Is there such thing as pink lemons?

Is there such thing as pink lemons?

9 answers , last was 16 years ago

If not, please explain the existence of pink lemonade.

Asked by Unknown Brain in Food & Drink at 5:43pm on March 5th, 2008
Unknown Brain 1557
Answered at 6:23pm on March 18th, 2008
There is a fruit known as the variegated lemon that has green-yellow striped skin with pink flesh and can be used to make "naturally" pink lemonade (i.e. without the little bit of cranberry juice or strawberry juice or yuck! dye). But the existence of pink lemonade actually has an interesting back story. All fruits, like flowers, actually have a gender associated with them and while some can switch from male to female and back again at certain points in their lives, they are always one or the other, never both at the same time. It was found after some trial studies in 1939 that pink lemonade is made from gay lemons. That is why there was no lemonade in Germany in WWII. Because Hitler just couldn't be sure. Strange but true. Known fact. Check Wikipedia if you don't believe me. In about 20 minutes.
Jessica Ramos New Brain
Answered at 2:07pm on March 18th, 2008
yes there is a such thing as a pink lemon (called variegated pink-fleshed Eureka lemons) but they usually don't make pink lemonade from it they usually add the color
Chuck Digate New Brain
Answered at 8:05pm on March 8th, 2008
Food coloring and artificial flavoring make it look and taste pink.
Jadzeea Wanaha 1305
Answered at 10:31am on March 8th, 2008
Yes there is but only on the inside, i saw one at an ag fair.
Desmon Dunn 1950
Answered at 10:32pm on March 7th, 2008
like this?

***real pink lemonade is made from these lemon. But what you get at walmart or whatever is made with coloring and flavor***
Andrés Rodríguez Boughton 2245
Answered at 6:28pm on March 6th, 2008
It was made when "Wacky" was "Radical"
And pink lemonade is wacky as hell.
Thats my best guess.
Aaron Young 2263
Answered at 7:54pm on March 5th, 2008
The pink lemonade you buy in a bottle (all manufactured and crap) has food coloring in it.

BUT! If you want to know or are wondering about homemade pink lemonade, it is either a bit of grenadine or raspberry juice (usually it's grenadine).
Unknown Brain 525
Answered at 6:20pm on March 5th, 2008
Pink lemonade can be achived by adding colors, such as blue, yellow, red, etc. Preservatives are another way colors are altered, but there are no pink lemons. The lemonade is just chemically altered. Hope that helps.
Unknown Brain 525
Answered at 6:18pm on March 5th, 2008
I work for the United States Department of Agriculture and I can honestly say that I have never come across a pink lemon. However, I have seen orange lemons (an orange/lemon hybrid). If it were possible, the only way would to get a hybrid variation of something like a (lemon/grapefruit). Otherwise, I'd say no.
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