Ex Pet Names?

Ex Pet Names?

13 answers , last was 15 years ago

I know this question might seem mis-categorized, BUT I'd like to ask if you have any pet names or code names for your ex and or your ex's new better-half..

Some examples are:
Linty McLinterson
Lint Licker

You get the idea. I'm thinking that there might be some pretty funny ones, thus the comedy category. Especially from those who have children - since you need to speak in codes when putting your ex down....

Asked by Jennie Peakes in Comedy at 1:35am on March 3rd, 2009
Brooke Rhodes 1749
Answered at 7:10pm on March 29th, 2009
that Temperature and a Shape. - She never shared anything. also the ice cube....temperature: cold shape: square.

She who changed her preference.- turned to lesbianism after numerous crappy boyfriends

Call Dropper- dumps you by leaving a message on your parents answering machine.

Hole in my wallet- stole my money
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 7:15am on March 27th, 2009
My sister has names for her 3 ex-husbands

1) Mr. Big (he is tall) And the woman he left my sister for she calls "The Georgia Peach." (She's from GA)

2) Mr. Sleaze ('nuff said)

3) Wonder Boy (He is 10 years younger than her.)

And the woman Wonder Boy left my sister for, she calls her "The Air Bag" because the woman had emphezyma and was on oxygen.
Unknown Brain 1416
Answered at 2:52pm on March 26th, 2009
There are many Beautiful names : 1- Adena
2- Blossom
3- Mitzi
4- Muffy
5- Carly
6- Cassie
7- Neko
8- Pearly.......
Miranda Opalewski 1283
Answered at 10:36am on March 10th, 2009
tiny man cuz he has a small dick......
plus he cheated in my with spreads em.. as in her legs she had her first son when she was in 6th grade and dropped out of school....
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 11:35pm on March 5th, 2009
Foghorn Leghorn - shaped just like the cartoon character, even stuttered.
That Fucking Soul Vampire - abbreviated to FSV AKA The Tick
Duckie - as in, BITCH, ya better duck!
Laura Smith 2366
Answered at 5:23pm on March 5th, 2009
John Grant 1276
Answered at 12:57am on March 5th, 2009
Easy Peasy (I had sex with her 45 minutes after meeting her, I took my time)
That Crazy Wiccan Girl (She threated to cast spells on me)
That Crazy One I Dated For Half A Day (She was just crazy)
The One (Who wouldn't give up)
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 11:41pm on March 3rd, 2009
My brother's ex is known by me as "Crazy Juice" because she is just a big bottle of crazy juice!!! Really.....she is legit crazy...she just won't cop to it.

She has other names too....but they are just strings of swear words :) (although Loose-y Douche-y is one of my favs. ...she cheated on him with a few different people so I think it fits)
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 3:48pm on March 3rd, 2009
Aside from the usual Dipshit and Cat Man (I seem to be a MAGNET for Men With Cats. Course even the ones who don't have kitties get named Dipshit too, if they warrant it. oh well. Why SHOULD guys, or even general ppl, not even worth remembering in the first place, Each Get Their Own Name? lol)

But as far as INTERESTING names there was one thay my friend and I called Mr. Chocolate Cake ohhh but it's a long story that has nothing to do with actual cake ;P
Zee Zee 2308
Answered at 3:00am on March 3rd, 2009
I nicknamed some pricks from the past
Krazy Krackhead Keith
Choke dope
and I'll never forget when my dearest friend finally dumped "homer simpson ass"
My husband has these two ladies in the past that I've combined into a hybrid due to the last name of one and the 1st of the other and created "amy fisher" you know that crazy ass bitch with Joey Buttafuoco...the long island lolita.
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