Best Dance You've Had?

Best Dance You've Had?

12 answers , last was 15 years ago

What was the best dance you've ever had?

Prom night with your sweetie many moons ago? A riveting DDR tournament with your best friend at Otakon? Out clubbing then some strange man dancing with you and slipping you hundred dollar bills even after you repeatedly told him you weren't gay?
My all time best dance was at Bourbon Street Station - A Jacksonville Club with 5 rooms (not including the bathrooms). Only the two large ones were filled that night and my friends and I traveled between the two. Anywhoo, we find ourselves in a large group of ladies (all of us and collected others together) and the floor is packed with your bump-it and grind-it music. And I get stuck with this short kid from south carolina who is as pale as... me? So... We're dancing and neither of us can dance with him and after he keeps trying to touch me, I just wander back to the center of my girls and the random dudes that keep creeping up. And then this happy song came on and I saw *the* guy for me. He was beautiful: Long dreads, stupid sunglasses. He came through a huge crowd of people and we started... I guess shoulder dancing? Bouncing? But anyway, he said something silly like "girl, you know how to do it" and then we bounce-danced some (I'm sure there's a technical term for this--note, I am not talking about 'grinding'), he twirled me in circles some, and we did some-sort of version of the tango. We shared some random thoughts with one another. It was soon the last song of the night and he said "my name is Anton" and put his business card in between my bra strap and shoulder. I laughed. Best. Dance. Ever.

Asked by Stevie Hinton in Entertainment at 5:19am on May 25th, 2009
Jeff Newsome 1316
Answered at 6:08pm on June 2nd, 2009
Tricky Question!
My favorite hobby is dancing: I usually go 2-3 days a week for hours on end. It's how I relax and unwind. I'm not sure if I really can choose a favorite: I'm dancing with great friends and having a blast every weekend.
Mich Pearson 1212
Answered at 4:56pm on June 2nd, 2009
I enjoy a good swing dance on occasion, and i have 3 my first is minnie the moocher when a big band was playing i was dancing with this awesome follow which makes it feel like your flying:) and the second was a version of it dont mean a thing it was a very fast verson so when the follow i was with ( a different but also a very good one) dance we went amazingly fast out on the floor, although my legs were like geletonus goo after that i had a great dance. my final was was zoot suit riot with the partner i was talking about, we danced in the back of a crowd during a demo and half the people turned to us and watched us we didnt really notice till the end but we had alot of compliments which makes a man feel good.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 4:48pm on June 2nd, 2009
Prolly when I tried to mosh for the first time in like 10 years, went in with SANDALS, and got knocked on my ass. It was funny.

PS that Anton guy sounds super hot. *high five*
CB Basa New Brain
Answered at 2:54pm on June 2nd, 2009
New Year's Day Morning, my bf and I spent the countdown together and the whole night, of course. We've been going through some ups and downs. He woke me up with the song by Brian McKnight, "The Only One For Me", took my hand and slowed dance to the song. Gosh, it was beautiful. I cried, of course, but felt so great.
Dave Cameron 1200
Answered at 2:39pm on June 2nd, 2009
The quaker is the best dance I have had

"Twice around the dancefloor and then outside for your oats"
Unknown Brain 1260
Answered at 12:45am on June 2nd, 2009
The best dance I ever had was when I was kissed unexpectly by my partner and my legs gave out from underneath me.
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 2:43pm on May 30th, 2009
I have had a few memorable and romantic dances over the years, but none of them was "the best."

My favorite dances of all time were dancing with my daughters.

When they were schoolkids at home, and it was time to clean house, we would put some music on and dance while we cleaned. It made the chores fun, and brought us closer as a family. We had so much fun doing silly dance moves with the vacuum cleaner, or the feather duster. It was a riot!

One of my daughters was especially limber and she did some fantastic dance steps while we worked. She later went on to be a professional dancer for several years before she married and started a family of her own. I love to say..."I knew her when..."
Sammy Phua 1957 Funny Brain
Answered at 3:48pm on May 28th, 2009
I's a pity I need alcohol to progressively increase the confidence to actually dance. Which will take quite a bit to even get me half way there, and it might last only for a while. SO theoretically, I am not able to remember those care free dances due to the death of brain cells, haha !!!
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 11:56am on May 25th, 2009
I love to dance. I'm not a great dancer, but I guess I do alright. I can't remember any particular "dance" that I went to, but I do have a favorite memory of dancing. I was about 12 years old. I had a boyfriend named Steve. He was shorter than me by about a foot, but I loved this guy. We were in my living room. The only other person at my house was my little brother who was playing in the other room. I remember we had the music playing and one of my favorite songs came on. It was "My Love" by Lionel Ritchie. Steve asked me to dance with him so I did. He was a pretty good dancer and I still get goose bumps to this day when I remember that particular dance. I miss Steve. He is one of my favorite ex-boyfriends.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 8:18am on May 25th, 2009
I dont know much about dance but still I love dancing.. good music, loud volume, mood to celebrate and u will have me dancing..
the best dance i had till now was our office party in a small discotheque.. which was booked for us..
being popular among my colleagues I ended up dancing from beginning of the party till end..
dancing is fun..
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