God created man or Man created god?

God created man or Man created god?

31 answers , last was 15 years ago

A divine supernatural intangible being which cannot be explained through science or a source of comfort, someone to run to, someone that one can attribute everything to.

Asked by Sammy Phua in Christianity at 1:49am on January 5th, 2009
Kira Groves 1236
Answered at 4:56am on May 14th, 2009
Obviously most of the reviewers missed the little yellow box that says, "Sammy only wants answers that are facts." I have not seen any facts so far in reading over the answers. Personal opinions or experiences are not facts. So I'll offer you a few facts without my personal opinions on the subject.

Fact: The Bible is the most authentic historical document available in the world today as well. This can be determined both by internal consistence, by archeological support, and by outside text support, among others. The Bible should, therefore, be considered as the most valid historical resources available.

Fact: The Bible states that God is eternal and that he created man six days after he set time in motion.

Concluding fact: The most valid historical document available today states that man was created by God.
Ed Shanley 1643
Answered at 4:14pm on March 29th, 2009
god made man in his image..then man returned the favor
Sri Ram 1411
Answered at 4:23am on March 7th, 2009
In Hinduism God is everything. God is all that is. So man is God too. To ask who made whom is like asking , when a pot is in the water, is the pot in the water or is water in the pot. The pot itself is our ego which seperates the water within and the water outside.

The answer is best obtained when the pot (Our Ego) is broken to realise the truth.
Deepak Kotecha 1806
Answered at 4:05am on February 25th, 2009
Put aside God and emotions for a moment. Lets deal with experience. If you go by your gross human senses alone, your experience will be limited to what they are able to perceive. Therefore, everything outside of their realm will be completely unrealized. An overly simplistic example is of radio waves or even x-rays. With our senses, we do not know of their presence. With proper sensing equipment, we are able to visualize them. Similarly, experience the presence of higher consciousness by Yoga and experience for yourself the presence of more than is just within the apparent immediate realm of our gross human senses. Then, you decide first hand. Forget religion, forget science. There is no substitute for experience. You will be able to begin to answer this question for yourself.
Robbie Lindauer 1488
Answered at 11:38pm on February 21st, 2009
The either-or dichotomy here is false. But this is a good question and has a complicated answer.

First, in the major monotheistic religions (Christianity and Hinduism), Man and God are destined to be one and therefore create each other. God is Timeless, beyond our current reality of cause-and-effect, including specifically Christianity and Hinduism. Simultaneously, since the goal of those religions is unification with God. (Jesus prayed "Father, let these be one just as you and I are one"). "If God exists, God created man AND man created God since man is becoming God and therefore when we arrive at our timeless destination of God-hood, we will then have created ourselves (which we in fact are doing right now).

Secondly, the idea of "created versus creation" is a false dichotomy. To be involved in a relationship with something is to be essentially related to it - you wouldn't be the same person if your mother hadn't bore you. Your mother wouldn't be the same if she hadn't bore you. So it is with God. God could not exist without creating us creatures to whom God is dedicated and who create Him as well. Similarly, we could not exist without creating God.

Thirdly, the ultimate explanation for the existence of the universe will always be a scientific mystery. God will always be an obvious explanation for "why there is anything at all" or, for instance, "why are there scientific laws?" The only open question will then be "What is the character of the creator of the universe?" For that, our fourth last answer.

Fourthly, throughout time, people have claimed to have personal revelations and experiences with God via dreams, direct contact, burning bushes, incarnations (Jesus), Angels and other religious experiences. These experiences could be explained as some kind of psychoses but could also be explained as veridical. The method for determining the validity of the claimed experience of a prophet in Israel was that if what they said would come true in the future actually did, they were to be respected as prophets of God. A little research will show that there have been people able to tell the future this way. These people have attempted to reveal the character of God in relation to us. One thing we've learned from those experiences is that God is changing too - changing with us, growing with us. So again, in the sense that we are related to each other essentially, we are creating God and God is creating us "as we develop in time" - in the same way that married couples influence the characters of their spouses.

Lastly, human action is such that we are creating the world - moment to moment, day to day. We decide what will happen next. This activity - the deciding of how the world will be and the ability to make it so - is God-like - it's the same thing we say that God did when God created the world. To conceive and realize a vision of the world.

So the short answer to your question is "God and man are the same" and the long answer you have above.
Jeff Henning 1645
Answered at 7:58am on February 19th, 2009
I strongly believe that God is only a mere creation of men. Most humans are naturally weak, they offer themselves to the slave morality, meaning that since they suck at everything, they make traits like being humble to the next level, and make them "godly" qualities. And besides, most of the people on this earth cant comprehend life without a supposed god, because to them it revolves their little worlds and helps them sleep at night, which is great for them because they are out of my hair. But lets be honest, God, religion, and everything associated with it is man-made.

Another reason I believe this is because people need an explanation for the unexplainable. For everything that they cant explain, evolution, the big bang, etc, the religious platform has to come back with an explanation of their own, and God serves that purpose for them, and as sad and pathetic as this next statement is, its also very true: I once knew someone who believed that the sunsets, sunrises, and rainbows were created by god, and they were 100% gods doing. Now of course, no surprise this ignorant human being will not see secondary education, and Im sure you can see why. People need something to explain the things they cannot grasp, and god or religion is definitely the number 1 answer to use.

I also find that arguments made for the God created man case, are very pathetic and very very weak. Well first off, someone said below that the bible was all they needed. I find this hilarious and also alarming because how did you get to do things like learn to read or ride your bike, because they arent in the bible, so it seems to me the bible is the last thing you need, unless of course you live a life of blind faith and it warms your little heart at night when you think about god.

And to the man who said Creation is NOT an accident, blah blah blah... Who ever said creation was an accident? Evolution is actually the farthest thing from an accident as you can get. Millions of years of tedious adaptation to become the strongest and thus the most likely to survive in a given environment couldnt be further from an accident. Actually its funny because, I consider the story of creation more of an accident, well adam and eve were dropped from the sky, hmm, dropping, falling, all those words would work really well with accident, including your answer.
Lana Manitta Hunanian 1251
Answered at 4:51am on February 19th, 2009
This is not properly categorized as a "fact" question, because it clearly seeks an opinion. I mean, truly, this is an age old question of opinion, faith, religion, etc. Did you believe you would find a "factual" answer to this on Facebook which you would accept? To even ask the question indicates that you would accept no answer as "factual." The best I can say is "both." There is no such thing as a divine supernatural being which cannot be explained through science. Most everything can be explained through science. What cannot be answered is "How did it all happen?" Evolution (by definition) began with the most primitive species . . . where did it come from? And as for our "advanced" species, i.e., humans . . . why do we cover ourselves? Why are our bodies, thoughts, instincts, kept at bay? Evolution from fish???? Then why are there still fish in the ocean nowhere near our level???? I'm not sure that supernatural, intangible, or inexplicable through science or a source of comfort, are REMOTELY accurate. Surely, what explanation is there within science for all of it? And if not in science, then what? Where? God may not have created everything, but he created that which has created everything. Consider the word "God" whatever you wish. It need not be a diving being, entity, etc. But "it" all came from something, obviously.
Susan Thomas 1445
Answered at 3:34am on February 17th, 2009
The answer to the question is both. God (with a big 'G') created Man but then many men/women have created their own god (with a little 'g'). Now, to answer what I think is the actually intent of your question: The Bible states that "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1). That means that he was there before the beginning of anything, He created. If He did the creating, then that means we are included in that creation. Of course that is told to us further down in Genesis.

If you need scientific facts, it's as simple as looking around you. There is intelligent design in all of creation (or nature, if you will). I can't spout the physics of it all but it almost unimaginable that even our bodies could have been put together to work in such a complicated fashion purely by accident and because of that, I can reach no other conclusion other than God created Man.

I could say much more but because of time constraints, I have to end this short answer (I had planned on making it longer but alas, I must get to bed because the world starts turning again at 5:15am tomorrow).
Glenn McCarver 1164
Answered at 3:00pm on February 13th, 2009
Creation is NOT an accident. It shows intelligent design.
Whitney Walters 1317
Answered at 12:38am on February 10th, 2009
Depends on your point of view. as for me i think there is a higher power out there, something had to happen for us to be here beside our parents having sex, and part say people created god because it can not, at the moment, be proven that we just appeard out of nowhere
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