Would you pay money to see infamous criminals while they're incarcerated?

Would you pay money to see infamous criminals while they're incarcerated?

25 answers , last was 6 years ago

I was watching a documentary on Ted Kezenski tonight locked up in the supermax in Colorado, and it got me to wondering......
If there were ONE prison, that held all the (live) infamous criminals in the country, ... Charles Manson, Ted Kezenski, etc. .... and they were put on show as an exibition where the public could pay to see them, would you pay money to see it? It would be like... going to the aquarium, or the Zoo. Venders could sell individual cigarettes that you could give them if they did tricks like rolling over, etc. ..... would you do it? (this is stretching, But how cool would it be if you could buy a long stick to poke them with!) Maybe whomever spit the biggest loogie on them could get a 2 for 1 pass. *shrug*
I want to apologize in advance if anyone is offended who lost someone by a horrid crime, But if the funds went torward restitution and paying for their incarceration, would you pay money to see it?
I know this is a strange question, But i'm curious.
Personally..... I would. Any takers?

Asked by Unknown Brain in Entertainment at 4:56am on February 24th, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Voted for Id throw peanut... at 10:02pm on July 5th, 2018
😂😂 best question ever

They’d probably appreciate the visit
Unknown Brain 2031
Voted for No thanks. at 4:48pm on April 11th, 2009
I like my entertainment a little less.. real world. If I want criminals on tv doing cute tricks, I only need to turn on the evening news.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Voted for No thanks. at 1:09pm on March 24th, 2009
No.. certainly not.. i dont like watching any kind of offense done to anyone.. who are we to judge whether the person was right or wrong..

Instead of paying money to watch all that i would rather make use of it in a better way..
Marcus Clark 1661
Voted for No thanks. at 1:01am on March 13th, 2009
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Voted for No thanks. at 1:46pm on March 10th, 2009
No. I might pay money into a general fund...maybe an IRS checkoff box on the tax forms. I don't care to get close to bad-actors. I'm grateful that there are people willing to work in law enforcement and prison guards, etc. It's not for me. I'm too likely to excuse bad behavior on the grounds of abusive upbringing, or mental illness.
Markus Engvall New Brain
Voted for No thanks. at 5:51pm on March 5th, 2009
I allready feel sad about animals in a zoo who would be better off where they belong! All 'infamous' do not belong to jail, but orhers do, and those who do should not get more attention than regular people struggeling to make ends meat! Those later I'd gladly pay an entrence fee if that could help them in their everyday life!
Pauline Rusert 1200
Voted for No thanks. at 1:03am on March 4th, 2009
Nice that you actually mean infamous, as opposed to famous. No, either way.
Mustafa Hussaini New Brain
Voted for No thanks. at 8:14pm on March 2nd, 2009
I would feel my humanity die, being entertained by the suffering of others!
Unknown Brain 1164
Voted for No thanks. at 7:46am on March 2nd, 2009
Nope . . . isn't attention a big part of what many infamous criminals are seeking? Wouldn't give them the time of day.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Voted for No thanks. at 3:06am on February 27th, 2009
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