what do black holes release?

what do black holes release?

23 answers , last was 15 years ago

what do black holes release?

Asked by Justin Mckay in Science at 7:42pm on February 16th, 2009
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 1:46pm on March 27th, 2009
I have read that they emit radio waves. Does anybody know what band I tune into to hear them? AM or FM? Shortwave?

And I read that they emit x-rays. Does this mean that astronauts ought to be wearing lead-shielded space suits?

I have seen where they emit Space Confederation, Borg and Klingon ships.

I am pretty sure that's what's causing all the trouble in the Bermuda Triangle, too. The aliens really object (on the grounds of copyright infringement) when humans wear Bermuda shorts or eat Bermuda onions, and they zap them through to the other side of a nearby black hole.

Black holes are responsible for a lot of problems that science has yet to solve. Things like...where does the missing sock go when you're doing laundry? How do those wire coat hangers you get from the dry cleaners tangle themselves together in the closet when nobody's watching? It's black holes doing it.
Pauline Rusert 1200
Answered at 2:35am on March 4th, 2009
Black holes release x rays. That is what how proof ox existence was determined! Hawking predicted both that black holes existed and that they would emit x-rays. He was right, and he won the bet with his colleague!
Unknown Brain 2223
Answered at 2:18am on February 23rd, 2009
Sarah McKay 1416
Answered at 5:04pm on February 22nd, 2009
youre a douche bag
Joe Hebert 1260
Answered at 3:42pm on February 22nd, 2009
Yes, back in 2006 this observation was made:

Inflowing matter that hasn't yet passed this point of no return can — through friction and interaction with the black hole's strong magnetic field — release energy in the form of either diffuse light or focused jets of energy.
Most of the energy in the jets is being emitted as radio waves, but in at least one of the 9 black holes studied, the energy was in the form of more energetic X-rays.
Jonathan Woods New Brain
Answered at 6:00pm on February 20th, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 7:39am on February 18th, 2009
how old are you? you look like you should know this by now. if not go to youtube and look up "Eddie Murphy, The Fart game" for enlightenment.
Sri Ram 1411
Answered at 4:14am on February 18th, 2009
As the matter falls or is pulled towards the black hole, it gains kinetic energy, heats up and is squeezed by tidal forces. The heating ionizes the atoms, and when the atoms reach a few million degrees Kelvin, they emit X-rays.
Robin Rocha New Brain
Answered at 5:34pm on February 17th, 2009
they dont release nothing
Unknown Brain 1212
Answered at 3:56pm on February 17th, 2009
You really don't want to know, and you absolutely, don't want to step in it.
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