Doesn't the belief that the Bible can't be altered because God won't let his word be changed conflict with the free will of man?

Doesn't the belief that the Bible can't be altered because God won't let his word be changed conflict with the free will of man?

7 answers , last was 14 years ago

If man wanted to change the bible to a fictional story with unicorns and faeries, wouldnt the law of free will allow them to do so? So whats to say the bible hasnt been altered over time to paint a different picture than the one intended by "God"? So how is it possible that the words of the bible have never been changed?

Asked by Charlie Burdsall in Religion & Spirituality at 7:47pm on November 23rd, 2009
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 2:41am on December 22nd, 2009
The Bible has been translated from Greek to Hebrew to almost every language that exists. However, I don't believe that it has been changed. I do believe that some parts of the Bible are missing, though. Some of the additional scrolls have been found in the Dead Sea area. Believing in God and His Holy Word, unfortunately, is based on faith. It is difficult to explain to people who do not share that faith. I do believe that every person has the ability to feel God's presence if they open up their hearts and minds to the possibility that He does exist. It is then, when you truly open up your heart and mind, that God reveals Himself to you.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 5:11am on December 13th, 2009
Perceptions change.. words may mean the same though
Cameron Trickey 2333
Answered at 2:22pm on December 11th, 2009

Bible's a selective manmade text anyways, Council of Nicea
John Grant 1276
Answered at 2:22am on November 30th, 2009
You make a very good point.

Man can, and has changed the bible.

And, while there are many different translation of the bible, and newer, wierder versions, you can still find plenty of source documents in the original languages that you can compare to what we have in our modern bibles. There's something like 14,000 for the new testament, and I don't know the number for the old.

Jehovah, being all mighty and all knowing, I'm sure has the ability to keep clean copies floating around, no matter what man may do.
Kalen Burwell 1416
Answered at 7:14pm on November 27th, 2009
No not at all. Man can change it, its just that those consequences mentioned will happen to them. And as for the changed version it will not prevail. It will surely be lost in history, because God will not allow His book to be altered. Translated maybe but not altered.
Salvatore Iaquinto 1211
Answered at 7:23pm on November 26th, 2009
It has. The original bible was written in a language called Aramaic. First poor translations changed the words. Later priests and other religious icons who at the time held much power would get rid of passages they didn't want others to know about, and even add their own to suit their own agendas. Some of those agendas were for the benefit of man such as dietary restrictions when eating certain animals could kill you. Others only aided those in power to seize control of people's lives and start countless wars.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 8:47pm on November 23rd, 2009
The words have been changed, many times over to suit an Order(s) desired meaning or interpretation. However, you are right, the "Bible" per say hasn't really changed it's wording or content, other than translation. It is still a multi-authored compilation of stories, some based upon factual events or persons. As many myths or stories have some shred of truth behind them, the Bible is no different. It just happens to be a "Best Seller" and the marketing and promotion behind it lead it to be considered the greatest book ever written. Who am I to disagree? Can't argue with sales!!! Can't argue with stats on print numbers... people must be reading it. Those that believe, believe it to be the truth. Those that do not believe, can still view it as a great work of literature with possible fact and history worked in.

I have read it with two sets of eyes. The first was as a good, faithful Catholic boy searching for direction. The second was as an adolescent searching for why I need this direction. What you read is no where near as important as your mindset when you read it. If you have an objective in mind you will read or, interpret, whatever you need to in order to validate your personal views on life and the purpose you have.

Now "Free Will" is a whole other matter. In order to buy into the Free Will concept one must have belief and faith in the one that has gifted this upon the human race. If one believes... then the Bible is not considered a work of fiction, could never be considered a work of fiction. If it were, then the whole premise would be lost as would the faith. So, one does not exist without the other. It's like having a Drivers License but not understanding how a car works. You still drive it because you believe it will do what it claims. The "Drivers License" is your "Free Will" by choice and the "Car" is the "Bible" you just have faith that it works.

The Bible is merely a tool to use as each see fit. It is designed to answer questions and raise others, depending on what you are searching for. To me, I think it is a great tool. You just need to decide ... set aside Free Will... but just decide for yourself how you wish to use it. Non-Fiction or Fiction it doesn't really matter, read it, study it, manipulate it.... get something out of it... or just enjoy the's all good. :)

Cheers , Jim
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