Is it just me or...

Is it just me or...

9 answers , last was 15 years ago

I know this really childish cause I'm 16 and it shouldn't matter, but I AM human so.. is it just me or is Rupert Grint like WAYYY better looking than Daniel Radcliffe? I soo love his hair! lol Jeez, I sound like those dumb gushy girls lol. But. I can't. Help it! lol Anyone agree or is it just me? I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to rhyme, total accident, I swear.

Asked by Anna Lee Grant in Random Questions at 4:29am on July 24th, 2009
Jay Hubbard 1316
Answered at 4:15pm on August 11th, 2009
I have no personal opinion, but--scientifically--Grint seems a more-sturdy contraption than Radcliffe ... i.e. probably does better work (workload-wise), thus brings in more wages. Women are naturally attracted by that 'workability,' so ... umm, yeah.... Or Not, whatever lol
Rachel Golden 2191
Answered at 12:46pm on August 11th, 2009
I think he's more charming... but Daniel Radcliffe is hot.
Jessica O'Roak 1271
Answered at 9:08pm on August 10th, 2009
In all honesty its your opinion. but in my opinion they are both goofy looking i thought Daniel was more attractive for a while but now they are just both....err not my type. Although i have nothing against pale boys my boyfriend is probably paler than both of them. Anyway its all in the person whoever you find attractive is not always what others will find attractive like orlando bloom for example....i don't think he 'hot' or attractive at all he's not ugly but sooo not what i would consider to be very attractive as most put it.
Unknown Brain 2141
Answered at 7:30pm on August 10th, 2009
I think Hermione is better looking than both of them, I mean, come on, she has boobs.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 5:29pm on July 25th, 2009
Doesn't matter if it's just u or not :) Think whut u like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lynne Lefler 1950
Answered at 6:36am on July 25th, 2009
I don't know who either of those guys are. I'm old. LOL

It doesn't matter which one you find most attractive. You like what you like. It's okay either way.

I think you show some courage to express your opinion when you are not sure how it will be received.

I hope you run into people who share your opinion about Rupert. It's fun to share that kind of thing.

But it is also okay to be the only person you know that thinks Rupert is cuter than Daniel.
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Answered at 3:36am on July 25th, 2009
You know. . . I am inclined to agree. . . Never really thought of it before but yeah, he is much better looking. Emma Watson is the hottest though :D

Oh, and it isn't just because I am a guy, my fiancee wholeheartedly agrees.
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 12:19am on July 25th, 2009
I like the answer that Marcus gave. I looked at the question before, but didn't answer it because I don't know who these guys are that you are asking about. How can I say either way if I don't know who they are. One person may like Rupert more than Daniel. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Marcus is right, you shouldn't worry about what others think of your opinion on this.
Marcus Clark 1661
Answered at 5:54pm on July 24th, 2009
I see several people have looked but no-one is brave enough to answer. ..... ..... It's just you.

Seriously though, different people have different opinions and when it comes your opinion of which celebrity looks better, the only opinion that matters is yours. Personally, I couldn't care less about either, nor does it matter to me which you like better. Don't worry too much about what anyone else thinks on something like that and be comfortable with your own opinion. If someone agrees with you then great! You have something in common there. If they disagree with you then thats their problem.

No need to apologize for your opinion (or for rhyming.)
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