What do you do when you have 3 children and your husband beats you.

What do you do when you have 3 children and your husband beats you.

39 answers , last was 6 years ago

Do you leave... he is sorry afterwards... his fury and rage are aimed at the kids when they don't pick their toys up...

Asked by Anonymous in Love & Relationships at 6:54pm on February 24th, 2008
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 8:56pm on February 27th, 2018
Beat him back..two words: Ring Taser
Jason Imbimbo 1367
Answered at 12:39pm on March 4th, 2008
.............................................................Leave.................................................................................... All you are teaching you children is it is ok to beat or be beaten. there is more help out there than you could imagine. You local Sherif's Department can help you find the resource's. Personality's seldom change (once a beater always a beater).
Andrés Rodríguez Boughton 2245
Answered at 1:03am on March 4th, 2008
Get someone to kick his ass, call the cops, TAPE IT.
Ally McDade 1984
Answered at 5:16pm on March 2nd, 2008
leave. tell him to get help. go to a relative's
Unknown Brain 2141
Answered at 12:36am on February 28th, 2008
Take a bite out of crime! ARF!
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 5:32pm on February 27th, 2008
Call someone!!! State agency, shelter in your area, councelor at your child's scool...anyone who has agency connections. THEY WILL HELP YOU MAKE A PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not stress enough how important that is. They will help you figure out HOW to leave so that you and your children are safe and protected. They will help you figure out the best way to leave and keep with you as much as you can financially. Please call someone and make a plan!!! NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ABUSED!!!
Ciara Boudreaux 1293
Answered at 11:44pm on February 26th, 2008
Do not stay with him. I know it sounds easier said than done, but you need to for you and the kids. If you don't think you are strong enough to do it for yourself, do it for your kids. Raising a child in this evironment is extremely damaging, believe me, I of all people know. You and your kids deserve better. No one should have to go through that. And if you allow him to do this to the kids, your relationship between your children and you will suffer.
Veronica Yousif 1271
Answered at 11:27pm on February 26th, 2008
PLease leave him, I was the kid in that family and it's not fun being raised that way, I know it's hard, but if you don't do it, when your kids grow up, don't count on them being there for you because you weren't there for them.
Matt Hodges 1401
Answered at 3:47pm on February 26th, 2008
call family services, this is not normal or right. you coudl be held liabel if anything should happen to them. this is not a joking matter
Caleb Stallsworth 1593
Answered at 10:57am on February 26th, 2008
Get the hell out of there and take the kids with you. Go to a battered women's shelter. They'll help you and the kids get your life back in order. It will be tough at first, but things will start to get better. You have to get yourself out of situations like that.
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