"/> Proof that there is a god...

Proof that there is a god...

31 answers , last was 10 years ago

I have faith that there is a God, however I do not believe that it can be proven that God exists. What do you think?

Also read this article. In my opinion, every point made can be explained by scientific reasoning.

Asked by Ciara Boudreaux in Religion & Spirituality at 4:18pm on February 26th, 2008
Unknown Brain 1594
Voted for I believe that ... at 4:25am on October 3rd, 2013
I believe in Jesus. He is good. True him!
Thiago Oliveira 1746
Voted for I have faith th... at 4:06am on March 15th, 2008
Nature is amazing. Nature in the sense of it on the earth and in the far depths of outer space. It has all these complicated governing mathematical and scientific laws that keep everything in order, and all of these laws have been there before any human discovered them. You think science is man-made? A large part of science is discovering natural phenomenon that's always been there and applying it for human use.

Irregardless if you believe in the Big Bang theory or not, there had to be something before that for all of that to come from it, and before the big bang the laws of Physics and Chemistry had to already exist. So call it what you will: a higher power with intelligent design, random natural phenomenon. If God exists, he created those laws and ideas. (Although of course at this point in human history it can't be proven nor disproven, it is all a matter of opinion)

Like the old Arab saying goes "Not even God can change the degrees inside of a triangle". But ask yourself, how did it get to be like that in the first place? If the big bang is the start of the Universe, then the universal laws of mathematics need somewhere to come from as well.
Matthew Chasco 1298
Voted for I do not believ... at 10:33am on March 11th, 2008
If you can't prove something or have good evidence for it, then a belief in this thing is unjustified. You're welcome to do it, but don't expect to be taken seriously.
Andrés Rodríguez Boughton 2245
Voted for I believe that ... at 1:42am on March 4th, 2008
Damn this place is magical, there has to be something beyond.
Joey, I like your answer.
Joseph Valasquez 1221
Answered at 10:18pm on March 3rd, 2008
You are the proof.
Henry Yanes 1271
Voted for I do not believ... at 3:35pm on March 3rd, 2008
come on wake up people!!! if you need religion and a god then go ahead believing what you must, for your own survival. If you dont need anything then free yourself from all the things holding you back.
Jeff Henning 1645
Voted for I do not believ... at 2:30pm on March 3rd, 2008
As I live my life without religion, I find myself more enriched and prepared for the obstacles to come in life, and I do not believe that there has been proof or there ever will be proof of God. However, I do respect people who are deeply religious, because many of them are not complete idiots about their faith, they are not blind. However there are people involved with religion who give it a terrible name and these people I have completely ignored my entire life because I find their arguments void in the realm of conscience.

I think religion is an excellent weapon for keeping people in line. Think about this, If you knew that there was no such thing as hell, and that no matter what you did you would end up going to a better place no matter what, There would be no reason to act civilized. There would be no reason for you to live a good "christian" life. You could murder, steal, rape, anything you wanted and you would still be granted access into the after life. However, with the implementation of Hell, a certain fear is placed in the minds of Christians, and that fear leads them to live normal lives.

Now like I said though, Religion is a weapon, and in the wrong hands it has caused so many problems and in no way has offered any solutions. The holy wars, religious persecutions, and so on would not ever existed in a world without religion. Which leads me to believe that religion is a good idea, but in the hands of human beings it becomes a destructive weapon and excuse for people to murder or kill and blame the devil possessing them.

God, for now, and most likely will only exist in ones mind. There is no solid evidence for the fact that god existed and so therefore I find it completely ludicrous for people to tell me that he is real. I also find it extremely ridiculous when I tell people that I do not believe in god or hell and they respond by saying "Well we will see how you feel when you are being judged." That bears no mark of fear on me. Because I do not believe in such things, I find myself laughing on the inside as these remarks of fear and hate and jolted at me.

It also upsets me when people of one religion bring down other people of different religions or even the same basic religion because their ideas are right and everyone else's ideas are wrong. This upsets me the most because as of right now, no one is correct. It is all theory, faith, and ideas. I see no scientific fact that Jesus walked this earth and therefore do not believe in it. However, I do have faith. I have faith in myself. In my own conscience. I have the faith that I will get things accomplished on my own terms, not someone else's. I am not dependent on a higher power, I am independent. If things turn out the wrong way, I do not blame them on god turning a blind eye, I blame them on myself, because I am responsible for my own actions. The problem with religion is that people are so quick to spread the blame on someone other than themselves. We talk about needing to be so responsible in life, and yet many people are afraid to accept responsibility for their own actions.

I also do not believe that the fact that we are on this earth is proof that god exists. I believe strongly in evolution. I believe this because science shows it. It is simply impossible to completely discount the theory of evolution because it is not in the bible. Look at the evidence, look how ape transcends into man. Look at how closely related we are, and evolution is not done. Evolution will continue to occur, it just does not happen overnight. It is a slow process that is built on millions and millions of years of trial and error and experience that causes a creature to evolve, and that is why we are here. Saying that one almighty being placed us on this earth is so far-fetched it belongs in Hollywood.

And yes, I have read the bible, a few times so I'm not someone who simply knows nothing of it. However, I find the bible to be a book of clever contradictions. Clever because so many people believe in it and follow its words, and contradictory for obvious reasons. Everything from the order of creation to noah's arc, it is simply contradictory. Another thing that I do not understand is where are the people who follow different religions or have no religion at all go? How can that be determined? It simply can not, and you can not say that because you do not except Jesus into your heart that you deserve to go to hell.

So to conclude, I do not think there will ever be proof that god exists, because right now god is something that is delved into peoples minds, and since that is only a thought or idea, it is not real. However, for people who do believe in religion that is completely fine and will continue to be fine but you must admit that there is no feasible evidence of that existence.
Cameron Trickey 2333
Answered at 12:03pm on March 2nd, 2008
I'm with you Tammy. I would love to know why it is that someone gives you a thumbs down rather than a simply anonomous posting.

Is someone upset by the observation and acceptance of fact that I have made in this world? I would love for someone to explain why it is that they have given me a thumbs down.

Not that I ultimately care, but this, and any discussion between believers and non-believers, is essentially an exercise in wasting ones time. It is impossible to have a balanced discussion when a group of people are arguing from a viewpoint that is without evidence and based on faith, while another party requires fact based and evidentiary observation.

If you were upset with the fact that the faith you have followed is simply repetition from many previous cultures then please go and do some research. It's not a 'theory' but merely observed fact and can be easily concluded when one bothers to read outside of the box.

Having faith is fine, but having blind faith is not. For all those that are devoted and have a special place for religion in your heart, I am happy for you, but if all of this comes without at least a portion of your education involving the study of ancient cultures and their very similar beliefs, then you are simply cheating yourselves. I could think of nothing sadder than speniding your lifetime missing out on experiences or dedicating what little time you have to an ideal that ultimately turns out to be wrong - what if there are no pearly gates when you die? And I don't fear hell, which is where I am doomed to be apparently, because I don't see how living a just and moral life will be punished for eternity because I was neither baptised or christened and never accepted Jesus Christ.

And for those religious people that believe in heaven but not hell, it simply doesn't work that way. The faith is based off of duality and opposites; us versus them; good versus evil. Without hell there is no heaven, so if you believe in one then you have to believe in the other. I believe in neither, so surely neither will come my way upon my departure from this physical existance.
Moses Jimenez 2167
Voted for I believe that ... at 12:01am on February 28th, 2008
it will be proven to by one, when you die and get to see him at the pearly gates
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Voted for I do not believ... at 11:55pm on February 27th, 2008
You cannot prove or disprove God. I personally do not believe there is a "God" in the sense that there is some almighty being that created everything and loves everyone equally. It is too far-fetched for me to put stock in. However, I also do not believe that nothing exploded into everything, since then something would have to ignite nothing.

I believe that since there is no way of EVER knowing, seeing as how we will never be able to know every detail about the universe, it is a waste of time trying to say we do know. I am here, that is all I know for a fact. I don't know if you are here, for all I know I could be the God of my own imaginary world. All I know is what I think and what I do, everything else is up for debate. Let someone else debate it, I have better things to do with my time.
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