About the dumb broad spitting out the puppies.....

About the dumb broad spitting out the puppies.....

14 answers , last was 16 years ago

Hey all.... long time no see. :P

It's been awhile since i've been on here, But came across something on the TV that absolutely pissed me off to no end.
Looking at the current state of the economy, the rate of unemployment, the school systems, the idea of how much college is going to cost in 18 years from now....

Does anyone else have a problem with that self-centered bitch spitting out the 8 kids, after already having 6, being single, and unemployed???? What are your thoughts on her actions, AND your thought on the f*cking doctor that actually gave her the fertility treatment/ pills, etc.
Jesus H CHRIST!!!!!!! How many years has BOB BARKER been an advocate of "please spay or neuder your pets" due to the fact of how many animals can't be taken care of?????? LIMIT YOUR PETS and TAKE CARE OF THEM??? When the fuck did single white trash mom's decide to play the role of the "stray dog in the neighborhood" spitting out puppies? (but on a dog's behalf, they do it to pro-create... not to milk a welfare check). These fucking kids won't get the attention that they deserve, and are going to be raised on taxpayer dollars. For the love of god, where's the damn limit??
Does anyone else find it somewhat discusting that she's already exploiting her kids (as well as herself) by signing up wit PR and advertising agencies when she just spat out the fucking things?
Any sympothizers on her behalf, please respond. I'm overdue for a good debate. (and please, if you're going to tell me that you came from a large family and did just fine, refrain from doing so unless a) your mom was single, AND b)unemployed already, AND c) was pilfering off the state to raise you).

I'd really like your thoughts here.

Asked by Unknown Brain in Random Questions at 7:50pm on February 6th, 2009
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 7:11pm on February 26th, 2009
Whoops I decided to come back...

Other women? Where exactly are all these other women who make Ms 14 Kids USA NOT an oddity? Anyone with no kids can put up a website for donations--What exactly does Nadya Spit-em-Out have to do with them? There were websites like that before she came along. Now, I don't have one, but incidentally if someone CHOOSES to donate to me, I'm happy to take it. (Yes I said choose. bitch please, there's no gun to your head. So no refunds if my story is bogus, hey??? Shake on it.) Yes I am a bit of a tool, don't tell me ya just noticed now...but seriously: Why EXACTLY is it wrong to accept donations? Granted, I am not condoning sob story salespitches (sobpitches) or saying ppl should use bullshit stories to take advantage of sympathy. (tho let's be honest "scam" is simply a rationalization that allows one to tell themselves "nobody actually needs my help." Jeez, it's TWO BUCKS. Are you that insecure about feeling dumb? And do you HONESTLY think you've never been successfully scammed up till that point??? People act like "getting scammed" gets ya the Mark of Cain or something. it's like, jeez, grow up and admit you're not perfect already...but anyhoo!)

....ppl CHOOSE to donate in response to a story--I say again, no one held a gun to your head. If you were that worried about your money AT THE TIME......? So it goes both ways. Things like this DO operate around everyone's convenience anyway. I still say Octo-Freak IS a hapless, retarded scapegoat...ha similar to Frankenstein really. (the movie one, not the book one.) Her case alone tho, is enough for new laws--but really. Where ARE all the other moms like her? Btw, If you can't find more than say, 1000, by the way, she's still an oddity...
Tracy Jehle 1236
Voted for Tube tie the fu... at 12:50pm on February 15th, 2009
This woman must be retarded in some way...emotionally deprived, whatever, maybe even ADHD (for 6 children weren't enough to take care of?)....What about the doctor impregnating her? Shouldn't he/she have an obligation to protect woman like her from themselves? This woman SHOULDN"T have been taken serious by her doctor, she should have been adviced not to consider any more children! And then sent home to take care of her litter.
I hold her doctor responsible for this!
Alison Vance 1544
Answered at 5:45am on February 15th, 2009
And TMZ got pictures of her getting a manicure....
Unknown Brain 2039
Voted for Tube tie the fu... at 2:35am on February 15th, 2009
She should have stopped @ 6 kids... apparently she didn't appreciate her own upbringing as an only child and has decided to take her issues out on 14 innocent kids just because she can. She needs therapy and to have her tubes tied to prevent a further drag on society.
Jessica Boomhower New Brain
Voted for Tube tie the fu... at 1:44am on February 14th, 2009
That's just not right!
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 4:15pm on February 13th, 2009
By the way I also think she is a media scapegoat for an economic crisis that is mostly the CREDIT CARD FANATICS' own damn fault anyway. (Not to mention Bush, but yawn who wants to hear about him anymore. Not me.) She is being spotlighted BECAUSE she's an extreme oddity. And thus makes for a nice, convenient, NONTHREATENING (retarded woman? come on.) object of bitching and whining for our enraged, credited out entertainment. She is a very OBVIOUS "plastic media crucifix," if that makes sense. I guess that's another reason why I'm sick of everyone pissing and moaning about it despite that I do not support or agree with her decision in any way. You're just GIVING the desired response and not much else. She is an Obnoxious Plastic Doll being held up to piss you off. She's famous BECAUSE there are not more of her. Ah yes, INFLAMMATORY--that's the word I was looking for. The coverage of the story is one big inflame-fest.

Hell, If I were a journalist I'd thrive on pissing ppl off too. It gets more ppl reading your little rag for one. (Yes the Sun Times, MSN News and ALL them are little whinefest raging bloody rags (yes that kind) in my book and are on the same level to me as a pulp novel--ENTERTAINMENT.)

PS: "weight watchers version" cracked me UP. Tho you "eat for two" (or a million) until then, so it may not be the best...plan. (DIET PLAN!)
Mike Qtips 1326
Voted for let her continu... at 7:40am on February 10th, 2009
I think it's unfair of you to assume she's having babies just to collect welfare. If she's that poor, and has that many kids already, maybe she had them for food.
Morgann Peters 1521
Voted for Tube tie the fu... at 9:18pm on February 9th, 2009
While I do not advocate taking away the rights of anyone to bear children (though I have teetered a little towards such behavior in the case of people who neglect/abuse/use their children like donkeys), I must admit that what I have heard about the story is rather appalling. I do not see why she was indicated as being a potential client for IVF when she already had six children. True, I do not see all sides of the story because frankly, like the original poster, the idea of having fourteen children to raise when one cannot support oneself or the six children one already has, pisses me off, and I tend to avoid news articles that rile me up unnecessarily. While I do not advocate for limits on the personal freedoms such as the ability to have children, I do think the doctor should have reviewed her case and studied her economic standing PRIOR to issuing the go-ahead for IVF because he, of ALL PEOPLE, should have been aware of the VERY HIGH RISKS FOR MULTIPLES. I think there are several people "at fault" here, and first and foremost, the blame should fall on the mother, for failing to take her economic status into consideration before attempting IVF (and it begs the question as to where she got the money for such a procedure anyway; with six children to care for already, I cannot imagine that the nearly ten thousand dollar price tag that comes with such a procedure was just sitting around in her bank accounts. Secondly, why was the doctor who gave her the treatments not aware of her family history and current status? Why did he not advise her AGAINST going forward, and if he DID, where are his statements to that effect?

I don't know. I don't pretend to want to be, nor should anyone, this woman's judge and jury. But I think her actions are a little unfair - not only on the tax-payers who will, as some have already said, probably be bearing the burden of her costs because she is unemployed and now has fourteen children for whom she must provide, eight of which are still under hospital care, but also on the children themselves, who will undoubtedly NOT receive one-on-one attention, nor even the basic necessities in some cases. I simply do not find it fair of this woman to have done these things, and if it is true that she did them for reasons as the Duggars appear to have done - for the t.v specials and the "workhorse" ideal into which they seem to have locked their unknowing children - then it is even worse.
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 1:33pm on February 7th, 2009
This is such a difficult topic. I agree with Melissa in the fact that LEGALLY, I don't think you can stop her from having more children...and I don't think that LEGALLY we should. When it comes to a woman's body I don't think anyone has the right to say what she can/can't do (from a gov. stand point). I am pro-choice BECAUSE I don't want gov. involved in MY body...not because I think it's right to term. a pregnancy. With EVERYTHING there are extremes that you have to deal with in order to keep a balance.


It seems to me that the only way to resolve this issue is to go through social services. LEGALLY we can't tell her when/if she can carry and give birth to a child (children).....BUT we CAN tell her she can't keep them!!!!! I know we don't have a perfect system (quite an understatement from my experience)....but THAT is the only legal route we have at this time.

MY ISSSUE with this whole thing is the fact the she prob. did most of this to MAKE MONEY off of it. She wants to be the next Jon and Kate plus 8......She WANTS this media attention so DON"T GIVE IT TO HER......do you hear me Oprah???? Don't put her on your show....the VIEW...same to you!!! Any money she gets to tell her story is just feeding into her!!! Make her sit at home with all those kids and DEAL!!!! Not fly around the country collecting checks for telling her story!!

o.k....i'm done for now! Have at it JJ........
Jody Mena 2396
Answered at 3:17am on February 7th, 2009
I think that woman is going to be incredibly miserable living in a house with 14 children, and I also don't think we have to worry about her having any more kids. Either:

a) her sex life will dry up because she can't find a spare second alone with such a large brood, or

b) she'll neglect them until one dies, and then she'll spend the rest of her childbearing years in prison while her children get passed around the foster care system.

Sad prospect, but the odds are in favor of option b.

You have been missed JJ.
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