Who's the expert?

Who's the expert?

8 answers , last was 5 years ago

Has anyone else noticed that the best answers seem to come from those BBA'ers who do not list any kind of expertise, where as more often the crazy answers come from those that believe themselves to be experts in numerous fields?

You decide!

Asked by Cameron Trickey in Random Questions at 5:16pm on April 2nd, 2008
Samson Sax QBax 1535
Voted for No expertise = ... at 12:50pm on December 8th, 2018
My answers are semi retarded
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Answered at 10:51pm on April 6th, 2008
I cannot really say that I agree because some people take expertise to mean something they thrive in, others take it as something they will actually want to answer. For instance, i would leave cars and sports off of my expertise because i don't give a rat's ass about cars or sports, but I do care about relationships so I put that on there. I didn't really think anything of it though, just a way for me to filter questions :)
Unknown Brain 2285
Voted for No expertise = ... at 3:16pm on April 3rd, 2008
The more we learn the more we are aware of that we do not know.

I once had a listing of expertise and since removed it.
I am a student of life.
The further I go in this pursuit the more I am reminded that I need to learn much much more.

Humility and the ability to asses one self comes with knowledge.

Look at the Dali Lama- he always reminds us he is just a simple boy from Tibet.
Kasim K 1908
Voted for No expertise = ... at 12:54am on April 3rd, 2008
What is this "pithy " you speak of? i actually dont know what that means. so thats why i pickd it! but i list a ton of expertises because im a jack of all trades, and master of bater. lol jk.. but i list stuff ive dabbled in excessively until i got bored and did something new.
Unknown Brain 1892
Voted for Expertise = not... at 12:15am on April 3rd, 2008
Im just here for the debates personally. *smiling like an angel*.

What's interesting about that question, is the number of different perspectives that come from people. When you look at the questions, they're more "philosophical based" or "opinion based" instead of factual.

I don't know ANYONE in BBA personally, and yet I feel that alot of people know me here a HELL of alot better than alot do in person. For example..... Religious segregation. EVERYONE knows my view on that, yet there's not a fact based in it.
Besides... I cant speak on behalf of most of the people here, But hell.....Who likes a "know it all", when this place is based more on good company, insight, and other perspectives.

I don't come here to answer shit that I could ask anyone walking down the street, or to ask anything that I myself could find with my own recources... I come for the entertainment of it. *smile.
(and to des, jade, shawn, etc. ... all my favorite ladies from here... Im out of "palm aid" (thanks to you). Currently, im accepting donations for my next Costco run).
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 8:22pm on April 2nd, 2008
Pithy... I have been caught saying that on a few occassions when my mouth runs faster than my brain. Resulting in somene popping me in the mouth!!!! When asked what happened? I reply..."DON'T ATHK ME WHAT HAPPENED!!!...I'M IN A PITHY MOOD RIGHT NOW!!!!" :D

Now for the poll.... When I first came to BBA I listed a few areas of expertise. Then I thought about it and deleted them. Not because I didn't feel I was expert enough to qualify. Rather, why label yourself as something when the whole point to being here is to answer/ask questions. In time your replies and/or your questions will speak to you expertise. I, personally, just read the question and if something comes to mind I write. If not, I pass. As most will have noticed by now...I RARELY PASS... hahaha

We all have opinions on a wide variety of subjects. Some are based upon our background in education or career. Some are things we want to know more about. The way I look at it is.... people that participate in Q&A's like this are looking to be heard and be respected for their opinions. You do not have to be an expert in all fields you just need to have common sense, life experience and the ability think. ;)
Tobin Poitras 706
Voted for Expertise = not... at 8:13pm on April 2nd, 2008
your mom in bed is expertise :)
Stas Urban 2168
Answered at 7:42pm on April 2nd, 2008
I would have to vote both ways on this one accually-Sorry to say but the things i have said I am an expert in I have a great deal of knowledge about and when i answere a question in that certain field I answere with the best of my ability and capability,however there is technically no expert in any field-with each passing day new information is fed into each choice and noone has the time or will give the effort to research every possability.I do my best to be up to date on the issues I claim to know but sometimes it is very difficult.

So to you my friend sometimes its those who dont claim to know that may have already learned enough to answere the way you would like it to be answered.

and if dude doesnt hear the word pithy everyday obviously he doesnt watch Bill O'Reilly-i try not to watch but he is my favorite comedian
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