If you had the power to rid the world of something what would it be?

If you had the power to rid the world of something what would it be?

32 answers , last was 5 years ago

What would you get rid off if you have one wish...or maybe something which gets on your nerves just by the thought of it.


1. Proud, arrogant, Type A people who are boastful and selfish

2. Starvation, poverty.

3. Terminal illnesses - cancer, HIV or bacteria mutation.

4. Economic uncertainties/financial issues

5. Religion (sensitive, but some may find it important?)

6. Environmental/pollution/global warming

7. War/Disputes/Terrorism

8. Your pet peeing everywhere no matter how many times you tell it not to.

9. Others ?

Basically, what pisses you off the most?
(I do sound agitated, don't I? I need some calm meditation and a consult.)

Asked by Sammy Phua in Current Events & Politics at 3:41pm on May 3rd, 2009
David Souza 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 10:09pm on October 18th, 2018
This one will take care of 99% of all evil in the world: Selfishness
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 2:53am on August 18th, 2014
Allison Santi-Nichols 1316
Answered at 8:58pm on April 27th, 2012
Ignorance and intolerance. The other issues will be solved quickly once everyone admits there is a problem and are willing help to fix it regardless of gain or loss on their own part.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 7:18am on November 27th, 2011
poverty hunger corruption inequality malnutrition
Josh Levesque New Brain
Answered at 5:59am on May 12th, 2009
stop signs and red lights. come on i;m gonna be late. hahah no seriously

I would abolish money. No I shouldn't say that. The correct word would be greed. people do stupid things for money because they "want" something that they don't need causing them to lose something they need. people have lost their lives over money. we are going to war right now because of oil and such, all things that cost money. people rob stores and commit crimes for money. people kill animals for money. sell their own personal and sentimental things for money. commit acts of sex and other such things for money. people will do annything to get money. and the only reason that they want this money is because they are greedy and too lazy to work for it themselves. Eliminate greed and you'll elimnate, violence, crimes, and even animal abuse
Sri Ram 1411
Answered at 7:04am on May 11th, 2009
Mine would be under 9..... Others

Would abolish anything which destroys peace of mind. Actually, if ones Ego is abolished then all is gained. : ) All troubles come from us identifying ourselves with everything in this world, If we recognise that all is part of one then nothing will bother anyone. Automatically the world sets itself right.

Tough huh? It is. Then, only other option is, to go through the missery of life.
Jerina Jahaffar 1260
Answered at 4:33pm on May 10th, 2009
Definitely starvation and poverty.
Pete Griffith 1236
Answered at 3:31pm on May 10th, 2009
I would get rid of people who are intollerant of other cultures... and the Dutch people, too.

( c : =
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 8:30am on May 10th, 2009
9. rasicm against homosexuals.

its discusting to me how people treat them like aliens. their people too you know. and have the same feelings as everyone else. so dont treat them like animals.

also number 3. Terminal illnesses - cancer, HIV or bacteria mutation.

and 5. Religion (sensitive, but some may find it important?)
because the value of religion is no longer used for good, but to instill fear in those who can think for themselves, like young children in 3rd world countries, who are brainwashed into become sucide bombers and are told that "god will reward them for their service." thats a load of bullshit.
Atiqa Rafiq 1305
Answered at 8:01pm on May 9th, 2009
I would want to abolish #2. starvation/poverty....
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