Why did God create Man?

Why did God create Man?

21 answers , last was 15 years ago

Simple really... why would god create us in the first place?

Assuming this fantastical being exists, why would he even bother creating us? All the things bestowed us, looking but not touching. Is it because of insecurity, that no being was there to appreciate the creation, that beings with consciousness were created for one purpose... to admire the almighty's work?

I mean we can't get along, we destroy virtually everything we touch, the hypocrites that say they follow have virtually all broken most of the commandments that they dictate we should follow. Our presence is beneficial only to ourselves as everthing else would be better off without us.

So please tell me why.

Asked by Cameron Trickey in Religion & Spirituality at 10:20pm on January 21st, 2009
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 4:40am on February 21st, 2009
Personally, I think we're all extensions of "God," and it might extend to the subatomic level. I think we were just curious to experience what it was to have the appearance of individuality and separateness. It was just something different to try, like a game.
Jeff Henning 1645
Answered at 7:04pm on February 16th, 2009
God did not create us, simply. I think that people who are either too afraid to except a new concept, to ignorant to listen to a new idea, or just too happy living there lives thinking there is a god, are immune to gaining any higher perspective on life. Everyday I sit through a philosophy class, that talks about how ridiculous you have to be to believe in christianity, or any other religion for that matter, and everyday I walk out more enlightened. Many of the per-modern philosophers believed that christianity was absolutely absurd, and for that reason they believed in it, because it was so absurd and abnormally insane, they had to believe in it.

As far as us "fucking" up everything, I feel like we are just getting our feet wet. O.k. so we fuck up all the time, its natural. No one is judging us on our fuck-ups, we are just learning from them, so that our next generations dont make the same mistakes, I hate to say it, but its the religious nuts and fanatics that ruin people with their talks of heaven and hell because really heaven and hell are just ideas for keeping people in order and in line. Think about it, if there was no "hell" for religion to threaten you with, would you be going to church right now, probably not, because you were raised on going to church, and taught at a young age about "how terrible" hell is, so now you live your life in fear. Religion will always be opposite of rational thinking, and its a shame because way too many are religious
Susan Thomas 1445
Answered at 9:38pm on February 15th, 2009
We were created purely for God's pleasure and to worship Him. He gave us free-will but we screwed everything up (well, Adam & Eve did and we just continue to perpetuate the screw-ups) so now we mostly disappoint our creator.
Melissa Westgate New Brain
Answered at 2:57am on February 10th, 2009
well, I can think of a few reasons why he would create us.

The most obvious reason would be a need for companionship. Sure, he could spend eternity alone, but why would he want to?

The second reason I can think of is related, but not quite the same. He could create us for his own entertainment. Sure, that would make him a little different than most of us think he is, but I think that he probably is different than we expect.

Third, He could create us as an experiment. He might have gotten curious about what beings that can think for themselves would do if they were given free will.

I'm sure that there are way more answers out there, but I personally think it's probably a combination of most of them.
Guaranteed Success 1341
Answered at 8:37am on February 8th, 2009
God created us for the same reason a scientist would create a Microscope. He/She/It/God created you and I for the simple purpose of perceiving physical reality. We are the Sentient Sensory Perceivers that collect data, process it, and save it for future use. We are biologic computers living acute lives unknowing of the implications of our very existence. We are apart of the Creation Expression, no single entity is wholly God, but the collective will of the Creation Expression is God. As far as all the dogmatic traditions on this planet; take or leave all of them because they all have truth and vices for Perceivers to get attached to. No one answer describes the whole other than all the answers collectively. So whatever religion you choose to understand God please realize that it is a tool and not a last stop in your spiritual development.
God is you! You continuously create yourself. What are you doing to make yourself the best person you can be on this planet. Are you a drain on your space or do you seek to help others around you? Other God's just like you! Planet of the Gods where we all have the power to create our own reality. The people who successfully manifest their desires into their sphere of reality are the people who usually are self reliant, self motivated, and very determined to maintain their independence. Those who have poor skill at manifesting turn to outside-self sources of control to regularize the spirit and provide structure for soul/self development. Churches are great for people unknowing of their creative powers. It is important to keep moving forward in your self development, collecting as many tools as possible in your life time. Religious Eclecticism.
Cheryl Mullally 1502
Answered at 1:07am on February 7th, 2009
God made us to worship him. He didn't how ever create the religions we follow, though they are the word of God they are writen by man, and men in general arent very clever. Logically, they wanted power and control, so they interpetted God work in which ever way that would benefit they most. We must how have faith, it is one of the only things all relgions can agree on. For Example

Like all religions, the Holy Religion of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is based upon both Logic and Faith. We have Faith that She is Pink; and we Logically know that She is Invisible, because we can't see Her.
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 9:55pm on February 6th, 2009
There's no reasonable explaination for it, But I did want to comment as it reminds me of a Gary Larson "The far side" cartoon where god drops a jar with adam and eve, it breaks on "earth", and his words were something like "oops".

I think that sums it up in a nutshell.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 3:13am on January 30th, 2009
oooh, yay, talking further! sorry if i'm pokeyish

"Paragraph 1 - No apologies needed, I went to law school and have 'enjoyed' a number of mock trials myself. A more recent philospher once wrote (can't remember who it was sadly) that 'If god exists, he doesn't have a sense of humour. You see, a sense of humour presupposes intelligence. And intelligence requires brain. But god doesn't have a brain?!'
Intelligence requires a brain? Really, does it?? For us maybe--let's not go defining the whole universe by human PHYSICAL characteristics now :X (No really I'm not trying to be a smartass--if God were just, say, a Flying Spaghetti Monster, where is Its brain exactly--and can we assume it knows nothing just because we see nothing but meatballs? Maybe the ground beef has synapses--assuming that's what it is! I think not but it would make communion a lot more fun. Yes I know the Spaghetti Monster is a satire ;P)
Besides, who said God has no brain anyway? It's one thing if It definitely does not exist--but either way no one has seen It so how can we say what It has or doesn't have (Unless the dude was being facetious a la "Invisible Pink Unicorn," like "how do we know it's pink if it's invisible," blah blah blah, how the frik does anyone know what it has or doesn't have, ESPECIALLY if it doesn't exist? Not getting it. UNLESS the guy was satirizing the whole idea of intelligence being a "human tendency" ascribed to God in which case, point taken, but presumptuous as hell, no? Yeah, the humans totally OWN intelligence, man!)

But yes, in projecting my own emotions onto God, I totally admit to that, as it's not like I am capable of doing anything else :) And it's good you notice that too--maybe I misunderstood the question then, as you seemed to be asking "why in the world would the Ambiguously Existent Monster have created us--after all, we totally suck and swallow by all these different (human) standards." Maybe this God is grooming us specifically to destroy everything and likes that sort of thing, as long as we can't assume that the "usual" things for US make IT tick at all. (I am not making fun of you--I'm totally serious--did I misundersand the question after all?)

"My point is, on the religious scale that we are restricted by, what is the point of humans being created, other than to satisfy the insecurities of the the very god that created all of this."

D'oh. Sure seems that way, doesnt' it. But even the insecurity surmising would be projection, no? (And I say this, totally thinking God IS often misrepresented (or invented, take yer pick) by being described as a "big mean man," so I see your point--BUT I'd try not to respond to a fallacy with ITSELF, if that makes sense? For example--Sure, God's insecure. It's just as good an explanation as ANY :X Am I right or am I right. )

"Please ellaborate on how things are not better without us. Nothing natural on this earth or in the cosmos needs us. If we did not exist they'd be just fine. Humans have been around for about 100,000 years, but certain animals have existed for well over 200 million... how did they do it?! As to our removal from nature, anything random occuring on a cosmological scale and we will all be gone in an instant"

Actually that was my point--the earth and cosmos WOULD most likely be just fine without us--NOT better off. Just fine and better off are two different things. To say the cosmos needs us and to say it is better without us are equally flattering to ourselves and our desperate need to think we make this big difference in all existence, if only by our amazing power of destruction. (Oh please) I know that is not whut YOU were saying--I just am explaining that "they'd be just fine" is exactly what I MEANT--"better off," to me implies there would be a difference. I'm sure the world would just go on as always--unless we play some delicate ecological role that we are not aware of--but whatever--in that case, it would CHANGE if we were gone, but not CEASE. O well--it kind of sounds like we agree more than not on this, actually sooo whatever.

But I like the idea, actually of "No need to read God's mind, since It doesn't have one," since either way it's unlikely It has OUR definition of one. We need to consider God NOT to have one, since God's "mind" is not something we are equipped to HAVE a concept of. So I agree but for the opposite reason ;P peace out!
Unknown Brain 1353
Answered at 6:19pm on January 25th, 2009
sorry I'm not putting my children through HELL. Lol
April Drake New Brain
Answered at 8:41pm on January 24th, 2009
Why do parents decide to have children? Because they get joy from them. Children are selfish, mean, and destructive at times. But we still love them with a love that is unconditional. We still love them with a love so strong we would die for them no matter their behavior. God made us because He loves us. We decide to have kids knowing that they are not going to be perfect. But we still have them. God knew how we we're going to be before He made us. But just like parents He did it anyhow. Yes we can be mean selfish and destructive but we also can be kind loving and charitable. You decide. Just like parents and children the parent can love that child with all their heart but that doesn't mean that child will love them back. Same case with God. He made us with the want for us to love Him. No in sad cases that doesn't always happen. But that is why He gave us all a mind to choose. He is called our Heavenly Father for a reason.
Oh and on the hypocrites thing. Just because we are christians doesn't mean we are perfect. God sent Jesus to die for us because we are not perfect. Everybody sins. I know alot of people walk around screaming they are christian and do some of the most horrible things. But that doesn't mean all are like that. Yes, it does hurt the reputation of those that are really trying to do and live by what they are taught. But that still doesn't mean we are perfect. In all aspects of life somewhere everyone is a hyporcrite. I know this is going to sound silly but say your pro choice and believe that it is the woman choice to have an abortion. But if a mother kills her child outside the womb you call it murder. Say your for animal rights. But you will walk on the ground killing all kinds of bugs. What makes the ants life any different than the cows. I know it is silly but we are all hypocrites in one sense or another.
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