Why do girls give their number when they don't want you to call?

Why do girls give their number when they don't want you to call?

75 answers , last was 12 years ago

Not that I'm doing bad in the dating world at the moment, but here's one I never could understand. Why do girls give you their number when you ask and then never pick up, return messages, etc? If they don't want to talk to you, whey do they give you their number in the first place?

Asked by Brent Taylor in Dating at 11:14pm on February 13th, 2009
Janet Brettargh 1128
Answered at 11:10am on March 27th, 2012
they want to keep their options open, an ego thing i believe
Joey Clark 1976
Answered at 12:10am on November 28th, 2010
To perpetuate their identity of womanhood that lacks all sense of reason and accountability.
Evan Dando 1422
Answered at 4:08pm on August 14th, 2010
so they can put another number in their phone contacts and then pretending that they are popular
Andrea McKenzie 1337
Answered at 5:50pm on April 9th, 2009
To avoid directly turning you down. They figure you're just doing it to get an ego boost, or that you're just another player who's in it for the sex, not that you're a decent person or an actual dating prospect. But still, they feel it would be "nicer" to just give numbers out then ignore the caller.
Laura Smith 2366
Answered at 11:19pm on April 8th, 2009
To avoid confrontation and directly hurting your feelings. I would give you mine to prove a point but I didn't pay my bill this month, sorry. :( See? They can't think that fast when you're asking in their face.
Matthew Harlow New Brain
Answered at 9:13pm on April 3rd, 2009
Q Who says it is the actual number that u were suppose 2 get ?
Brooke Rhodes 1749
Answered at 12:23am on April 1st, 2009
i think its because most girls dont expect you to call.....its weird
Alli Gray New Brain
Answered at 12:20pm on March 18th, 2009
Another answer is because some guys test while you are there that they have the right number from you by ringing straight away, or drop calling to swap.

..But really if the girl isn't interested then she should just say no.
Mary-anne Mackenzie 1200
Answered at 11:53pm on March 11th, 2009
A gal who is doing that to you is not worthy of your attentions, don't waste your time!!
Jasmine Schmit 1283
Answered at 3:30am on March 10th, 2009
I had this one guy take my phone from me, and copy down my number, and add his to my phone. But I never ended up hearing from him.

This sort of exchange happened a few more times. Never once did I hear from the guys.

So when the last time happened, and I got a phone call within the week I was so shocked I missed his call.

And on the other side of it, women get nervous too. They start to think, I missed his call! I should call him back, and then it goes to: Naaah, I don't know what I'd say. I'll wait for him to call again. And so on.

Or, it could be the sad possibility they just wanted you off their back. Or they couldn't say no, but they really wanted to.
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