see William Shatner's bulge?
Unknown Brain 1272
Answered at 1:13pm on May 24th, 2008
Don't know for sure, but likely Gene Roddenberry went "back to the future" so to speak. When the United Nations was first formed, the original location for it was San Francisco. It was later moved to New York.
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 2:07am on April 17th, 2008
Because.... "trekkies" epitomize san fran in a nutshell. The place is filled with damn freaks!!!!

(and before you EVEN thumbs down me on that one, I used to live in that shithole. It's one of the filthiest cities that i've EVER seen in my life!!!!). I could give a rats ass about someone's sexual preference, or if they DO want to spend thousands on tooth fittings, to look like a vampire, etc. ... It's filled with out of the norm people, and that's been it's niche. I met alot of good friends from down there, But Cmon. The idea of having a "gay rights" movement in the most liberal city in the world, is like me being prowd to piss in my own toilet leaving the seat down. It's just fucking stupid, AS is the trekkie following, As is 99% of what makes up San fransisco with it's residents: ARROGANCE!

The ONLY way id go back down there, is if I was driving through the city, heading south, and HAD to profusely shit. As well, it'd be on the side of any street, as nobody would think twice.
Unknown Brain 1260
Answered at 12:40pm on April 16th, 2008
not sure, not a star trek fan but was intrigued by the heading (why?) so came to have a look, checked out the answers and someone as usual says someone is gay because they dont know the answer..... takes one to know one eh tobin? (and before you ask, no i aint gay, just makin a point.......)hehe.............
Tobin Poitras 706
Answered at 3:39am on April 16th, 2008
because you are gay
Bryan Lamb 1024
Answered at 10:11pm on April 14th, 2008
Because San Fransisco has long been recognized as a place where there is a high degree of tolerance for unusual life forms. (I guess this is saying something like what Andrew Cole said below -- I didn't read that one before I answered)
Christopher Tressler 1620
Answered at 4:59pm on April 14th, 2008
Because its a beautiful city with a great climate
Andrew Mino 2102
Answered at 11:02am on April 14th, 2008
Well, going by the history of the Star Trek universe, they had a series of cataclysmic wars known as the Eugenic Wars. San Fransisco may have been one of the few major cities left standing after all of those wars. Seeing as equality was a very big theme within Star Trek, (I remember reading some kind of commentary on Gene Roddenberry's goals for imagining Star Trek the way he did, but I don't remember where it was, it may have been in the book of Kirk's very first voyage as Captain of the Enterprise), and San Fransisco is notorious for its acceptance of new norms in perception of people and groups usually far before the rest of the U.S., that may have something to do with it.
David Souza 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 9:06am on April 14th, 2008
Not sure. I'm a Star Trek fan and I just thought it was a good place for it. Maybe that's where they started the whole idea for a Federation so why not make the headquarters there?
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