What are some dieting tips for someone who is extremely busy?

What are some dieting tips for someone who is extremely busy?

156 answers , 99,069 views

I work a lot lately, and I've been finding it hard to make time to eat, let alone prepare food.

What are some versatile foods that I can buy next time I go grocery shopping. Meals that don''t take too long to prepare and ingredients that can be mixed and matched to make a variety of things.

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Asked by Unknown Brain in Diet & Fitness at 1:01pm on February 12th, 2008
Katrina Robinson 1500
Answered at 3:36pm on February 12th, 2008
Drink more water and no soda.
Salads are great, easy meals to make (and are great for you as long as you don't drown them in dressing!)
Eat fruit instead of sweets/sugar-ladened foods and drinks.
Katherine Bourgerie 2229
Answered at 3:25pm on October 15th, 2013
I don't understand this question. Whether you are busy or not, aren't dieting tips just the same?
Amanda Ferguson 1282
Answered at 4:16am on November 12th, 2012
You can get the ziplock steam baggies and fresh veggies just rinse them in water put them in the bag and pop them in the microwave for fast steamed vegetables. A healthy trail mix is good to snack on. You could make chicken fajitas on multi-grain tortillas one night and use the leftovers for taco salad the next. If you have a crock pot put that to use it will save time and there are plenty of good healthy recipes for crock pots.
Joey Clark 1976
Answered at 4:03am on November 27th, 2010
Drink 2 cups of water before each meal and you will cut down on your caloric intake and feel more full. You will see an overall difference overtime with very little work on your part.
Evan Dando 1422
Answered at 4:27pm on August 16th, 2010
Dont buy too much bread and if u drink lots of water that should help. DONT drink Guiness it makes you hungrier
Peter Lappin 1282
Answered at 7:59pm on January 5th, 2010
if you are busy with work,try to make work part of exercise.
Nora Campos Ortiz 1500
Answered at 11:36pm on August 13th, 2008
drink 6-8 glasses or water a day, don't drink sodas, Don't eat potatoes because are higher in calories and carbs, reduce your amount of salt because it provide you with so much sodium, eat slowly ( try to) without watching the t.v. in this way your body it will take notice of your intake you'll be full before and you will eat less.
Maha Wehbe 1212
Answered at 4:56am on July 31st, 2008
drink water,cut butter,bread and all kind of sweets from your diet,eat salads,fruits,fish,vegetables and of course you should have a little time to make your favourite gym.
Miriam Macdonald 1350
Answered at 3:52pm on July 19th, 2008
Get green, red, yellow peppers and onion and dice them. Throw them a storage container or baggie and toss in freezer. Make a large pot of rice and pop in separate baggies and pop in freezer. Buy the bags of frozen mixed vegatables--borcolli, green beans etc -- You can mix handfuls of these together as you please , when you want, and pop into microwave. Fresh, steaming stirfry at your fingertips! Add to a baked porkchop or piece of chicken for a heavier meal.

So--get frozen veggies, peppers, onion and rice! chop, mix, freeze.
Joshua Grebeldinger-Stewart 1328
Answered at 2:32pm on July 19th, 2008
Basically, I'd stick with a high-fiber and b vitamin intake.
Cliff bars and Odwalla juices will cover most of that.
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