What is he function of pubic hair?

What is he function of pubic hair?

17 answers , last was 15 years ago

Might sound a bit funny but it suddenly stumbled upon me why do people have pubic hair? Axillary hair? I can understand body hair in terms of external thermal regulation. But hair in places where its already "warm"?

Isn't say armpit hair an increased surface area for bacteria to congregate, leading to odor?

Is the function of pubic/armpit hair, to decrease friction upon movement? Would you rather it removed permanently for hygienic reasons?

Asked by Sammy Phua in Science at 3:09pm on February 1st, 2009
Cher Bear 1622
Answered at 5:18pm on March 22nd, 2009
There are a couple theories why we have pubic hair, pick your favorite :-)

* A visual indicator of sexual maturity

* To help maintain body heat

* To collect and help spread our pheromones

* To protect skin from infection, irritation, and friction (especially during sexual intercourse)
Michael Olsen 1426
Answered at 5:56am on February 25th, 2009
Pubic and axillary hair serve more than the purposes listed. We have to remember that human mating is not like what it used to be, but it still follows a distinct model. When a man or woman desire a mate, they secrete pheromones. This is mixed with our sweat to be carried through the air and be smelled by other males/females. The hair on our body provides a spot that sweat can collect and be evaporated from, without making us uncomfortable. This action provides us a way to release pheromones to potential mates. Because of this, when a couple engages in coitus they are usually both completely naked. The pubic hair is quite exposed to the air, pheromone laden sweat will build there to create a natural lubricant to protect our skin, but also to be evaporated and smelled by the mate, making them want to continue in the act. Its like out body's way of helping us out if our plumage, once revealed, doesn't meet expectations.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 2:15am on February 21st, 2009
to get stuck in your teeth lmao
Lana Manitta Hunanian 1251
Answered at 3:49am on February 19th, 2009
There are lymph nodes under our armpits and reproductive organs under our genital pubic hair. The destruction of either of these threatens our ability to procreate (death or sterilization). In addition, as nose hair serves as a filter so does the coarse hair protecting these two crucial areas of our bodies. Shaving or waxing to look like like a magazine/movie might be more attractive, but, given the fact that evolution has eliminated most body hair (all but this and our heads . . .) it might turn out 10,000 years from now to have been a very bad idea!!! LOL.
Luke Geldmacher 1462
Answered at 6:55pm on February 18th, 2009
Back in the day when humans used to eat naked, food was scarce and I mean scarce. Adding to this problem was the fact that we would always dribble food out of our mouths whilst eating. After a while humans evolved and developed facial hair to catch the small bits that strayed from our lips, but alas this was not enough. Ancient tribes discover that eating while sitting on the ground increased the lap-catch ratio of dropped food while eating. Our bodies naturally responded to this sitting while eating craze by growing hair in our laps to help entangle loose strands of spaghetti or the occasional pee.
Mariano Wini 1224
Answered at 4:52pm on February 14th, 2009
you are probably leaving aside the fact that the pubic and axillary hair exist since the first man on earth. It had obvious reasons as temperature raiser, decreasing friction among adjacent skin, and it could have a protective function against germs.

I think pubic and axillary hair are a vestige. There are many things we have in our body that probably don't need, or at least don't know what their's function is yet. The appendix is probably the best example to illustrate my thought. Why we still have one is another interesting question. It could be the same with pubic and axillary hair. There are people with hair on their back, and they probably don't need to use them to regulate their body temperature.
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 7:55pm on February 6th, 2009
To floss after eating. :P
Sue Irwin New Brain
Answered at 6:26pm on February 6th, 2009
It's to protect the body from friction. Both pubic areas and axillary receive a lot of "action", this way the skin is protected from friction "burns"
Unknown Brain 1830
Answered at 1:56pm on February 6th, 2009
Well, the region you're talking about, in men, actually needs to be cooler than body temp. in order to produce sperm correctly. So again, thermal regulation. And for girls, it's probably for protection. Another interesting question is, why do guys have nipples? I believe God gave us guys nipples because guys and girls are one and the same, and also so that we remember we are the same, even though we have different appearances.
Laura Smith 2366
Answered at 7:25pm on February 5th, 2009
No idea.
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