Would you stay with someone you loved if they got a sex change?

Would you stay with someone you loved if they got a sex change?

29 answers , last was 10 years ago

You've been in a committed relationship with this person for a least a year and were totally prepared to spend the rest of you life with them. You are madly in love with each other.

Please explain fully why or why not.

Asked by Bev Lewis in Love & Relationships at 11:19pm on June 17th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1594
Answered at 4:35am on October 4th, 2013
yep, to make threesome!
Kayleigh Parsons 1140
Voted for Yes at 2:00am on August 13th, 2009
if it was my fiancee then yes i would cos i love him for him not for what he looks like even tho he is totally george
Andrea McKenzie 1337
Voted for NO at 1:51am on July 26th, 2009
I honestly don't think I could. I mean, if I was with a boy who wanted to be a girl, I'd know about it, and most likely I wouldn't be in a relationship with them because I just can't treat them the way they'd want to be treated and still treat them like a lover. My lovers are guys, I'd treat them like guys, and I'd always need to think of them as guys, even if all they want to be is a girl. It's not fair to them and its not fair to me. So no, I would not stay with them.
Lynne Lefler 1950
Voted for NO at 9:22pm on July 19th, 2009
First off...I have personally met several people who have had gender changing surgery. Every one of them lived as the opposite gender for some time before having the surgery. They didn't wake up one morning and decide to go down to the hospital and change genders, because they were bored or something. They had long identified themselves as opposite gender, even though their reproductive parts indicated otherwise.

I'm pretty darn sure if I were in love with someone, I would have noticed that dynamic long before I decided that I was willing to spend my life with them. Heck...I can notice that in people I have barely met.

So, if I was in love with, and attracted to that person anyway, that would indicate that I would have to have bi-sexual tendencies. I am pretty sure I would have noticed THAT about myself already if it were true.

I am totally straight, personally, so that scenario would not even happen to me, because I would not be willing to even experiment with an alternate sexuality, personally. I would never chose to spend the rest of my life in a committed sexual relationship that was not heterosexual all the way.

I can be good friends with someone without wanting to be sexual with them, and without falling in love with them, and wanting to have a committed life-time relationship.

I support anyone's decisions to live their sexual life the way they feel like living it, as long as no one is being sexually abused or exploited. I feel like living mine in a monogamous heterosexual way, and that's the way I do it.

Unknown Brain 1224
Voted for undecided at 2:14am on July 3rd, 2009
Some of you don't understand that changing your gender does not change your sexuality but just your sexual parts by making them appear a way in order to mimic the opposite sex of which you were born. It does not change your sexual preference at all. That's a psychological inborn preference.
It would be a difficult decision in order to stay with a person that changes their gender for the sake they have been one gender for so long then switches to another. It would be a hard adjustment but I know if I became a woman, it would be an adjustment.
Marie Sacco 1360
Voted for NO at 4:09am on July 1st, 2009
I'd have to disagree with Erin because the person I fell for had that BAd Boy Charm... it's why I fell for him. Can't see myself with a Bad Boy in pumps and a skirt....just isnt the same

they may not have changed , but they weren't totally themselves to begin with
Erin Looney New Brain
Voted for Yes at 1:32am on July 1st, 2009
The person you fell in love with hasn't changed at all.
Stephen Mole 1349
Voted for undecided at 8:11pm on June 30th, 2009
Quite fancy having a sex change myself, putting the high heel on the other foot, so to speak!
Unknown Brain 2141
Voted for NO at 6:59pm on June 30th, 2009
I'm not bisexual. Also, that's really weird.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Voted for NO at 5:56pm on June 30th, 2009
it sounds like the commitment is only from one side .. the other party didnt.. so better move on.. why stay?!
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