What Is Money?

What Is Money?

14 answers , last was 15 years ago

I'm sure you've heard all the "textbook" answers, but what is it to you?

Asked by Jay Hubbard in Economics at 8:55pm on July 25th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1224
Answered at 3:30am on August 14th, 2009
Money is more of whom you ask. Money is to be considered instruments of debt. If you noticed the debt ratio of our nation and also the rate of inflation, you would notice on a line graph the lines would be the same. You would also notice the value of the dollar in the U.S. would be inverse of the values of inflation and debt ratio.
If there were no debt, there would be no money. If you are interested in how the Federal Reserve runs or how it perpetuates supply and demand into the monetary system.
Jessica O'Roak 1271
Answered at 12:14am on August 13th, 2009
something that i couldn't care less about but need....
Krista Johnson 1271
Answered at 8:42pm on August 12th, 2009
something to get you into trouble.
Jonathan Shannon 2382
Answered at 5:52pm on August 12th, 2009
It means I can buy things.
Mohammad Azzam Choughari 1271
Answered at 4:39pm on August 12th, 2009
Entertainments &
Unknown Brain 1353
Answered at 4:27pm on August 12th, 2009
Money is enslavement. It is what divides us.
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 10:06am on July 31st, 2009
Money is pretty much whatever you make of it...whatever you believe about it.

In reality, it is just paper, metal, plastic, electronic blips, or whatever, that we have agreed to use as a medium of exchange.

I so rarely give it a thought, even though I am considered "low income." It is what it is. No big deal to me one way or another. It does not impress me, nor does it leave an impression on me.

The universe has a great abundance of whatever I need. I have only to receive it. My needs have been met my entire life whether I was ahead or behind financially. It's just one of the gajillion different things out there in the cosmos. Less interesting than a rock, in my opinion.
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 8:27am on July 31st, 2009
Money is a necessity in life, to say the least.
People will gripe over how it is "the root of all evils", or how it can "change a person", or bring up examples of "the curse of the lottory", but in reality.... it's a necessity. Anything can change a person if given or taken in enough quantities.

I had a debate with a coworker named Sophie once. She asked me why I never had kids. I told her flat out... because, right now... I couldn't financially support them. I still feel that way, and to be honest, I wouldn't want kids until I know VERY well that if they chose to want to attend college, someday I'd be in a position to help them.
There is a twisted philosophy about finances these days. All you have to do is look up the average credit rating of an 18 to 25 year old in the U.S. and it'll show you how seriously people take their debts. (They can gripe all they want over the credit card companies... the fact is, they CHOSE to get that card, and CHOSE to use it regardless of the consequences).

Money is a necessity. After all, unless one would be willing to do their laundry with a washboard, farm and grow their own vegetables, shoot game to provide meat, spin whool to make material for clothing, then yes..... it's essential to say the least.
David Warrilow 1200
Answered at 2:11pm on July 30th, 2009
I think money now for most people is a measurement of security, we feel safer with the more money we have. Richer countries seem to be safer and better equipped.

It makes life easier if you know how to use money.
I think in a literal way though money doesn't mean anything...look at money notes, there is no meaning in a note, it is just a promise from a bank, we take it for granted. There have been times when spices were the "money" of the world and probably other things before then.

For me it is just something you work for...then trade for items i want. Sort of like a `middle-man`
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 9:39am on July 26th, 2009
its the liaison between you and the rest world to keep things running smooth.. however it may not be very effective in certain relationship..

its something to be handled cautiously.. sometimes it becomes an addiction..
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