What is the story behind your profile picture?

What is the story behind your profile picture?

31 answers , last was 7 years ago

Where was it taken? who took the picture? what were you doing? When was this?

My picture is from my first semester of my first year of college, its taken on the main lawn of the sarah lawrence campus, on the swings (which i love!). and it was taken by the girl who ended up turning into my best friend. That was the first day we ever actually hung out together.

Asked by Sara Knapp in Random Questions at 9:17am on April 16th, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 5:36pm on June 18th, 2017
A comedian was video taping me cross the street for a comedy bit where the first shot was of him at Whole Foods, then me, then him trying to get some Diet Coke. I think it was a bit about fitness. I'm glad I could help! 😄
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 4:52pm on May 30th, 2009
Like Scott, I am usually the one taking the picture. I don't have very many pictures of myself and the ones I did have I don't like. I decided to take a picture of myself using the timer on my digital camera. I set the camera on the entertainment center and had to take the picture about 6 or 7 times before I got one that I somewhat liked. I am my own worst critic.
Mike Qtips 1326
Answered at 1:17am on April 25th, 2009
My sister snapped a photo of me playing my mandolin while we were at my mom's house in Florida for Passover a couple of weeks ago, but it was a very unflattering picture, so I said, "well, maybe I can art it up in Photoshop" and the result came out pretty nice.
Anna Lee Grant 1391
Answered at 10:06pm on April 21st, 2009
My profile picture was taken by me. It was originally me and my mom together (also in the rest of my pix) but I cropped it. It was taken in my moms bathroom, and I was giving her suggestions about her make-up. I think it was about 3 weeks or so ago.

(Cute story there Sara! :D)
Aaron Young 2263
Answered at 8:50pm on April 21st, 2009
I didn't have a whole lot of pictures at all when I first joined facebook, and I don't have many pictures of myself. So I was looking for some random inspiration in some photos that were on my computer and there it was... hidden and barely visible in the background of a picture that should have been deleted were the words on the top of a can of Bush's baked beans:

"Great Homemade Taste"
John Grant 1276
Answered at 5:53pm on April 21st, 2009
Mine was taken by my girlfriend during one of my band's performances.

I was probably talking about some jerk off in the crowd. Lol.
Ludy Diaz New Brain
Answered at 1:40pm on April 21st, 2009
This picture is from our honeymoon ? Cancun Mexico ?, we were in a night club “Coco Bongo”, and some dude took the pic! Very romantic!
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 1:14am on April 21st, 2009
mine is a photo shoot my sister and i did. we were watching CSI and got the idea for a shoot with me modeling as a dead french whore. i did my own make up and everything and my sister snapped the photos. i love them and think there amazing. but thats just me
Kevin Sears New Brain
Answered at 12:27am on April 21st, 2009
Michael Norby New Brain
Answered at 9:23pm on April 20th, 2009
The picture is taken in my AP US History class on the window sill. This was taken about a month before school was out for the year. One of my friends had taken it because she said it would be a good 'default'.
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