Would you want to live forever ? and ever and ever and ever......

Would you want to live forever ? and ever and ever and ever......

37 answers , last was 10 years ago

Would you want to live forever ? and ever and ever and ever......

Asked by Sammy Phua in Science at 9:02pm on April 3rd, 2009
Joel Santos 1985 Rebel Brain
Answered at 8:38pm on August 15th, 2014
not, until i get very old
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 6:12am on May 21st, 2009
First of all...everybody has lived forever, and will continue to do so.

If you look at it even purely from the standpoint of physics. Matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. There is no net loss, ever...just transformation.

I personally believe in reincarnation. In that way, we always existed, and we always will, either as another human in past or future lives, or as pure spirit.
Heather Llanes 1236
Answered at 5:53pm on April 18th, 2009
Part of me would want to just to see how things change over long periods of time. I think that would be cool.

The other part wouldn't because the view you'd have to take wouldn't allow you to be human. No real attachments to anyone that also wouldn't live forever. And less passion. People are passionate because they have a limited lifespan, when that is gone, that passion for change could go as well because whatever needs change would eventually change on its own. Yet, with the line "The more things change, the more they stay the same", a person that would live forever would be able to see so much clearer the repeated cycles of time. That is the part I think would be interesting to see.

So, the gist, I have mixed feelings on living forever.
Stephanie Hayes New Brain
Answered at 7:01pm on April 10th, 2009
No I was chosen to fullfill my lifetime and when I'm gone I just want to know I have made an impact on someone with myself or something I have accomplished, and that my children and husband will love me forever !!!
Mike Qtips 1326
Answered at 8:22am on April 10th, 2009
John Grant 1276
Answered at 5:34am on April 10th, 2009
For the sake of argument, yes, I would.

I'd have to able to end it when I wanted. And I'd probably end it before it really mattered.
Emily Stier New Brain
Answered at 3:26am on April 10th, 2009
i think im just going to answer this one with a simple answer and not going into detail unlike the previous folks. No, i would not like to live forever and ever and ever....
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 2:08am on April 10th, 2009
yes. so i can see the earths many changes. and if the world blows up, i can live on mars like Dr.Manhatten and in turn watch that planet's phases.
Marcus Clark 1661
Answered at 12:34am on April 10th, 2009
I will... and so can you.

It won't be in this body or here on this Earth.
Unknown Brain 1830
Answered at 10:36pm on April 9th, 2009
That would depend if you're referring to potential immortaility or actual immortality. Meaning, someone who is potentially immortal will not die from the effects of the body aging, but could still be killed otherwise.

I wouldn't like this approach, as the body can still age, and while I see no problem living to 100, I don't even want to know what my body would look like at, say, twice that.

Actual immortaility, on the other hand, would imply eternal youth as well- The physical effects of aging have to do with portions of the body losing the ability to replace dead cells, either partially or fully, and if you were truly immortal, you would be immune to this as well.

This I would accept and welcome, so long as I had the option down the line to give up said immortality, because I don't think I could handle watching everyone I love die while I remain healthy and young. I'd lose all empathy for others in time, and in so doing, lose myself.
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