If you were Jello, what flavor would you be?

If you were Jello, what flavor would you be?

24 answers , last was 12 years ago

If you were Jello, what flavor would you be?

A. Lime
B. Cherry/Wild Cherry
C. Orange
D. Liver & Onions
E. Other __________ (fill in your answer).

Explain why in 20 words or less, but don't use big words.

Asked by Pete Griffith in Random Questions at 4:47pm on April 28th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1294
Answered at 5:05am on May 16th, 2012
John Smith 2255
Answered at 10:32pm on October 31st, 2011
... scotch.
Alexander Baggett 1750
Answered at 4:28am on May 22nd, 2009
E. Chocolate raspberry. Awww yeah! If you've ever had it you would understand.
Brent Taylor 2317
Answered at 11:49pm on May 4th, 2009
I'd have to be green jello (Lime) because I live in Utah.
Amanda Frankcom New Brain
Answered at 8:40pm on May 4th, 2009
LIME .....it's THE flavour for jelly but it has to be served with evaporated milk. Loverlly!!!!
Chris Brogan 1283
Answered at 7:54pm on May 4th, 2009
E. Other_____________________(FILL IN YOUR ANSWER)

The new pineapple
is rather tasty, you see,
unlike Snapple
It's quite tangy!

(Jello shooters really are quite tasty!)
Trent Christensen 1691
Answered at 7:02pm on May 4th, 2009
E. Fuck working for someone else. Jello+Alcohol= Perfect (only used 8 words, k?)
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 4:11pm on May 4th, 2009
I would not like to be any jello

I think anything with gelatin in it is nasty. As a matter of fact, I freaked out this weekend...because my Orange Juice (fortified with OMEGA-3's) had fish gelatin in it......YUCK!!!!!
Dave Hood New Brain
Answered at 2:18pm on May 4th, 2009

Don't like Cherry

Orange is OK but it's ORANGE

Liver & Onions???

I like eating green.
Mahitab Elmasry New Brain
Answered at 2:09pm on May 4th, 2009
B. Cherry/Wild Cherry

i Just love the Cherry :)
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