What's your opinion...

What's your opinion...

31 answers , last was 17 years ago

Gay marriage...

God's method of Population Control
or Hell-bound abomination

Asked by Michael Godin in Random Questions at 1:00pm on February 24th, 2008
Jenny Herbert New Brain
Voted for Just fine. at 3:05pm on March 5th, 2008
I think that being gay or bisexual is natural. I don't think that you can choose to be gay or bisexual. If you choose then you are just denying yourself. My ex took a jab at me by asking his mom what she thought of bisexual women, she said that they were lesbians that haven't taken the step to be with only women. He couldn't accept that I'm bi because of him being christian. I am now with a guy that accepts me as I am.
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Voted for Just fine. at 2:51pm on February 28th, 2008
Actually I did choose to be straight and you chose to be gay. I mean, even though I am attracted to women, I could still sleep with men if I wanted to. I do have that right. It would just be stupid of me to ignore the person I am and go directly against what I know is right for me.

That is beside the point. The point is that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Disliking someone because they are gay is no different than disliking someone because they are black. Now this may conflict with what I said about it being a choice, but Michael Jackson has proved to us all that even if you are born black you don't have to stay black. You can choose to be white, though it is stupid. I guess my point is just accept who you are and if other people do not accept you then they can go f**k themselves. There is no reason to dislike someone just because they are gay. All that does is feed the idea that some book written by a bunch of sexist, racist, prejudice men a few thousand years ago has more precedence over our ability to know right from wrong than our own minds do. Be gay, be straight, be black, be white. It doesn't matter!!!! Seriously, if your neighbor is a guy who is married to another guy, how is that going to affect your life? IT ISN'T so leave it alone. ugh. . .

p.s. I am straight, if you didn't pick up on that. Just wanted to clarify so that you will know that yes, straight people DO support gay rights.
Unknown Brain 525
Answered at 9:40am on February 27th, 2008
You asked a damn question and I answered it so you need to stop being do damn racist and coming down on people that don't think the same way you do. Sorry I'm not gay. Being a "born again" christian and still admitting you are gay is wrong on both aspects of the spectrum. As for your little message to my inbox, I honestly could care less. I am not worried about you or your life. That is all on you. If you say that you are a Christian that means you believe in God. That means you believe in the Bible. That means you EFFIN KNOW HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN! It appears to me you are a hippocrite that has no idea what you are talking about.
Unknown Brain 525
Voted for Horribly immora... at 9:13am on February 27th, 2008
God didn't make anyone homosexual...being gay is something that is chosen. You can choose to be gay or you can choose to be straight (wjether you like it or not.) If you go by what the Bible says, what do you think God would have said if he saw Jesus having sex with an apostle or something...
Jessie St Amand 2400
Voted for Just fine. at 2:52am on February 27th, 2008
Opposing gay rights is nothing but cruelty. It's just one more way that powerful religious groups micromanage your life. They use labels like "unnatural" and "abomination" because they're somehow threatened by people who are outside of their traditional, rigid gender roles.
Unknown Brain 1200
Voted for Just fine. at 12:02am on February 27th, 2008
Why would God make people who are homosexual if it is meant to be a sin? The bible is always up for interpritation, but if Jesus was here i doubt he would discriminate like many christians have. so i say let God judge and love everyone.
Michael Berryman 1199
Answered at 10:46pm on February 26th, 2008
neither it is the choice of mankind how happyness is found n thats all that matters
Laura Nyhuis 1224
Voted for Horribly immora... at 3:55pm on February 26th, 2008
Now I am not a Homophobe and I'm not going to protest at a Gay's funeral but I do believe it is immoral.

Genesis 2:18-24
"The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. "

At the beginning of that passage it said that God noticed man was lonely. So God created woman... just for man.
Delia Creech 2344
Voted for Just fine. at 3:31pm on February 26th, 2008
God's method of Population Control
or Hell-bound abomination

Neither...as long as people can find happiness and love i say be happy and love with all your heart...God does not punish people for there feelings or who they choose to love.. as for hell.... my view is... your living in hell as we speak .. the Gay community is already hell bound right here and now by small minded people .. if people would pay attention to there own lives and leave others to do the same.. it would not be so bad to live in this hell as we are at the moment
Unknown Brain 525
Answered at 12:40am on February 26th, 2008
The bible says it in plain black and white...sexual immorality between homosexuals or lesbians is looked down upon by God and no one who partakes in that can ever enter Heaven without repenting and asking for forgiveness. You may turn your back on God, but he never turns his back on you.
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