Will the human race ever realize it's falacies?

Will the human race ever realize it's falacies?

17 answers , last was 14 years ago

The human race has been destroying our planet and the human mind is corrupt and thinks of nothing but it's own benefit. My question is when will the humans be able to realize their wrongs and attain the purity and perfection it had before today's youth was spoiled?

Asked by Christian Sparky in Random Questions at 5:17am on November 24th, 2009
Adrian Cerda New Brain
Answered at 7:08pm on December 19th, 2009
it has just it has not choosen to act
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 5:14am on December 13th, 2009
they realize it but they dont work on it to prevent/stop it
Cameron Trickey 2333
Answered at 4:17am on December 12th, 2009
Ouch brother, tuff first question, or at least reaction there of!

I like your question though and I would answer yes the human race will realise its fallacies. The reason being is that doing so is as easy as changing ones mind. And that's all people have to do, change their mind, or their perception if you will, rather than being caught up in all the distractions that are really there to try and make life a little easier. Not be abused and wasted while others have nothing.

'But what can I do?' we all scream. Change is your answer. You can't beat the system and no-one is suggesting you do. But you can live your life sustainably with at least an awareness of those around you. 'Become the change you want to see in this world' is the quote and if you want a failing polluted world fighting over petty superstition and petro$ then live a life that contributes to that. And saying that's impossible is rare in its truth, it comes down to the will of the individual and why it gets so hotly debated as it is so personal.

It is a tragedy for all of us to live in a world that has provided us the technology to see in uncensored viewing, the unexcuseable fight to survive that so many of our brothers and sisters must endure each day. But while we live our wasteful lives at their expense, we know that even though they suffer there is little we can do, having manifest enough of our own worries to care about. And I think thats very unfair for us. But make small changes in the way you live your life, as small as turning off the lights or shutting off the tap, and this will change the way you feel about the world.

Being compassionate leads to greater self love or confidence which leads to greater happiness. It's a physical change, so sayeth the Dalai Lama. He also says TV is bad because it is a temporary break in a fantasy world (not all of it) to remove oneself from a usually unhappy life. One should make the life happy not seek a break from it to find happiness!

And please no-one take this personally it isn't directed at anyone. We live our own realities, but one should never project insecurities on others when their beliefs are challenged. We should embrace knowledge and being found out wrong so that we can grow. Not hold onto ancient ideas that have little relevance on the world today.

Perhaps not what you were referring to, but ancient civilisations long since lost are believed to have exhisted across all habitable continents during the time of the Golden Age. This Age is spoken of by virtually all scriptures out there. And it is believed to have been a time of peace without fighting. A time where we lived harmoniously with nature as well as with each other, and none were left wanting and all had abundance. It may sound laughable, but if logic can afford us any hope for the future, then logic would surely suggest that the majority of people in this world who accepted one form of scripture to give them hope, must at least give some recognition of a time that is referred to by all the scriptures.

Again, believe what you will it is your own reality, but the characteristics of greed, that are the root cause for virtually all our issues, are inspired by mans own systems. It is however, an un-natural state. There are no other obese animals (other than cats and dogs), because it is natural to take what one needs and nothing else. Squirels do gather nuts, and hamsters look ridiculous when they stuff their cheeks with food, but it's not excess.

So there's hope, but people have to make the changes for themselves. Having said that I'm very open to the idea of remote shared learning (you can look it up), so we don't have to wait for everyone to catch up.
Stephanie Ferrara New Brain
Answered at 9:03pm on November 28th, 2009
Wow what a drag:(
Casey Blankenship 1517
Answered at 9:25pm on November 27th, 2009
"My question is when will the humans be able to realize their wrongs and attain the purity and perfection it had before today's youth was spoiled?"

1. What do you define by wrong? What is wrong to you, is considered fine by another group. What you call purity and perfection, others could call imprisonment and evil. Why do you get to define these things?

2. "Before today's youth was spoiled?" I take offense to this. There's idiots in every generation, why do you assume that yours is perfect and pure? Why, exactly, is my generation accused of being so stupid? I've seen the illiterate kids of my age who were raised on computers, and I've seen the unemployed people relying on Social Security and welfare of the 70's generation. Who, by the way, seem to be perfectly happy spending my and my future kids' tax dollars.

3. ''The human mind...thinks of nothing but it's own benefit.'' For the sake of argument, let's say I'm another species. Would I either, A: Eat another animal for my own benefit, or B: Go up to a predator and say 'O hai can u eat me pls, is for tha benefit of othars.'

I see no difference, and I laugh at your logic. (P.S., 'fallacies', not falacies.)
Daxson Motis 1626
Answered at 7:47pm on November 27th, 2009
the fact that this is a question that you chose to ask makes me laugh. humans pure and perfect before this generations youth? puh!
Michael Cooke 1905
Answered at 7:21pm on November 27th, 2009
Such a peculiar question. The idea of a purity and perfection prior to today's
'youth', truly boggles the mind.

The human mind is an exclusively subjective mind, we cannot share the mind of any person other than ourselves. So it's an accomplishment of no small degree to genuinely think of others, a feat of empathy and imagination.

Globally human being does need to stop destroying the planet. And the reality seems to be it's not going to happen before the planet is destroyed enough to threaten the lives of even the wealthiest of us, and then we'll do something about it. Can Human kind survive that way? Thrilling, isn't it? Will human kind destroy itself or persevere? Be sure to tune in next week to see what happens next!

It's an attractive idea, why can't everyone just think the way I do, then the world would have no problems! But the reality is that if everyone thought the same, the human species would be endangered. Diversity is the strength of a species because circumstances are not predictable. Humanity will never survive if we lose our diversity. The corrupt and selfish are part of the survival mechanism of the species.
Kalen Burwell 1416
Answered at 7:04pm on November 27th, 2009
The human race is one of repitition and tradition. Surely it will continue what it has learned to do as long as it has the means. That is until an outside force causes it to do differently. I believe that humans were originally creatures created one step lower than the angels. We were intelligent and near perfect. Until Adam and Eve caused the "Fall". From then on we were to be punished by experiencing death, as well as all the imperfections that comes with aging. One day things will be great again though. For more info read the Bible and get saved. All the answers are in there.
Chamath Herath New Brain
Answered at 1:03pm on November 27th, 2009
you know what ,they will never learn indeed!!!!!
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