Coins over paper? Annoying or prefered?

Coins over paper? Annoying or prefered?

11 answers , last was 15 years ago

Does it bother anyone else when a cashier gives you your paper money and then puts the coins over top of it in your hand?? Whenever that has happened to me the coins seem to slide off the bills in my palm. I am a cashier and I never give out change that way and I seem to have a good response doing it that way. Just curious if I am the only one who is picky like that....

Asked by Unknown Brain in Money & Business at 8:52pm on May 9th, 2008
Chirleen Evans New Brain
Voted for Coins in hand t... at 7:50pm on February 20th, 2009
Coins in hand then bills. Receipt in bag.
John Supp 2272
Voted for Bills than coin... at 3:46pm on May 20th, 2008
I have good enough hand-eye coordination and balance that coins on top is really convenient. It allows me to slide the coins into my wallet very efficiently, though I can see how some would find the sliding annoying if they can't control it.
Joseph Morgan 2400
Voted for Coins in hand t... at 8:39pm on May 12th, 2008
But I can't stand when I have my hand out to accept the coins and the cashier put the coins on the counter, blatantly disregarding me.
Darren Rye 2391
Answered at 4:37am on May 12th, 2008
I'm afraid Jennifer's preparation is fine for those who have separate compartment for coins, but I find trying this normally involves coins falling on the floor as you can't direct them properly. But as I tend to keep my change in my left trouser pocket and am right handed, giving me the coins on top means i have to put them in my pocket across my body, bearing in mind I may have transfered what i bought to my left hand to do accept the money.
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Voted for Coins in hand t... at 5:17pm on May 10th, 2008
Personally, I like to get the change first...for the same reason you mentioned...if the coins are on the top, they end up on the floor.

However, I can see the points others have made.
Unknown Brain 2394
Voted for Bills than coin... at 11:35am on May 10th, 2008
I unzip my zipper compartment of my wallet and wait for my change. then i pour the coins off the bills into it (easy because they slide right off and in), then i put the bills in the billfold part.
Michal Frystacky 1839
Voted for Bills than coin... at 11:04am on May 10th, 2008
This type of action always seemed logical for several reasons. To start with, the bills should be the first thing you are handed back so you know that you are getting the proper amount of bills back. This action also allows the person to opt out of the change so that it can be kept by the cashier or donated to charity. (For example the boxes near the cashiers for charity.)
Lastly, the change is used as weight to hold your bills in your hand for a few seconds which seems thoughtful, but this seems only useful outside(where the wind could blow the money out of your hand).
Darren Rye 2391
Voted for Coins in hand t... at 7:06am on May 10th, 2008
As a man, i put my notes in my wallet and coins straight into my jeans pocket, if they give me the coins on top of the notes, i'll struggle to get the coins into my pocket. However if i get the coins first i can put the notes in my wallet whilst clenching my coins in my hand, and then put them in my pocket.

I personally get really annoyed when they pile it all up, it doesn't make sense.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 1:36am on May 10th, 2008
oh yes it does!!!!!! hehe
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Voted for Coins in hand t... at 12:34am on May 10th, 2008
I don't really have a preference but, I have noticed some cashiers handing change this way.

Considering they put the change on top then sort of slide it in your hand as you take the bills.... I'm thinking this has more to do with the fact that the cashier just does not want too be making physical contact with anyone. It's a logical assumption however, the funny part about it is....the money likely carries more germs than we do!!!!
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