What does it take to piss someone off?

What does it take to piss someone off?

10 answers , last was 16 years ago

Just wondering what it takes to upset someone. I've evidently done that as I've just received 8 thumbs down for answers going back to april 3rd all at the same time. And some for quite benign answers. No biggie to me though I'm just here for fun.

What does it take for you to snap?

Asked by Cameron Trickey in Random Questions at 6:11pm on April 10th, 2008
Moses Jimenez 2167
Answered at 1:16pm on April 13th, 2008
act like u kno everything...i kno that would bring me over the top.
OR wen someone tells u a "crazy story" that happened to them or of wat they did, one up them. for example, they say they were runnin from the cops...u say the cops caught u and u fought them away from u...do this with any situation, that pisses ppl off.
Sherif Basry 1443
Answered at 3:44am on April 13th, 2008
or this can piss u off

What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa What does it take to piss someone off? haaa

i think by now u r pissed off
Sherif Basry 1443
Answered at 3:42am on April 13th, 2008
stare at ppl makes them crazy, n when the occasion wants u to ba active n nervous just be cool n talk slowly this just piises off everyone
Stevie Hinton 2322
Answered at 12:45am on April 13th, 2008
Rude people when I'm at work; Rude people can make me go crazy in any setting if I'm in the right state of mind for it, or depending on the degree of rude. Rudeness is like the ultimate affirmation that someone thinks it's okay to be abusive and thinks it's okay to act as if he or she has no conception that other people exist. Rude people can be so hurtful without even realizing it. I get so mad sometimes, I get so frustrated why people act like horses' arses, but then I just try not to be rude, myself, in the future, and let it go... However. Sometimes people come into the store, late saturday nights, and I swear they are lucky to leave without injury.
Unknown Brain 2391
Answered at 2:30am on April 12th, 2008
I am a pretty understanding and controlled individual HOWEVER if you cut in front of me in traffic then slow down or are going 40 in an 80 we may have a bit of a misunderstanding. Oh yeah and if you mess with one of my spawns I will tear you a new one then put you face to face with the old one.
Laura Smith 2366
Answered at 10:36pm on April 11th, 2008
I personally don't give thumbs down because I can't judge your opinion, if I agree or feel it is well thought out I have no problem giving a thumbs up. The only thing that it takes for me to get pissed off is disrespect.
David Souza 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 8:28am on April 11th, 2008
It takes a lot get me pissed off. Other people... sometimes nothing at all, just looking at some individuals is grounds for a beating.

I have gotten a thumbs down from you as well for no apparent reason. I didn't care though, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
This whole thumbs down thing is becoming ridiculous. Seems to me that in this case somebody was out to get you; like a vendetta of sorts...
Aaron Young 2263
Answered at 8:27pm on April 10th, 2008
I don't get pissed off, through some psychological defect instead of getting pissed off I just start to laugh uncontrolably... I think that whatever it is is funny. Usually the other person then gets pissed off at me or they'll start laughing... eh, life's a joke.

Yep, those thumbs down are rampant these days, I saw someone get four on one answer... but oh well, life's a joke, and it's all pretty funny to me.
Stas Urban 2168
Answered at 7:44pm on April 10th, 2008
it doesnt take much for me to snap to be honest with you i was raised by abuseive drunks and well i got their temper all i can say is at least they gave you a thumbs down and werent knocking your door down
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 6:28pm on April 10th, 2008
No worries Cameron... the roving thumbs down bandit shows up every now and then to reek havoc on the unsuspecting. They are closely related to the Great Pumpkin.

As for snapping..... it takes alot for me to snap but, when I do........ I see red and nothng will come between me and the object of my pissedoffedness!!!! Hey!! Cool word. You heard it here first folks. :D

Your one of the good shits here Bro.... just bounce ;)
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