Ever not be war?

Ever not be war?

17 answers , last was 15 years ago

I was wondering, that during a time on this planet, that there will not be any war of what kind. I know it may not happen, but do you ever think there would be a time?

Asked by Unknown Brain in Arts & Humanities at 10:52pm on June 30th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 10:23am on July 30th, 2009
Nope. Our species will be eradicated before that ever happens. (Sucks... but it's true).

*ONE little example out of probably billions, is economically and culturally in our OWN country. War is profitable. Very. Now.... imagine the odds of every single person in our govt. having a 100% interest in global peace. (it'll never happen). But in theory, lets say it did.... that would be ONE example of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of different influences that would all have to coenside at once, for this to be possible. You're talking about eliminating things like Greed (imbedded in our own culture, let alone throughout the world), Power (which nobody just "gives up"), you're talking about open and heartfelt communication (never happen)..... etc. etc. etc. The variables are never-ending.

The best peace of mind is to have a strong family, with strong values and stick to them. That's as CLOSE as you'll get. (sucks, but its true).
Pete Griffith 1236
Answered at 11:39am on July 15th, 2009
I can imagine a world with no wars, no fighting, no violence, no crime... And I can imagine us attacking that world, because they would NEVER be expecting it! Easy win.
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 11:53pm on July 14th, 2009
I think we can each do our part to process our painful personal emotions BEFORE they cause harm to us or to other people. We can all learn peaceful resolution skills, and we can practice random acts of kindness.

We can learn and practice things that impact lightly on our home planet.

Peace is mostly a state of mind/body/spirit. Let's continue to educate ourselves about it.
Brent Taylor 2317
Answered at 11:38pm on July 14th, 2009
From a religious standpoint, what you're talking about is often referred to as "the Millenium."

Several religions believe in a time when Christ or another powerful deity will come and rid the world of evil and restore peace.

On the flip side, it is believed that such a peaceful state existed before the Fall of Adam.

So if you're asking me... yeah, I think there was a time without war. And yeah, I think there will be a time again.
Stephen Mole 1349
Answered at 4:54pm on July 14th, 2009
Simple, ban 'God (and good) is on our side' and 'We know better than them' as reasoning.
Marie Sacco 1360
Answered at 4:10pm on July 14th, 2009
I wish and I pray for that!
BUT>>>>>> with that said I don't think so

David says we are intelligent, we are, but we are also intolerant. The intolerant wage war and the intelligent profit the 2 are a deadly combination.
David Warrilow 1200
Answered at 4:04pm on July 14th, 2009
It is a nice thought...but if we learn by history then i would have to say it is basically impossible, for aslong as we have known there has been wars.

Even in basic evolution form tribes fought for hunting ground, and we see this with most animals that fight each other for food and territory.
I think that possibly in a state where maybe this planet was under attack that countries would fight together, even then there would be some sort of power political war.

Also you must consider religion, as long as there are religions that contradict each other, then there will most likely be religious wars as there are now and have always been.
I think peace lies with equality across the world which in itself is extremely unlikely, there has always been an "Alpha" whether it be in a tribe or now a country, possibly consider U.S.A. or the U.N. as the "Alpha"

As Kevin said we are intelligent and perhaps you would think we are intelligent enough to overcome wars and see the affects on the world and its inhabitants around us, but it seems that our intelligence and technoogy makes things much worse.
Back when wars were fought on a field with 2 armies and the majority of casualtes being soldiers were a much more intelligent way of fighting.

I disagree with Cory, i believe war is usually fought by brilliant minds, Hitler himself was very clever and so were his ideas, however he obviously had a bad way of going about it. Churchill was brilliant with how he conducted defense...many great leaders have great minds and wage war for intelligent reasons and knowledge. The only problem is that there will always be a loser.

Although there are advantages to war...during war time and indeed just after some of the largest wars there have been great inventions and advancements in technology and a sense of pride for a country. War is a devasting thing, but it is instinctively natural to us and will bring out the best in some people but in many cases will bring out the worst.

Hope this helps =D
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 3:35pm on July 14th, 2009
gay question to be asking
Ben Conver 1294
Answered at 5:01am on July 7th, 2009
I think the possibility exists that after humans have completely exhausted the Earth's resources/habitat/ atmosphere and have driven numerous beautiful creatures to extinct status but before we colonize another planet that the day will come that we all agree to disagree. We will finally realize that everyone is different and it is those differences that make us who we are as a person and give us meaning. For without those differences in thought/religion/emotion/lust or whatever else what would be the purpose in being alive? One quote I live by is "If it was easy...what would be the point?" Also because as a unified body every person on this planet has helped in taking advantage of this planet whether its through littering or not helping out a fellow man/woman in need we will all finally come to the conclusion that instead of killing and oppressing one another we should, instead, work on trying to survive. To live. To repair the damage that we've done. Eventually, but I fear it will be once the moment has past, humans will evolve to a state where things that really matter are our concerns and things that are not worth "Spilled milk" will be cast off as needless and productive-less stressors...

But gas prices will still SUCK!! LOL
Unknown Brain 1830
Answered at 3:52pm on July 3rd, 2009
No. War is the natural result when the deficit of supply as compared to demand reaches a certain breaking point. Certainly, we fight wars for other reasons, in some cases religious, etc, but these are the exception, not the rule.

Wars are primarily fought over territory, resources, control, and power. They aren't limited to our species either- certainly, our technology and sentience make our wars larger, more impressive, and more catastrophic to the world around us, but we are not the only species that makes war.

In fact, we're one of many species that makes war in some form, ranging from packs of higher primates that will fight other packs over territory, food/water sources, and whatnot, all the way down to colonies of ants that will invade other colonies, slaughter the adults, take all the stored food they can grab, and even the other colonies larvae, to be used as slave labor.

All that said, given the fact that we are intelligent, sentient creatures, one would assume we could work it out so that things are divided to the point where noone has to fight.

The problem is, on top of being intelligent, sentient creatures, we are also at the whim of primal instincts and irrational emotions, to a far greater extent than most realize.

The only way that resources could be distributed to the point where nobody was lacking and everyone's needs AND wants were met would be to live in a global socialist society- And this won't work, because the only way to enforce that stability is to almost completely eliminate individual rights. As freedom loving animals, we don't have it in us to stand for that permanently, and there would be revolution and war for freedom, and then we're back to square one, with people fighting for territory and resources.

And this doesn't even TOUCH on war that exists for the purpose of power, control, and ideology- these concepts would have to be completely purged from mankind to prevent these aspects from causing violence and eventually escalating to warfare.

And without ambition and ideology, are we truly anything more than animals?

War is an unfortunate fact of life for us and for all species that engage in it, regardless of the reasons.
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