I want to get a tattoo on my nutsack. Is that possible?

I want to get a tattoo on my nutsack. Is that possible?

22 answers , last was 5 years ago

I want to get a tattoo on my nutsack. Is that possible?

Asked by Anonymous in Tattoos & Piercings at 9:59pm on February 6th, 2008
Mick Johnson New Brain
Answered at 1:48pm on March 28th, 2019
I have a smiley face on one of my bollocks. Painless. And a convocation starter 😂
Unknown Brain 1224
Answered at 3:59pm on February 28th, 2008
it is possible...and relitively painless actually..if its only on the scrotum..i have nine tats, one of them there..it was by far the least painful one...and exprerenced tattoo artist will most likely do it, for a much higher cost however...do research and make sure thats what you want, cuz its sorta there for a long time
Stevie Hinton 2322
Answered at 9:36pm on February 23rd, 2008
Yeah. You can get a tattoo anywhere you want... even if it will rub off (like palms of hands or bottoms of feet). I don't think you'd want to get a tattoo on your nutsack though.
Sarah Barber 2158
Answered at 12:44am on February 23rd, 2008
Yeah, you can get one. Most shops wouldn't do it either for local law or personal ethics.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 11:15am on February 17th, 2008
yes have seen several photos and know several people who have had it done
Aaron Young 2263
Answered at 12:28pm on February 15th, 2008
It really depends on whether you can find the artist to do it and how much the cost will be... and chances are you are going to regret getting your nutsack tattooed.
Sara Ferrill New Brain
Answered at 3:38pm on February 14th, 2008
It is possible, but it is painful. The first thing you want to do is find a tattoo artist that is 1.) Reputable and experienced in BME (look it up if you are not sure what BME is) 2.) Wants to / can tattoo your nether regions. 3.) Pick a design that means something to you or you don't mind explaining to EVERY person who sees you naked. You first have to shave off all the hair and make sure you do not have razorburn. Wait a day before you get the tattoo to let the irritation subside (assuming you don't have a hairless scrotum, or your not prepubescent). Do not take advil or tylenol right before going because they are blood thinners and there may be more blood since the testicles are very vascular. Bring someone with you because depending on your pain tolerance, you might feel very tired, or the exact opposite, completely amped and overly hyper. Also, if you really want a scrotal tatoo, you might also be interested in a Guiche piercing. Not sure? Look it up.
Unknown Brain 1279
Answered at 9:08pm on February 11th, 2008
Yes, it is possible as others have mentioned,

but considering it's your nuts you DEFINITELY not only want to have someone who is experienced (ask them if they have done nutsacks before) and you will also want to make sure you do not have any kinds of allergies to any of the dyes. It is possible to have an allergic reaction to tattoo inks and it can be incredibly deadly, so check it out before hand to make sure.
Danielle Carson New Brain
Answered at 12:48pm on February 11th, 2008
Oh, it's "possible", but it would be extremely painful (duh) and difficult due to...wrinkles. I'm hoping this is a hypothetical question, but if not, be super careful where you go to get it done. Check out the business before you get it done, do not just walk in and decide to do it there.
Amy Kesler 1212
Answered at 10:42pm on February 8th, 2008
very possible if you want to keep your balls shaved to be able to see it. (and look like a prepubesent boy with a fake tatt)
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