Capitol Punishment. Are you For, or Against??

Capitol Punishment. Are you For, or Against??

13 answers , last was 16 years ago

Easy question. Are you "For" or "Against" capitol punishment, and why??

Asked by Unknown Brain in Law at 3:33pm on July 19th, 2008
John Supp 2272
Answered at 1:32pm on August 29th, 2008
I think capital punishment, if it is actually enforced, acts as a deterrent to criminals contemplating capital offenses. Think about it this way. A potential murderer might think twice if he knew that he would be killed for his actions. However, if the worst thing the government could do to him is put him in a taxpayer-funded facility with a gym and cable TV for the rest of his life, there are some people out there desperate enough to do it.
I don't normally quote movies in serious discussion, but there was a good line in Batman Begins: "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society."
Brent Taylor 2317
Answered at 5:53am on August 18th, 2008
I'm for it in the case of murder, at least. I wonder if certain other crimes like rape should be considered, as well, but I'm not sure.

I think the death penalty for murder is the only thing that comes close to paying for the crime. While it's better for the aggressor to repay what he has taken, when this is not possible it seems fit to fall back on a lesser (but also just in its own way) law - eye for an eye.

I honestly think it's the most merciful thing for the murderer as well. Why let them stew about it for the rest of their life? If they have any kind of conscience it's just needless torture. If they have none their life may be a lost cause anyway. Let him get to the judgement on the other side having paid for his crime in some kind of way at least.

Maybe more importantly, I think it is the closest thing to bringing closure and justice to the family of the victim.

Overall, though, it's a hard subject, and my thoughts on the matter might change. I don't expect to quit believing in it as an appropriate punishment for murder, but my outlook as to why might.
Srđan Tufegdžić 2341
Answered at 12:04pm on August 11th, 2008
I'm not native English speaker, but typo I think made in question is funny. If your politicians are as bad as one my country has, then I understand why you want to introduce punishment into Capitol :-) Even thinking the crimes and penalties for them makes me cry. LOL! Just joking, forget that.

Now on the serious side. My long gone father was a judge. Moral issues always exist when it comes to death penalty. In my country death penalty is rarely sentenced and even more rarely executed (appeals, abolitions and such crap). Here all members of the court judges, defending advocate and prosecutor must be present at the time of execution. They must watch and witness the execution, that way they judge has to think very well before write that decision. Father once did decide that way (as max time sentence at that time was 20 years). He struggled a lot about it. He even take the whole case home to read again and again. I was a teenager and naturally none could stop me to peep inside the case. Photos of the crime scene were horror. Guy(about 30 years old) killed 14 year old girl who did first flirt with him and date him but when he tried to advance to something more turned him down. He waited until she left school one day and when she left her friends cut her throat with a knife. Premeditated cold cruel murder of that kind shocked everyone. In the end his appeal got him 20 years of jail time. I still think he deserve death penalty. I didn't knew the girl although we were close by age, but the things I read and saw was good enough for me to say he should burn. He is outside now I think, she doesn't live anymore - that is not justice by my standards.

Recently, due to political pressures, my country put new law making death penalty illegal and introduced new time penalty spans max time 40 years and life imprisonment. Since those can be reduced too... I wonder what is the purpose of that? All people that practice law that I know agree that is stupid that we don't have death penalty. But that was a political decision made by those who know very little about law in practice - politicians. Let say some imbecile took someone life, for example shoot a police officer trying to stop crime. Why? He though he might get away with it as they maybe won't caught him and even if they do he will spend rest of his life being feed in the jail. Fantastic isn't it? Death penalty isn't there just for heavy crimes like the one I described it is there also as a deterrent for those crime prone not to go that deeply into crime. As for possibility of innocent men being executed...that is what beyond reasonable doubt stand for...or in the case I described why members of the court had to be present at the execution.
Rachel Golden 2191
Answered at 11:14pm on July 26th, 2008
For, as long as its not abused and the cases are thoroughly examined. It would be a shame if an innocent person received capital punishment.

I believe in an eye for an eye though, if you take a life for any reason other than self defense, prepare to have the same happen to you.

Its funny that as a kid we learn two wrongs don't make a right, but we also learn to treat others the way we'd like to be treated ourselves.

Well if you treat someone with disregard who has treated others with disregard, is that really two wrongs? I think its a wrong and a right making a right.
David Souza 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 7:28am on July 24th, 2008
I am for it depending on the severity of the crime.

As King Solomon put it: "Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as indignant as those who are."

It's amazing how people feel once it affects them personally... I, for one, would rather not go through that... I'd rather learn the easy way.
Zee Zee 2308
Answered at 7:59pm on July 21st, 2008
I know someone who was murdered...the entire family came undone...and the murderer only got 25 years with parol in 15! Their 17 year old son is dead and this person is walking around, breathing, eating, sleeping, and possibly a guilty conscience?!

An eye for an eye, a tooth or a tooth are what some might say.

Besides, chances are that the murderer might be killed in jail by another murderous peer...ever watch OZ?!!! Look at what happened to Jeffery Dahmer....he was beaten to death by another inmate!
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 4:59pm on July 20th, 2008
I agree with most of what has been said here. I DO NOT believe in the death penalty for the reasons already stated and:

Most of us may THINK we know what happens when we die, but truly...WE DON'T. How do we know that killing a killer IS a punishment???????

Killing some one through the legal system ONLY solves two problems (1) sense of satisfaction for the family/loved ones (2) don't have to deal with the person who killed anymore.

AND.......I can't rationalized the idea that it is AGAINST THE LAW TO KILL SOMEONE....BUT the LAW has the right to disregard that and KILL SOMEONE because they killed??????????

If there is a prob. with the judicial system...fix it....don't kill people because we can't think of anything better to do.

just my 2 cents.

p.s.....Cameron....did you watch "Little Nicky" this weekend???? I know I did......bend over Hitler!!!! LOL :)
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 12:27pm on July 20th, 2008
Against. It inflates gov't power to a nauseating degree, though it's not like they wouldn't kill who they wanted if it were--oh darn, illegal. Same goes for any killer. So I don't think it's a deterrent, cause picture it: "oh golly GEE, I better not chop up my wife till we get to Wisconsin, cause THEY don't have the DEATH PENALTY!" Just my opinion, tho...

It'd prolly be different if I'd actually lost someone to murder...tho I wouldn't count on the legal system taking care of anything besides their own interests...because they never do, and why should this be any different...therefore, I'd waste the person's ass myself. Or try to. Lord knows I'd be pissed enough...

Also agree about "how many innocent ppl have died"
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 2:09am on July 20th, 2008
Jim - I was thinking of that movie this evening - good flick.

Something is bothering me, though. It seems that this thread is saying we agree that capital punishment is not the right answer for murderers. But sexual predators need their balls chopped off, or tropical fruit shoved up their posteriors. Am I following this correctly?!?Have we turned into this type of SOCIETY???

Because if so....then I wholeheartedly agree.
Hehe...Scared ya, didn't I?
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 7:08pm on July 19th, 2008
Man!!! this is a tough one.

A deterent? Maybe in the beginning when even criminals had a code, no matter if it was twisted. But Cameron's statement rings true. Those that commit the crime have zero regard for thier own lives and capitol punishment would just be a release, one that they are too afraid to do themselves.

If feel that if we are willing to take that step to commit murder by judical decree then why not impose a a penalty of torture? Really... what's the difference? Let them relive the terror of their victims on a daily basis. Won't take too long before they take their own life.

Legal system.... this is likely the worst offender for not making capitol punishment work. We hear about cases over turned on a daily basis for many reasons. Most involve someone along the chain of command not doing their job right. Innocent people are convicted and guilty people are set free all the time. What kind of system is that? In order for capitol punishment to work you need to be 1800% positive you are convicting the right person. There are no do overs in capital punishment.

Having said that... I would have to say I do not agree with capital punishment in it's current form.
If it were a family member.... well... i have friends in low places ;)

Ever watch "The Star Chamber"? If not you should. It's an oldie but a goodie!!!
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