Whats the most honest, loving and beautiful relationship a human being can experience?

Whats the most honest, loving and beautiful relationship a human being can experience?

22 answers , last was 7 years ago

Whats the most honest, loving and beautiful relationship a human being can experience?

Asked by Anonymous in Love & Relationships at 2:58am on May 13th, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 5:38pm on June 18th, 2017
Your relationship with your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins etc. and marriage.
Jonas Elder New Brain
Answered at 1:37am on May 21st, 2009
our relationship to generalizations, stereotypes and absurd declarative statements.
Avijeet Tomer 1526
Answered at 5:09am on May 20th, 2009
The one between lovers.
Denise Betegh 1294
Answered at 11:35pm on May 19th, 2009
the relationship between man and nature. from the begining of time to now, we cant survive without nature. plants and animals feed us and give us nutrition, while also providing shelter and other essentials to our existance.
Aharen Richardson 1416
Answered at 11:22pm on May 19th, 2009
The most honest, loving and beautiful relationship within human beings is with God. No matter what dogma you practice: no matter whether you see God as Shiva, Allah, or as one of the many human messengers throughout time (Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, Zorastor, Abraham, Adam, The Bab or Baha'ullah), or even as the animating spirit of the natural world or as the scientific laws of the material universe, the relationship with the eternal self, the God within, is incomparable to anything else on this earth including the most beautiful mother-father-child relationship, friendship, husband or lover, or even the love for the earth and its creatures, an everlasting relationship that is realized simply by acknowledging it.
Kristine Morgan New Brain
Answered at 10:40pm on May 19th, 2009
I can say like many others... Mother and child. Only when the maternal bond is strong. I have seen women and men turn away from their children. But there is something unique about the maternal bond with a newborn baby. You carry that child for 9 months, feeling it every day. There isn't a second that goes by that you are not AWARE of your baby inside you. When the child is born, the love is so natural and innocent and beautiful. It's not something you have to try to do or think about.
Pooja Dogra New Brain
Answered at 6:30pm on May 19th, 2009
the most honest,lovin and beautiful relationship in human being is PARENT -CHILD RELATIONSHIP , one experience this as a child and when he/she become parent of a child.....thank u
Heather Macmichael 1359
Answered at 5:26pm on May 19th, 2009
I have been in a lot of relationships, be it romantic, professional, etc etc etc.
Animals would take the cake if that was an option. But in this case, it isnt.

It's odd how this question is worded....
Yes mother and child, but what about all those father and child's?
why can't it be a 3 way relationship between parents and their new baby, or 4 when there's an older sibling involved? Why wouldnt others be included, such as grandparents, long time family friends. EVERY relationship is beautiful, some of them turn sour. But they're all there to serve at least one purpose, which in itsself is a beautiful thing. I think it's amazing that people CAN have relationships in this day and time, haha...there's so much going on, so much to fear, so many STD's (for example), so many people who refuse to let themselves get into any such situation, so really, to me, it's a miracle every time someone has love with another.

I have found true love in my life time. I am very aware that this is a rare thing. It's gotten away from me before. And once it's gone, life seems to turn rather colorless and pointless.... It's hard to just walk away from that regardless of the ending circumstances. So call me a sucker.... but I highly doubt I'll ever feel that with anybody else ever again. I've attempted it.
Deneen Matteo-Madera New Brain
Answered at 5:15pm on May 19th, 2009
Parent and child....there is nothing more honest or beautiful!!!!!
Quinn Anderson New Brain
Answered at 5:02pm on May 19th, 2009
I am going to say the relationship between a mother and a child. It is the most pure, selfless and unconditional love that I have ever experienced.
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