Do aliens exist?

Do aliens exist?

13 answers , last was 10 years ago

What is your opinion on aliens?

Do you think they live in our galaxy or just other galaxies?

Asked by Peter Lappin in Science at 7:26pm on December 30th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1594
Voted for they exist and ... at 8:22pm on October 4th, 2013
if they exists, why they don't show up?
Alexander Baggett 1750
Voted for they exist and ... at 2:49am on January 4th, 2010
There are a variety of them, they do exist. Some are friendly some are not. Almost all of them have better technology than us in every aspect of life that technology applies to. Some of them use biotechnology such as living machines and what not. Some live in higher dimensions on planets within our solar system. There I said it.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Voted for they exist and ... at 2:45am on January 4th, 2010
Of course aliens exist!! In our galaxy and all others. We're the lower life forms!! We have been advancing at a very slow pace compared to other life forms.
Sammy Phua 1957 Funny Brain
Answered at 3:43pm on January 3rd, 2010
Well, if the assumtion that aliens or higher intelligence beings do exist, I definately would not believe we will get a visit from them any time soon. Analogy - Humans talking to ants. Imagine talking to an ant, telling them about the latest medical breakthroughs, wanting to share with them about DNA unfolding, quantam mechanics, multiverses, etc. It is a different level of intelligence and i reckon dimension as well. Likewise, Aliens may communicate at a level whereby no latest scientific technology may ever comprehend. Detection is unlikely. But one can never disprove the existence of Aliens. I can believe by faith that there are living beings in another parallel universe, but one can never say im completely wrong. It is easy to conclude as fallible human beings, with limited intelligence to assume that because the galaxy is so big, there must be water, or life form somewhere out there. Cos we are talking about light years. And practically as humans, we compare that to an hours car ride and say that the universe is SIGNIFICANTLY MASSIVE (when compared to light years). But to Aliens, if they exist, a light year may just be a normal stroll in the park for them. Therefore, the probability of alien's existence to a naive human brain would of course be feasible and worth continuous research. But I will not be surprised that one day we will find something. Likewise in the dark ages, when the church were against scientists discovering other planets. When technology was advanced enough to prove their hypothesis, only then did they believe...
Joseph Morgan 2400
Voted for they exist and ... at 10:08am on January 3rd, 2010
They do exist - but you and I will never know them.
Derek Fedde New Brain
Voted for they exist and ... at 1:16am on January 3rd, 2010
I believe yes, that there are other intelligent species in our galaxy, and in others. Just think, we live in a very very small, small portion of our arm of the Milky Way. We are just on of billions of planets, and just as many solar systems. The chances of there being other intelligent life are great, even if it is only a few of them. We can't just have been a random fluke or random occurrence. Just think about all the intelligent life here on Earth. Sure none of the species here are as intellectual as we are, but given enough time, there might be others as, like dolphins, wales, various species of primates. They all could be just like us in a few thousand years, and if that can happen on Earth, why not the rest of the galaxy, and beyond?
Casey Blankenship 1517
Voted for thy dont at 12:30am on January 3rd, 2010
If we are a fluke, we're a extremely lucky random phenomenon that happened by chance. Intelligent life on earth as we know it could be completely different from other life forms' definition of intelligent, perhaps we are a lower life form than aliens and they do exist, but we just can't detect them?

Intelligent life could form from anything, perhaps there are a few intelligent nebula out there, or some form of life we can't imagine. I honestly believe that there is at least some bacterial activity somewhere, we just haven't found it. However, I don't believe intelligent life will ever exist aside from us, we're special.

For life to even start, the chances are extremely minuscule. You need to have a certain amount of elements in a certain amount on a certain size planet with and atmosphere composed of a certain amount of certain gases, said planet needs a stable axis (a moon would be a plus, tides are conducive to life), a certain size of sun and said sun needs to be a certain type. These are all the variables I can think of, and this is only scratching the surface.

The chances of life forming are 1 in a uncountably high number. I'll refer to this number as 'Darwin's number'. The chances of even 1 simple protein forming by natural processes is 1 in 10^113, and life is made of thousands of complex proteins, let alone intelligent or complex life.

Bottom line, I think we could find bacteria somewhere, but we'll never find anything more complex or intelligent than us.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Voted for they exist and ... at 12:22am on January 3rd, 2010
don't believe me????, check out Washington DC
Unknown Brain 2141
Voted for they exist and ... at 8:51pm on January 2nd, 2010
I don't know if they exist in our galaxy, but I find it hard to believe that life did not evolve independently at several other places in the universe, if not millions.

The universe is huge. More vast than we can ever imagine.This Mandelbrot zoom will give you an idea of how big it is... (ignore the annoying noise, or just turn your speakers off)

So if life could evolve on a speck of dust rotating around an average sized star, and not only human life, but abundant life, everywhere... I find it highly improbable that similar or even identical conditions do not exist elsewhere in the universe, and have not formed life.

Earth could be the only planet with life. Maybe in some fluke, in the ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE, our almost infinitely microscopic speck of rotating dust was somehow the ONLY one in which DNA formed, and replicated, and continued to replicate over millions of years, evolving into our plants and animals, forming a perfect ecosystem.

But I don't think so. I think if the right conditions are met, life just happens. It's a natural phenomenon. I expect it to have happened elsewhere in the universe, or to be happening right now somewhere else.
Michael Cooke 1905
Voted for thy dont at 7:19pm on January 2nd, 2010
I voted that they do not exist.

Understand that the idea of life outside ourselves is more COMFORTABLE than our representing the only life there is. Because it's frightening to believe we're alone means that the idea that we're not, intuition that we're not - it's all contaminated with self interest. -Just like the hypothetical human soul.

In there here and now there is NO evidence for life in space, there is only evidence that life on earth is so fucking statistically impossible that hard core atheists contemplating it, may conclude there must be a GOD.

It is possible we may discover consciousness in OUR world that can shake things up. If there is a Gaea consciousness, if the earth is self aware (which Buddhism vaguely suggests as possible) - then all of it is alive - the Moon, our planets and all the galaxies of the universe. Life doesn't have to be like us to be alive.

But just to be silly, a joke I use to offend Environmentalists is this: (sarcasm)We are the ONLY life in the Universe! The Universe is out there for US to populate! - And we're not going to fulfill that GREAT DESTINY, unless we use our planet first! (saracam)
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