With ALL the medical fields out there, WHY would one choose to become a proctologist????

With ALL the medical fields out there, WHY would one choose to become a proctologist????

6 answers , last was 16 years ago

I ran into a buddy of mine that I knew grewing up. Long story short, he moved to cali, went to school, got married, ya de da de da. We were discussing careers, and he's an "ass doctor".

Ok.... granted, they're NEEDED in the world, and yes... I give them MAD PROPS!! (I sure the hell couldn't do it), But with ALL the different areas of modern medicine, and ALL the different kinds of doctors, which ALL pay well.... Why in the FUCK would someone choose probing into the "big brown eye" for a living???????? WHY THIS FIELD???? Good god... everything from Hemorrhoids, to gerbils... what the fuck???

Any insight?? id love to hear from an honest to god doctor on this matter, as it seriously baffles me to no end!

Asked by Unknown Brain in Career & School at 1:40am on June 20th, 2008
Unknown Brain 2394
Answered at 5:11pm on June 20th, 2008
maybe they have a shitty outlook on life,
or maybe they've been told to "stick it where the sun don't shine" too many times.
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 3:38pm on June 20th, 2008
In all actuality - proctology does not exist anymore - The specialties are Gastroenerologist or Colorectal Surgeon. I know 2 MDs with this "under their belt", and their response when I sought them out to answer your"probing" question", came to this "end". Why not?
Yes, they admit, it isn't the most glamorous field, but it is in high demand, the pay is excellent, most surgeries, except for CAs, are elective (meaning scheduled, and routine, and therefore, more lucrative), and in reality, it's just anther orifice - in a surgical; setting it's prepped, no "poopy" is present. Really, a prepped bowel is not very gross.
And there really is something to be said for helping people with diseases that cause a lot of morbidity and mortality, as well as social embarrassment.
And you're going to be hard-pressed to find a specialty that doesn't have to do the dreaded digital exam. Not only GI MDs do them - any MD with an office has to, if indicated.

I told you about my experiences with nursing assistance, THAT was a SHITTY job - MDs have it a hell of a lot easier than nurses when it comes to excretions. If you want to talk to a professional dealer in rear exits, well, yap away, I'm here. (That didn't "come out" like I wanted it to, don't get all pervy with that last statement - We all know you'd be "talking out ya ass")

And where else would those great lists of "things people stick up their butts" come from? Thank the MDs you even know about the gerbils...
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 12:02pm on June 20th, 2008
eaaahhhhh...I'm not one, but...
Dude, it's a great way to intimidate someone, I would think! You know, "bend over, I need to make sure ur not dying" Then snapping the glove a bit ominously, and watching them try to be polite while u asspoke them to make sure they're not dying. You even get to smile DOWN at them. (I think. Right?)

Who WOULDN'T want to be a proctologist? Really.

I'm serious, I'd do it. Just a tad too lazy to go to medical school.....
Unknown Brain 1283
Answered at 11:12am on June 20th, 2008
"no end" lol

It's elemental, my dear Surly. Just like some people find exciting seeing things like "2 Girls, one cup", "Fucked to death by a horse", "SCAMP" and "Oprah", other people decide to take the extra step and get to the bottom...ajem source of nastiness. It's all about fetishes. Just like your Podiatrist, Pediatrician (which is what M.Jackson always wanted to be), Geriatrist or, even worse, Urologist.

Btw, if when you go to your urologist for the prostate exam, you feel two hands on your back during the exam... well, its too late already.
Unknown Brain 2301
Answered at 11:06am on June 20th, 2008
Friend of mine doing her rotations (I think that's what they're called when they check out all the specialties) said that the butt-doctoring is "like playing a video game" cuz the camera does the nasty bit and you just drive the machine. She would have picked that as her specialty but had a personal mission to do oncology.
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 3:24am on June 20th, 2008
You said - to no end! -hehe

A man goes to a proctologist for his very first rectal exam. The doc tells him to wait in the examination room. Once inside, the man notices three items on the desk: a tube of K-Y Jelly, a rubber glove, and a beer.
When the doctor comes in, the man says, “Look, Doc, this is my first exam. I know what the K-Y is for, and I know what the glove is for … but what’s the beer doing there?”

The doctor looks at the beer and turns red with anger. “Nurse,” he screams. “I said a butt light!”

Why does a doctor decide to specialize in proctology?
Hey, don't ass me, man.

What is the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?
The taste.

Lifestyle and pay are big attractants to this one. Sure, it may not seem all that much fun to be back there all day, but some people are less bothered by it and dive into the field (no pun) anyway. Everyone has things that bother them more than others, and in most specialties you are going to have to dabble in lots of areas of the body your didn't previously expect.

It always makes me laugh when I hear younger boys (usually early teens) laugh and joke that it must be SO cool to be an ob/gyn because, like, you stare at pussies all day! How awesome! Sure...not when you set foot in a public, urban teaching hospital and realize that very few, if any, of your patients during that long residency are playboy worthy...not to mention that some STD's and other genital infections are the foulest smelling things you can imagine. So in summary, there is something for everybody out there - but not for li'l ole me.
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