The never ending story...

The never ending story...

9 answers , last was 15 years ago

Rules :

Your story must be inline and continuous with the previous.
You can tease fellow BBA members by using their names.
It can be erotic, scientific, dumb,funny.
No offensive language !!! You can post as many times as you want.

The story begins......

It was a beautiful evening, a relaxing day to spend time with family and friends. A BBA BBQ was held and all members were busy chatting, eating and drinking. What a great occasion as we all met up for the first time, after participating in so many online rebuttals, discussions and testimonies. Suddenly the lights went off ......

Asked by Sammy Phua in Entertainment at 2:27pm on April 18th, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 7:15am on April 30th, 2009
....the frogs he was lickin in the bushes behind the monkey zoo while they were hurling poo and trying to hump him. He saw it in an episode of of Family guy and was at first disappointed that it didnt work! All that lickin! Like 50 frogs! My goodness he was soo disappointed, although the frogs didnt seem to mind it and the monkeys seemed to be enjoying themselves as was Jim. But now the frog licks had finally begun to kick in! And it was like Kenny in the episode of the pee high in southpark (pause and view: And Steph was the hottie with maajor boobage. She was walkin with her hips swaying like a supermodel on the runway, designer glasses dangling from her extended hand. To Jim it looked like a godess was approaching ready to take him to heaven, when all of a sudden Joseph crashed his huffy big wheeler right into Jims butt making Jim cough out toward one of the horny monkey's lit cigarettes, the alcohol on Jims breath ignited causing a massive FLAME! And the flame was headed directly for Steph! Oh no! what to do?! Just then up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane, no its Kasim K!! WIth one hand he scooped up Steph and with the other he reached toward Sammy who was also in the flames path and picked up a burger with extra cheese and a welches grape! The flame was still headed for Sammy when all of a sudden...
Deepak Kotecha 1806
Answered at 4:51am on April 21st, 2009
Its really bad for the liver you know. And the taste is huh ... never mind, I wouldn't know. Lets call a taxi, shall we and get everyone safely home. Just as the bartender agrees Jim has had enough, and practically knocks himself out tripping over the passed-out cold Sammy lying on the floor (shirt soaked and all), Jim catches Stafania walking his way. Jims mouth gapes open and his eyes pop - she's wearing a french maid's outfit, only it keeps changing colors... Is it Jim or is it...
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 2:42pm on April 20th, 2009
but when they click their glasses together, they find that they are not in Kansas any more.

Deepak returns from the other side and wisely counsels them against the dangers of alcohol over-consumption.

Jim starts a line dance and everyone gets involved
Cher Bear 1622
Answered at 8:33pm on April 19th, 2009
but the only help he could find was alcohol. At the bar Jim finds Sarika and they decide to come up with a mysterious plot to make the party even more fun! Looking around the BBQ they observe all the guests, and start to conspire a grand plan that leaves them laughing hard! To this brilliant idea, they toast...
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 4:11pm on April 19th, 2009
But when Jim and Sammy returned back they had a shocking surprise waiting for them..

Stefania was hanging on Scott's arm.. when they approached her she turned around and looked at Jim with those haunting eyes and said "Jim you are late... "

Jim was devastated and he looked around for help...
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 8:02pm on April 18th, 2009
Sammy comes to in a dark room, he here's a voice close by, Jim is that you? What happened?

Yes, Sammy it is I. I'm not certain, all I remember is tripping through..... a puddle of water?!?! Then you followed.

At that moment A spiritual form appears, it's Deepak!!. I have come to rescue you from your enslavement and return you to your world. He explains that Melissa has used her psychic powers to bring Danielle under her power make Stefania believe she is a Warrior Princess and using her to get at "The Scott!!"

Sammy and Jim look at each other and exclaim..."Not The Scott!!!" We have to get back.

Deepak smiles and a pool of water forms on the floor. as Deepak bids Sammy and Jim farewell his ghostly words trail.... "Save the hottie, save the World......."

Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 5:03pm on April 18th, 2009
the time displacement portal that Stefania had casually opened. "Now, the real fun begins!", Stefania cackled, as she gracefully applied the Heimlich Maneuver to Sammy, and then tossed his unconscious form through the hole in time. The other guests, visibly shocked, peered into the swirling light of the the doorway, and then back to Stefania, who had now taken the form of Xena- warrior princess (bustier and all!) , and was walking up to Scott, a look of longing in her eyes....
Unknown Brain 2031
Answered at 4:23pm on April 18th, 2009
Never one to miss the chance at being a hero, Jim jumped out of his lawn chair and raced to the scene of the choking victim, passing within mere inches of Danielle who could simply not resist sticking her foot out and tripping him into....
Tracy Jehle 1236
Answered at 2:53pm on April 18th, 2009
and it came on again. Sammy, sipping his sambuca had leaned against the lightswitch. He apoligized for this clumsyness and, very unlike him, he burped out loud. Then again, and again.....then he fell to the floor gripping his throat panting to get some air.....
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