What can you do with a friend when you are bored?

What can you do with a friend when you are bored?

22 answers , last was 14 years ago

Me and my friend (a male) spend a lot of time indoors being bored - what ideas do you have for fun things to do?

Asked by Cher Bear in Friends at 9:49pm on March 29th, 2009
Deborah Stuke 1200
Answered at 5:00pm on April 3rd, 2009
write out a bunch of ideas on separate pieces of paper- try to make them realistic- and make categories such as:

- things you can do that are quick, local and free
- things you can do that cost some $ - and make take more time
- things that would require planning and budgeting (the wish list)

fold up the papers and put them in a hat/cup or whatever- then take turns drawing them out and whatever you pick- do. this will make you get creative and will be lots of fun!

now, if you pick the trip to Hawaii- then you can spend time researching how much tickets cost, when the best time to travel would be, things to do while there, and make a plan to save $ for your trip-then you have something fruitful to look forward to together!

have fun!
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Answered at 12:48pm on April 3rd, 2009
I will answer this question in three parts, the last of which will just be a list of what I have mentioned and more awesome ideas. You will be able to see a clear line between each one.

I am going to go ahead and go with some other suggestions and say have sex. I infer that you are single, seeing as how you said you and your male friend spend a lot of time together, and I assume he is also single, seeing as how he spends a lot of time with a specific female counterpart that he is not romantically involved with. Granted I am engaged and spend a lot of time with a specific person of the opposite sex, but she is mine and my fiancees best friend. Regardless, sex is the answer, sex is the cure! When I was single (over a year ago) my friends and I used sex as a way to pass the time. It was always available, cheap, and could keep you entertained for at least a couple of hours, then all you want to do is lay back and watch some House anyways, so it completely alleviates the boredom. Furthermore, sex can help rid you of headaches and can even reduce the intensity of a migraine (granted, if you have a migraine I would not recommend the reverse cowgirl, the koala bear, or the Jackie Chan, all of these cause way too much head movement.)

Now, what can you do to have fun with this? Try to invent new sex positions and give them funny names. For instance, the koala bear and the Jackie Chan! Play some strip scrabble! (strip scrabble entails that whoever has the lowest valued word each round must remove an article of clothing, then whenever you get to the end, whoever wins gets to pick what they do. Doesn't have to be sexual, but it should be!) I went to my friends Shandi and Wendi's house once, busted out some scrabble, and by the time my roommate showed up 20 minutes later wendi was nude, Shandi had on her bottoms and I was fully clothed. (My roommate was also a girl).

alright, now SEX PART IS OVER!


Now, I understand that you can be friends with someone of the opposite sex and not want to plow them. I have been friends with girls all my life. My best man at my wedding is going to be my female roommate Melanie. She even agreed to wear a tux for me if I wanted :D Whenever we lived together, we loved playing racquetball. Lots of fun, lots of adrenaline, lots of action. We also boxed and I learned that when a girl is having bad cramps the below the belt line is substantially higher than her waist.

Alright, not big on sporty stuff? Melanie and I spent countless nights sitting in the kitchen floor talking about life, relationships, people we knew, plans, stupid shit, etc. etc. We also walked to the college and watched people play Ultimate and Racquetball whenever we were too sore to play ourselves.

List Time:

*Sitting and Talking about random stuff
*Buy a BIG tube of offbrand playdough and make some AWESOME sculptures
*Read to one another like Stevie suggested. Designate one person as the narrator and one person as the dialogue captain. Make up voices for each character and use random silly but fitting or ironic voices to narrate. (for instance, I used my transvestite voice whilst reading Atlas Shrugged.)
*Water Balloon fight
*Buy some Nerf Crossbows or Nerf Guns and play Live Action CounterStrike through the house
*Drop a cat over a mirror (not high enough to hurt it though, messes with their equilibrium and makes them not land on their feet sometimes.)
*Build card houses
*Do puzzles
*Go to the dollar store, get two puzzles, do them both, then switch the pieces with each one in a checkerboard pattern before taping them and putting them up (the dollar store has little 100 piece puzzles but they are all cut using the same jigsaw design so you can switch pieces, cool designs!)
*Make your own boardgame with your own awesome rules!
*Slide down the up banister of an escalator, then just hold on to it when you get to the bottom and ride it back up. Repeat until security shows up.
*Smoke Pot. I don't do it but I have never heard someone say they are bored whilst they are baked.
*draw gigantic penii (the plural of penis) on your neighbors' driveways with sidewalk chalk. Make em look good.
*Repaint a room in your house together
*Lawn Darts are always fun
*Crossfire (a board game like thing from the early 90s, you shoot little steel balls at a puck and try to hit the puck into the other persons goal. Seems potentially dangerous but it is a lot of fun.)
*Get a PUPPY!!!
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 1:20am on April 3rd, 2009
make videos, watch movies, sing, be random, have fun, cook, listen to music.

cuz thats all you need in life
Matthew Trevino 1236
Answered at 12:13am on April 3rd, 2009
do nothing.i enjoy doing nothing with a pal.
Karen Stear Savell 1271
Answered at 8:43pm on April 2nd, 2009
A friend is someone who you can do nothing with....and enjoy it!
Chris Brogan 1283
Answered at 8:11pm on April 2nd, 2009
If drawing on eachother with Sharpies and uploading the pics to facebook doesn't sound like fun, create something to satisfy your needs. The create a way to market "The Boredom Buster" go on Oprah, and become rich and famous... Then go to college!
Ben Loomis 1294
Answered at 6:24pm on April 2nd, 2009
I will defer you to the good people at XKCD.

Titusleta Jenkins New Brain
Answered at 6:02pm on April 2nd, 2009
That depends, this male is the opposite sex right?
Anna Eiríksdóttir 1260
Answered at 4:18pm on April 2nd, 2009
Bored with your friend is a strange friendship
Becca Vior 1416
Answered at 4:06pm on April 2nd, 2009
uhhh...board games, computer, video games...DUHH
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