Do you think getting abortions are wrong?

Do you think getting abortions are wrong?

44 answers , last was 12 years ago

Why or Why not you believe it's right or wrong to get an abortion.

Asked by Unknown Brain in Random Questions at 10:36pm on July 13th, 2009
Laura Smith 2366
Voted for I don't Know at 1:31am on December 6th, 2011
Who determines what is right and wrong? I am pro-choice. Everyone needs to choose if it is wrong or right for their situation.
Kush Verma 1236
Voted for It's wrong at 9:36pm on April 19th, 2010
yes definitely its wrong not just ethically but medically too.
abortion specially at later stages of pregnancy pose a serious threat to mother's health. repeated abortions can deprive a woman of ability to bear a child, besides other pathological changes changes may follow. abortion is not a physiological process, its either accidental or medical procedure. however it might be necessary to medically terminate pregnancy which may be in case of a sexual offence, a teratogenic(malformed) child, failure of contraceptives or when mother is at risk of life . but at the first place contraceptive should be the first choice as the couple knows whether in near future they want a child or not.
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Voted for It's your choic... at 9:13am on April 11th, 2010
It is sick voyeurism for society or individuals or the state to get involved an ANY woman's reproductive choices!


If you are female and you personally believe that abortion is wrong, then by all means, don't get one.

If you are a guy, and you think it is wrong, don't have sex unless you have had a vascectomy and have been tested as non-fertile.

If you are not the person contemplating or getting an abortion, then it's not for you to judge.
Jenna Morgenthaler 1294
Voted for It's your choic... at 3:47am on August 19th, 2009
It is wrong for some, not for others. There are worse things that could happen to a child than to go with God. But I don't think anyone is "Pro-abortion". It is an awful thing to have to do.
Krista Johnson 1271
Voted for It's wrong at 8:54pm on August 12th, 2009
I feel that an innocent human being who didn't ask to be put on this world mind you is being killed. its wrong. now if the child came from a situation of rape or whatever have the child and put it up for adoption. Why kill the child it should be illegal. I figure if u don't wont children keep your legs closed otherwise deal with the consequences. because there is a consequence for every action. If a person cant practice abstinence then they should be able to handle one of the consequences of having sex, a baby. because i don't care how many ways a person puts it a baby is a living being you created it , it dint create itself so therefore you should have to have it. people feel that having an abortion is an easy outlet for when they don't want a baby to ruin there figure or there current lifestyle. well get over it the baby is a living being now so either put the child up for adoption or have it and take care of it. I mean really by the time a child is aborted it has a heart it may not have a brain but it has a heart. Therefore it is a living being, it may not be a smart being but it is a being non the less so therefore it should be able to live.
Rachel Golden 2191
Voted for I don't Know at 1:01pm on August 11th, 2009
If a person is raped/a victim of incest, extremely underage and a member of an impoverished family or mentally disabled then I think abortion is not wrong, it's the only option, as long as it is done while the "baby" is still a bunch of cells and not a physical fetus, once the baby gets a heartbeat and resemblance to the human form, then I do think its murder... I don't however, think abortion is right as a general form of birth control.
Deborah Mills 1236
Voted for It's wrong at 8:42am on July 28th, 2009
Here's my answer to the question of the day - 'Do you think getting abortions is wrong?'

Of course it is wrong. Does anyone think it is a great idea? Anyone who knows Anatomy and Physiology can only conclude that the moment that one sperm enters the egg is the only black and white line between being not pregnant and pregnant. But consider the alternative. And if you are sensitive at not even read what follows.

It was day like any other late July day in Spring, Texas, hot and muggy, when Royce Zeigler, 24, decided to stay home from work to help 19-year-old Kimberly, his new bride of less than two months, "discipline" Riley. Riley had become a problem. The little 2-1/2-year-old girl didn't have any "manners". She refused to learn how to say things such as "thank you" or "yes sir" or "please." According to Kimberly, Royce wanted her to use a belt to spank Riley.

No one knows what happened that day other than Kimberly Ziegler's statement on November 24th to the investigators at the Galveston County Sheriff's Department. Kimberly told a horrifically sadistic tale, one of where the little girl was beaten with leather belts, of holding Riley's head under water, and of pillows being used to smother Riley. Like most children, Riley disliked taking medication, but Riley reached for the Tylenol offered to her for the pain and swallowed it eagerly.

At one point during that horrendous day, Riley whispered into her mother's ear, 'I love you' and Royce demanded to know what the child had said. When Kimberly told him, he said that the 2-1/2 year old Riley was 'being manipulative.' And so the 'punishment' continued.

When Royce grabbed Riley by her hair and threw her across the room, her tiny head hit the hard tile floor and her skull cracked in three places. Shortly after that, Riley began having trouble walking but was accused of faking it to get sympathy. Not long afterwards, Kimberly and Royce realized that Riley was dead.

They got into their vehicle and drove to Walmart to search for something they could store Riley's body in. They walked the aisles until they found a blue plastic Sterling storage tote, a "Walmart" casket for little Riley. They wrapped her in plastic and then laid her into the storage tote and covered the body in wet cement. They then put the storage tote in the shed that sat out in the back yard. Riley's body stayed in that shed, day after day, night after night, her body decomposing in the hot humid Texas heat while Royce and Kimberly thought about what to do next.

Eventually they drove 75 miles to the Galveston Causeway with the storage tote containing Riley in the back. It was there at the Causeway that Royce and Kimberly left Riley believing their troubles were finally over. No one would know who this little girl was, if anyone ever found her. At least they hoped.

On October 29th, approximately 105 days since that fateful morning when Royce stayed home from work to teach Kimberly how to "discipline" Riley Sawyer, a fisherman near Green's Cut found a blue plastic storage tote,and inside the decomposing body of a little girl.

Of course, know one could have foretold the outcome of Kimberly's pregnancy, but this story has made me think about abortion as sometimes being the lesser of two evils. I hope that reincarnation is possible, so that the souls terminated by abortion can return to a different life, to a better situation. I pray that this is true.
Audrey Conrad 1787
Voted for It's your choic... at 2:26pm on July 27th, 2009
If you have been careful, and you got pregnant anyway, or maybe were involved in something non-consentual that resulted in a pregnancy, I feel it is much more wrong to force someone to become a mother, or bring an unwanted child in to the world. That just ruins lives; the parent, and often the child's. Children should be loved, and wanted.
I really only feel it's wrong when used as a method of birth control. I have no respect for someone who gets several abortions because they refuse to use a condom. Be responsible.
Lise Kam 1236
Voted for It's your choic... at 1:39pm on July 26th, 2009
No it is not wrong....what is wrong is bringing unwanted children into the world....
Tracy Jehle 1236
Voted for It's your choic... at 8:21am on July 26th, 2009
Crack baby's are wrong...
alcoholsyndrom baby's are wrong...
neglect is wrong....
abuse is wrong....
teenage mothers is wrong....
poverty is wrong....

abortion does matter...but in many cases it just shouldn't be a choice...but a must!
abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birthcontrole....but it must be used for protecting an unborn child to grow up in a bad enviroment with parents that just don't care.

Wrong is is prenatal screening on, for instance, Down syndrom. This is accepted in our society. Do these children not have rights? Do we have the right to abort a not so perfect child (within a healthy family) more then we have the right to prevent children to grow up under sick addicted selfisch unresponsable adults?
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