Why would a scar that has been white for YEARS suddenly turn pink like when it was "newer?"

Why would a scar that has been white for YEARS suddenly turn pink like when it was "newer?"

5 answers , last was 16 years ago

It is only part of it--the scar is almost an inch long and and eighth (?) of an inch wide. The middle section (almost a half inch of it) is turning pink, similar to how the whole scar looked when it was more "recent," before turning white. I thought maybe a blood blister? I can't remember for sure if I've knocked it against anything recently. (It is on my hand) And yup, I did check to see if I'd just spilled something reddish on it!

I'm not actually worried or concerned--I'm just very CURIOUS. I've heard of scars opening up and even bleeding a lil--but do they do it after this long?? The scar is 9 years old.

Asked by Melissa Merritt in Health & Fitness at 7:16pm on January 26th, 2009
Scott Parker 1212
Answered at 2:03am on February 7th, 2009
Scar tissue exposed to sunlight does get pink, even if it has been white. My son has a scar on his cheekbone from a sledding accident that is faint when he is not in the sun, but if he gets outside without sunscreen on a summer day, it will turn pink and stay pink for a few days.
Laura Smith 2366
Answered at 11:21am on January 28th, 2009
Perhaps you are gaining weight and the scar is stretching, think of stretch marks which are actual scars, when they are healing they lose pigmentation but when they are stretching they become pink.
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 5:56am on January 27th, 2009
Scars can change colors for any number of reasons - and they are mostly temporary. If it is on your hand, position relative to your heart is most likely the reason -hold it over your head and see if it changes again. Scars also do hyper pigment - sun exposure can turn them darker.

I have a feeling that Jim's scar is the same.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 3:40am on January 27th, 2009
What Jody said..... I was going to mention a scar that I have on my knee that changes color constantly, because of flexing and banging it while working. For example, if I am doing flooring of some sort without knee pads, it becomes irritated and pink/red. If I am just walking around doing the usual stuff it stays almost white......

But Jody's reply sounds much more... informed. :)

Forgot to mention, this scar is over thirty years old, and still changes.
Jody Mena 2396
Answered at 3:20am on January 27th, 2009
The redish hue of a new scar is a product of broken blood vessels and inflammation of the surrounding tissues. Once a scar turns white, it means the wound has healed, but the pigment-producing cells in that section of the dermis have stopped functioning - after nine years, it's not likely they've suddenly started up again.

It is either a minor hematoma or a subdermal irritation of some kind - something that would increase the amount of blood flow to the site. You probably knocked it against something without realizing it, or else irritated the tissue somehow, maybe by overusing that hand (like in typing) or stretching the scar tissue (like if you twisted your wrist a weird way or something). I wouldn't worry about it. Scar tissue is actually tougher than skin because of the built up mass of collagen fibers, so it's not so likely to tear or start bleeding on you.

On the off chance that it does reopen, be sure to keep it clean and dressed, and use some antibiotic ointment on it - if it's irritated and reopened, there's probably a minor infection. If the site gets swollen and hot, go to the doctor to have it looked at - you may need anti-biotics, or even stitches, depending on the size and depth of the original wound, the scar and the new damage. But odds on it's nothing to get upset about.
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